Churchill, We Hardly Knew Ye

With regards to the Jews, the Germans may attempt to try their Madagascar Plan and/or send a large number to British colonies in Africa, say Rhodesia and Kenya as well as Australia etc. The British may welcome this as those settlers are likely to be pro- British.

Interesting if depressing TL. Only just come across it. Think you may have made the collapse of the SU a bit too easy as I doubt that the Germans could have taken Baku in 42 simply from the distances involved.

Would be useful to know a bit more about the internal situation in both Britain and the German empire. Have you read Nick Summer's 'The Dark Colossus' which has a similar theme. Unfortunately that seems to have died as nothing mentioned since last Sept. Didn't realise how long ago!

I get the distinct feeling since Szilard and possibly also Bohr by this time is in Britain and Britain was definitely not mentioned as having cut back its nuclear programme that a British bomb is going to turn up, possibly just in the nick of time. Mind you with the resources available without a shooting war and a monster like a Nazi empire covering virtually all of Europe I can see Britain really pushing that programme. Not to mention that with an isolationist and not particularly anti-Nazi US I suspect I know where every talented liberal or Slavic/Jewish scientist and technical genius who were able to escape from Europe ended up.

Otherwise its looking rather grim for the democratic wolrd, what's left of it. Japan is not a great threat as China must be bleeding it white, especially with the costly diversion into Siberia and also the Philippines should be a significantly lethal barrier. However Germany is looking very, very dangerous.

How much longer has Adolph got? Notice you mention Hendrick being one of his potential successors after his death so the state survives him, hopefully not for long. However between his own health problems and the treatment he was getting Hitler was virtually a zombie by some accounts by ~45. Probably somewhat better off without the stress of his plans falling apart as the allies closed in but may not have much time left by 46. [Not sure whether I want him to die in the hope of a civil war or internal bloodbath or live in case someone halfway competent replaces him].

This is really fascinating. It's both in depth and believable, and the derailment of the nuclear bomb was done very well and equally believably. Please update soon.
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I'm going to assume you killed my grandfather in Poland?

Question- What does S. America look like?