Civilization IV

I often play as Russia which tends to work really well, other civs are good though

as for upcoming games - Civ V is due out in the Autumn. I believe Civ Network is due out in the summer. Network is going to be a game playable through Facebook
This thread brings back memories.

I bought Civilization for Windows (Civ I) even before I bought my first computer. I bought it in 1994, and did not have a computer until January of 1995. It was that addictive a game.

I've owned each version of the game. I bought Civ IV late, but as soon as I had a computer which could run it.

Looking forward to Civ V, I had thought they had abandoned the PC when I saw Civilization Revolution on the market for consoles.
I bought Civilization for Windows (Civ I) even before I bought my first computer. I bought it in 1994, and did not have a computer until January of 1995. It was that addictive a game.

I've owned each version of the game. I bought Civ IV late, but as soon as I had a computer which could run it.

So which is your favourite version so far? Personally I think Civ IV with the Beyond the Sword expansion is the best with Civ 2 some way behind it. Whilst there are aspects of Civ was good. I may try and get it to work on Win7 64 bit at some point for the hell of it

I do think Civ III was the weakest of the bunch. TBH even though I own it I still generally played Civ II till IV came out
I don't know. After playing a few more games as China and India in 3000BC, I've come to the conclusion that my style of play just doesn't suit RFC at all... :mad:

I know what you mean, I could never get the hang of those.

England from 600AD is a real hoot though, although rather tough indeed on the hardest level. In the mid level though the world is your oyster and you can experiment with a range of strategies in a fun way.

Germany is also fun as well.
England from 600AD is a real hoot though, although rather tough indeed on the hardest level. In the mid level though the world is your oyster and you can experiment with a range of strategies in a fun way.

I tried being England. I ended up with the Aztecs, Maya and Inca as my vassals. Later, my other vassal, Khmer, kept delcaring war on China, who was Spain's vassal... :mad:
I agree. It looks like they're just stripping away everything that made it Civ and generally dumbing it down. Hexagons is fine, but...........One unit per tile?:mad: Taking out religion and culture:mad::mad::mad: One leader per civ?:mad: And using Wu Zintao for China?:mad:
Well, I suppose there are some other good points like eaders speaking in their native language in sound, but still:mad::mad::mad:

1. :mad: smilies. You have too many.

2. They didn't take out culture. They took out religion and espionage.

3. You don't need multiple leaders since they got rid of generic leader traits.

4. Agreed on Wu Zintao.

5. One unit per tile worked for Panzer Generals and the new system kills the stack of death and makes tactics important.
Can I shill for the mod 'Fictionalization IV'? I'm a writer for it (despite the fact that the mod itself won't actually work on my computer), so I feel that it is my duty to pimp it. What other mod can you have Dracula fight Jed Bartlett, Aquaman, and the Frog Prince?

But seriously, folks, Civ IV is probably one of the best strategy games ever, in my opinion (and since strategy is tied with Zelda-styled adventure games for my favourite genre of video game, that says a lot). Glad you like it, Dave!
Can I shill for the mod 'Fictionalization IV'? I'm a writer for it (despite the fact that the mod itself won't actually work on my computer), so I feel that it is my duty to pimp it. What other mod can you have Dracula fight Jed Bartlett, Aquaman, and the Frog Prince?

It looked cool and I downloaded it and everything but it CTD on me after the first turn. :mad:
Agree with the concerns that people are showing regarding CIV 5- it does sound as though they are taking out too much, but it is still early days. Lets face it though, anything that is missing will be modded in in fairly short order. Hoping my Macbook Pro can handle it- don't want to buy a new computer to feed my Civ addiction.
Can't help you there. The mod creator is a regular on civfanatics- he should be able to help.

I do like it though. I'll load it up some time once I finished with my current game with Spain.

Which reminds me, this is one of the most interesting games I've played. I was the #2 power for the longest time and then Argentina and the entire continent it controlled went up in flames as a German rebellion ended up taking up more than half of the continent.

The entire continent balkanized under a few more civil wars until Greece came in and ruined it for everybody. Argentina used to be the be the military and technological leader and while it's military been shot to bits due to Alexander carving out a piece from Argentina and the German Rebellions, it's still #3 in technology. They would've been number #1 if I hadn't created a colony.

My largest problem is that my empire is relatively small. I do have four vassals, one of which capitulated to me after a war. Because of this, I was lacking oil and coal. My vassals do have oil and coal but not the techs needed to take advantage of the resources (because I turned off tech trading) so I ended up invading the two-city Dutch Empire.....that was on the south pole.

The Dutch were the weakest empire and easiest to take out (their most powerful unit was the longbowmen but I had frigates, trebuchets, riflemen, and cavalry).

Right now, I'm worried that the Viking may try to invade....again. They failed the first two times utterly and completely (stopped them before they even reached the shores) but my vassals are not nearly as powerful as the Vikings. Greece has me a little nervous as well.

