Chingo's Forum is dead...

Well I suppose I could deride it now, but there was never much point. Always felt like I was dancing infront of a man with no legs or something.
Chingo's forum was a wretched hive of N00bs and Nazi Pirate Japan. (I seem to be reffing that a lot. I have to stop.)

Hash's forum is the TRUE Scummy and Villainous Hive. Registered an account, before I noticed that the most recent posters were Iokua, R_N, and the Admin mentioned that he'd signed onto a forum as Hashemite.

Just before I noticed this, I tried to get him to report the IP addresses of all AH.COM spammers to Ian. He didn't take it too well, and I know some new swearwords as a result.
Yes, and his name's spelt right! Check it, if you can. (Noticed you started a little spam war there, BTW... Tut tut!)
I dunno. Iokua seems to think it was you.

Of course, Iokua is the source of all wisdom. :eek:

SOrry 'bout that, Straha.
Heh I must love dark place, I have an account on most split forum and only back-up when I saw nothing interesting was going on :eek: