Challenge: Worst possible presidents, 1960-2008

Challenge 1: Make the worst possible list of US Presidents.

Challenge 2: Pick a list made by someone else and explain what the timeline would probably look like.

Here's my entry:

1960: John Edgar Hoover (R)
1964: John Edgar Hoover (R)
1968: Gene Roddenberry (D)
1972: Gene Roddenberry (D)
1976: Jimmy Carter (D)
1980: Jimmy Carter (D)
1984: Jesse Jackson (D)
1988: Jesse Jackson (D)
1992: Orenthal "O.J." Simpson (D)
1996: Orenthal " O.J." Simpson (D)
2000: Sarah Palin (R)
2004: Sarah Palin (R)
2008: George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher (D)

Anyone want to try an explain what this TL looks like?
I kind of feel sorry for Jimmy Carter for being on the same list as those loons. I also got a laugh out of it.
Here's a somewhat more plausible list... :eek:
1960: Barry Goldwater
1964: Barry Goldwater
1968: George McGovern
1972: George McGovern
1976: Jimmy Carter
1980: John Anderson
1984: John Anderson
1988: Pierre DuPont
1992: Pierre DuPont
1996: Dan Quayle
2000: Dan Quayle
2004: Robert Kennedy Jr.
2008: Robert Kennedy Jr.
2012: Sarah Palin
Here's a somewhat more plausible list... :eek:
1960: Barry Goldwater
1964: Barry Goldwater
1968: George McGovern
1972: George McGovern
1976: Jimmy Carter
1980: John Anderson
1984: John Anderson
1988: Pierre DuPont
1992: Pierre DuPont
1996: Dan Quayle
2000: Dan Quayle
2004: Robert Kennedy Jr.
2008: Robert Kennedy Jr.
2012: Sarah Palin

Replace McGovern w/George Wallace and have Reagan as pres in 84 and 88 at his most feeble, followed by Pat Buchanan in 92. Have Perot in there somewhere, and maybe even Jesse Ventura in 2004.
Too bad McCarthy was already discredited...

If we can change previous history, though...

Patton survives the ETO and comes back a war hero. Is put in charge of Korea. Before he is about to order a charge across the Yalu, an explosion knocks him out. DPRK surrenders unconditionally, USSR and PRC don't do anything. Patton wakes up to being hailed as 'the man who won two wars'.

End result, the very definition of 'cowboy' sitting in the hot seat. And if you thought Bush was bad...
AIHA: We'll have to disagree on Reagan and Perot, but I agree on Wallace and Buchanan.

I wasn't choosing based on ideology but on how bad their personal flaws would be for the country. Perot's style was to steamroller over all opposition and not really think through most issues. For Reagan, his illness was badly affecting him by 86 or so. That's why a scenario with him as pres 1984-92 would be the worst possible time. The war in Iraq was bad enough IOTL. Imagine how it'd be taking place w/an Alzheimer's affected pres deciding to go all the way to Baghdad in 1990, when Saddam actually did have some WMDs.
Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Jesse Jackson, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, and Ralph Nader from amongst those who actually ran.

The key criteria in each case are inexperience and personality. None would have any idea how to get a domestic agenda through Congress, and none showed, at any point in their careers, the sort of willingness to compromise that a President needs. And to the extent that any of them succeeded in their agenda (with the possible exceptions, from my point of view, of Jackson and Nader), the consequences for the nation would have been disastrous. Those listed were egotistical, narcissistic, unrealistic and fanatical: we've had Presidents in that mold but never quite to such an extent.
1961-1963: Richard Nixon, R
1963-1970: Henry Cabot Lodge (resigned due to scandal over 1968 election), R
1970-1973: Spiro Agnew, R
1973-1981: Fred Phelps (elected governor of Kansas in the 60's for his role in repealing Jim Crow laws), D
1981: Ronald Reagan, R
1981-1985: James Baker, R
1985-1989: David Duke, D
1989-1993: Jesse Jackson, R
1993-2001: Ross Perot, I
2001-2005: Ralph Nader, G
2005-2009: Don Black, D
2009- : Stanley Dunham, R