Wang-Kon has to be the most annoying leader in the world at the moment. He jumps onto bandwagons and declares war on Germany whenever Germany and Greece are going at it, despite the fact that the Germans have an army larger than the population of Korea.

I'm hoping not to get dragged into a war with Greece. My army is outdated right now since I spent the money modernizing the Navy so I could strike at the Dutch way across the map (I'm on the North Pole pretty much).

I have two large concentration of forces. One in Amsterdam to make sure the city doesn't start a revolution and lose me my only source of oil and another in Santiago, on the "main continent" where most of the Old World Civilizations are. Luckily, the Native Americans have a somewhat large civilization that should slow down any Greek Invasion (no chance they would stop it though).

Luckily, if push come to shove, I can push out some Early Tanks at a moment's notice.

Agree with the concerns that people are showing regarding CIV 5- it does sound as though they are taking out too much, but it is still early days. Lets face it though, anything that is missing will be modded in in fairly short order. Hoping my Macbook Pro can handle it- don't want to buy a new computer to feed my Civ addiction.

But it looks like it's still more than Civ3 and previous iterations. :)

So far, they've just taken out the things that came with BTS and religions and it isn't like those things were dynamic in the game.
Okay, so I played a long 'learning' game and managed to comfortably get a 'time win' (not sure just what that means). I played as Rome, managed to settle a big chunk of the main continent, and then crossed the ocean to the 'new world' and conquered nearly all of it, plus a couple of Atlantis like islands in between. Thought it was kinda odd but neat when I found that if you garrison troops on all your borders (peaceful or not), you slowly expand those borders into enemy nations somehow. Meanwhile, I watched the Incans conquer Spain (!), got into a brief spat with the Mongols when they dared to claim a chunk of the New World that I wanted, and thought it most amusing to have tanks and helicopter gunships taking on the barbarian longbowmen and cavemen of the new world. Never did get my hands on uranium though, so I never did get to nuke anyone...

I'm going to try another game, now that I understand how it all works...
Okay, so I played a long 'learning' game and managed to comfortably get a 'time win' (not sure just what that means). I played as Rome, managed to settle a big chunk of the main continent, and then crossed the ocean to the 'new world' and conquered nearly all of it, plus a couple of Atlantis like islands in between. Thought it was kinda odd but neat when I found that if you garrison troops on all your borders (peaceful or not), you slowly expand those borders into enemy nations somehow. Meanwhile, I watched the Incans conquer Spain (!), got into a brief spat with the Mongols when they dared to claim a chunk of the New World that I wanted, and thought it most amusing to have tanks and helicopter gunships taking on the barbarian longbowmen and cavemen of the new world. Never did get my hands on uranium though, so I never did get to nuke anyone...

I'm going to try another game, now that I understand how it all works...

A Time Victory means the year reached 2050 and you had the highest score. Also, I'm not sure putting your units on the borders actually does anything to shift the borders. :confused:

The Incan UU is notorious because it's spammable and is a good counter to archers. At the time the Incan gets it, archers are usually the best defenders in the cities.

One more friendly piece of advice, nukes are powerful but works backwards. The more you use them, the more global warming affects your own territory. The other guy has to deal with fallout however.

On another note, after nearly 6000 years, the world in my game has stablized. By that, I mean the Revolutions and balkanization has ended for the most part. There are 12 civilizations in play (up from the starting 7 but lower than the highest of 18). Only four of those are "free" nations. The rest are vassals.

The most powerful nation is the Polish-English Alliance. However, on their own, they're barely stronger than the Vikings, the fourth most powerful nation. I come in at second and first overall (I'm Spain). Greece is third.

My island hasn't had to deal with warfare and is probably the only place on the map where two armies haven't battled it out.

Argentina has really fallen. Argentina became a superpower during the Ancient Age and was easily the most powerful nation on the planet, from wealth to military power to culture. However, a huge civil war broke out during the Middle Ages and Argentina ended up losing most of it's land to the rebelling Germans. Germany was now the military might on the continent.

Eventually, the Holy Roman Empire was born on the continent but it's been weak the entire game. Greece ended up going to war with most of the powers on the continent. Sooner or later, the Holy Romans and Argentine formed an Alliance but still ended up vassal-ing to Alexander.

Me, on the other hand, saw an easy target and ended up taking the remnant of Germany. Today, there are three powers on the continent.

Spain. The Incans (under Alexander) the Argentine-Holy Roman Alliance (under Alexander).

So yeah, things stabilized around 2025. By 2040, war was waging once again. This time, the fighting was between the Spanish and her vassals and the Vikings and their vassals.

The Vikings did ok at first. They lost a city on the Viking-Vietnam Border (Vietnam is my vassal). They did well on the Naval side, doing substantial damage to my navy and the five aircraft carriers. His three light bombers were destroyed on the ground by my early jet fighters and overall, I had air superiority over the Viking mainland.

In the end, the Vikings were booted from the mainland. Their still powerful enough that Israel, India, and China still bow down to them. However, I didn't really gain much this war. Vietnam grabbed the capital (I handed it to them) and another city (likewise). The English, being jerks, called a Apoloistic Resolution and ended up getting Newcastle from me.

And I was hoping that hitting the Vikings as had as I did would cause his vassals to rebel but they didn't. Worst, because of all that's happened in that region, the whole place could balkanized and the last thing I want is those damn Koreans somehow jumping back into the game (Korea has came back from the ashes twice. Once in Dover (took them out) and again in Liverpool (took them out).

I have to keep an eye on Vietnam. They volunteered to be my vassal about five hundred years ago and with all these gains, I'm afraid that they may be getting cocky and thinking that they don't need me anymore (they do).

Right now, I have the tech to build Atomic Bombers and ICBMs but I'm holding off from building the Project. The last thing anyone wants is the next Viking-Spanish Union War to go nuclear.

Or Vietnam.

Also, because I turn off tech trading, progress has been slow. My jet bombers and Main Battle Tanks are the most advanced thing on the field and in the air. There are some 3rd World nations still using riflemen and even the Vikings haven't made the complete jump from frigates to Destroyers (they mostly have but they still had one or two left).
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Also, I'm not sure putting your units on the borders actually does anything to shift the borders.

maybe it's something from one of the add ons? I know it works because the French did it to me first, until I wised up and packed the border with troops, and took it all back (and more)... :)
maybe it's something from one of the add ons? I know it works because the French did it to me first, until I wised up and packed the border with troops, and took it all back (and more)... :)

There are two addons that I can think of that do that. Influence Driven War (part of Revolution and any mod that includes it) and Realistic Borders.

However, in IDW, pillaging enemy tiles and killing units on their turf adds your culture to that tile and surrounding tiles (in other words, moving the borders).

In Realistic Borders (not what's it called but close enough), your military units can claim enemy tiles and unclaimed tiles and borders cease to be affected by borders but the only mod I can think of that has that is Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn.

Maybe you built a building that increased culture output in a border city, thereby pushing your border outwards?
Remember earlier when I said I was surprised the Vikings kept all their vassals and the region didn't balkanized like crazy? Well, I was half wrong. 1. India and Israel broke off from the Holy Viking Empire. 2. The mainland didn't balkanize but the Viking Continent did. There was a Mongolian Uprising in Jerumsalem (controlled by the Vikings) and due to the potential violent nature of a civil war, the Vikings ceded control of a few cities to another set of rebels who formed Pakistan. What could be better? Pakistan immediatly asked to become my vassal (India did to but they were at war with the Mongolian Rebels at the time and I didn't want to get involved because I haven't fortified Herbron yet).

Here's a map.

That city in the southeast corner is the one ceded to me in the peace agreement that ended the Spanish-Viking War. The light purple cities are Viking Cities. The new Viking capital is the city farthest north.

Light purple is India and blue is Israel. The pink cities to the northeast make up China. The green cities is Pakistan, former Viking cities.

As you can see, before the war, the Vikings basically controlled this entire continent. Also, the year is 2038. The reason this game is going slow is because I turned off tech trading the mod adds a lot of modern age units and techs but didn't push back the beginning date (some mods push it back to 6000 BC.


Edit: The Mongolians had another uprising in the Viking Capital city (squahsed) and then a few years later, they're attemping it in Hebron. Problem? They wanted to join Israel and what ended up happening is that Israel is trying to get involved. The good news? I'm using supersonic fighters and jet bombers and they're still in the "Airship" stage.

Edit2: The war escalated and the Vikings with their Chinese vassal jumped into the fray. An amphibious landing against the Viking capital city took them out of the running. He capitulated and returned Hebron to me (now he's civilization is known as the Viking Duchy of Jerusalem. Spain has taken the Chinese capital as well. After their master capitulated, they were freed and are continuing their war against me, as is Israel. However, their main units are riflemen, ships of the line, and even the Chinese UU that replaces crossbowmen.

They're fighting against an army armed with WW2 era rifles, marines, paratroopers, Main Battle Tanks, jet bombers, supersonic fighters, cruisers, battleships, and several aircraft carriers with three different generations of fighter planes.

Everything seemed sane until a revolution occured in Nidaros, the first Viking capital which was controlled by Vietnam. Now, I'm fighting against the Vikings (again) who are going to take Hebron (again).
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you can have more than the origanal civs?

Argentina? you can play as them?

Yes and yes. But this is a mod I'm playing.

On another note, 43 turns until I'm declared winner through the space race. Problem? Because the Polish went tactical nuke crazy against Greece and the Incans, I keep having random fallout strike within my borders.

So yeah, I'm building a stockpile of bioweapons, ICBMs, tactical nukes, and Atomic Bombers.

Some numbers now. I have

19 Tactical Nukes
13 ICBMs
10 Atomic Bombers
27 Biological Missiles
38 Guided Rockets
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