Canada - Global Superpower!

With a POD no earlier than WW1, make Canada a superpower on par with OTL United States.

No ASBs allowed. Also--no WW3 or 'death plague' or whatever wiping out the U.S. in the process. The U.S. (albeit a weaker version) must still remain.

Cookie for you if you get the POD successfully after WW2.
Doctor What said:
With a POD no earlier than WW1, make Canada a superpower on par with OTL United States.

No ASBs allowed. Also--no WW3 or 'death plague' or whatever wiping out the U.S. in the process. The U.S. (albeit a weaker version) must still remain.

Cookie for you if you get the POD successfully after WW2.

You said no nukes? Not gonna happen…
Hermanubis said:
You said no nukes? Not gonna happen…
If the POD could be before the US Civil War, I could see it, but the end result would be a country that would include a lot more of the US, and quite frankly would have a lot more in common with OTL USA then Canada…
MrP said:
Wargames Foundry? Surely not :confused:

Dang it, forgot who, but someone wrote something The Nine Nations of North America. The Foundry is New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Ontario. It is for the US and Canada(w/ regards to Ont.) what the Ruhr is for Germany.

I don't know about "Wargames Foundry" but it was probably named after "Nine Nations" Foundry.
Have Canada after the first world war invest in technological development and population growth. Maybe an end to the monarchy, and rise of Canadian fascism?
Wendell said:
Have Canada after the first world war invest in technological development and population growth. Maybe an end to the monarchy, and rise of Canadian fascism?

It would take a lot of Population growth: 32.2 million people live in Canada, whilst 22 million live in the New York metropolitan area alone, Honestly, its not gonna happen for Canada, its just way too small (population wise)
Hermanubis said:
It would take a lot of Population growth: 32.2 million people live in Canada, whilst 22 million live in the New York metropolitan area alone, Honestly, its not gonna happen for Canada, its just way too small (population wise)
I never claimed otherwise.
I don't think that there's a realistic way to increase the population, but you could make Canada a major techno-power by having the Liberal government of the 1950s not fall, thus allowing for the evolution of the Avro Arrow to its natural conclusion and from that would spring a slew a technological mega projects that would put the United States to shame.
Mike Stearns said:
I don't think that there's a realistic way to increase the population, but you could make Canada a major techno-power by having the Liberal government of the 1950s not fall, thus allowing for the evolution of the Avro Arrow to its natural conclusion and from that would spring a slew a technological mega projects that would put the United States to shame.
I don't think that alone would be enough to do it.
Think about it, the US is has something like 300 million: granted, population isn’t everything, otherwise the top global powers would be China and India (Wait up on that, thou…) Industrialization is pretty important too, also advanced technologies… but anyway, I’d say that Canada is just too far behind in the population game to reach Superpower status.

Now, if you could make the POD much earlier, we might be able to do something…
Wendell said:
I don't think that alone would be enough to do it.

How do you figure that? The US Air Force was just about ready to kill in order to get their hands on a couple of squdrons of Arrows.
Cloudy Vortex said:
Dang it, forgot who, but someone wrote something The Nine Nations of North America. The Foundry is New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Ontario. It is for the US and Canada(w/ regards to Ont.) what the Ruhr is for Germany.

That would be Joel Garreau, late of The Washington Post, also author of Edge City.
1940/1941: the fall of Britain but the defeat of Barbarossa

Hitler decides lebensraum will be in western europe and mass, mass emigration from Britain and France is permitted. These migrants go to Canada

All pretty unlikely but I cannot think of anything better
Massive global warming floods the lowlands of the world. The Canadian lowlands are flooded too, but there is so much other real estate up north that the immigration to Canada is so great that Canada gains another hundred million emigrants, including fifty million from America.
These are all selected immigrants and are sufficiently bright and hardworking that Canada gets lower tax rates, which attracts more hardworking and intelligent immigrants, etc.
No earlier than ww1? Hard, but I'll try.

1. During 1914, lots of the French-speaking Walloons escaping from the German offensive (more than OTL) are sent to Quebec instead of France. Population increases.

2. USA is isolationist, not only towards European politics, but also closes itself to immigration. The flow of immigrants that came in the post-ww1 turmoil to the peaceful Americas end up in Canada instead.

3. The depression hits the USA a lot harder than OTL, while Canada is off lighter. With a more vibrant economy and a larger population than OTL, Canada attracts many unemployed citizens of the USA.

4. More corruption and a stronger organised crime in the US eats up the little post-depression growth there were in OTL.

5. Hoover beats FDR in the elections and continue an isolationist, immigration-unfriendly and economically restrictive policy, keeping the US economy deep in depression. In OTL, there was a lot of socialist and liberals in the US - with a restrictive economical policy and an anti-communist/anit-liberal attitude of the establishment (heighten those pre-ww2 sentiments in the US), many people might feel more at home in a more liberal Canada than a more conservative USA.

6. When ww2 rolls around, Canada is bigger both in population and economy than in OTL. USA is even more isolationist and does not pursue an aggresive foreign policy towards an Imperialistic Japan. I migth even see the US selling Pacific Islands to Canda ("we do not need these non-american territories") in the late 30s.

7. US does not enter ww2 and does not pass any lend-lease or build up industry through war economy. Us citizens who wants to fight for the allies have to enlist in the Canadian armed forces (this happened on a small scale in OTL, imagine it a bit bigger and returning troops to be unwelcome in the US since they have been allied to commies and liberals, being treated as traitors).

8. The commonwealth does well in the war, better than OTL. Canada gets the Polish refugees (Britain or the US does not want them).

9. The US economy has the potential, but never grew to be the powerhouse it was in our TL. Latinos use the US as a transit land to egt to Canda rather than their big dream. The US frowns upon immigration even more post-war.

10. With a ww2 slightly longer (without US participation), the Soviet Union is ravaged even more and hardly powerful enough to occupy eastern Europe, let alone compete for superpower status. The Soviet Unions goes into a decline by the 1960s and fall by the early 1980s as Solidarity paves the way in Poland.

11. Canada is by now bigger in population than the US, if only slightly, and has a more vibrant economy. Since Britain lost so much in ww2 (even if not as much as in OTL), Canada becomes the leading world power, aided by Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth.
Heh that one seemed "quasi-realistic", if this wasn't of the population deal. But good none less.
Well, if you take all US people that stem from post-1914 immigration and put them in Canada instead, I think you would have a pretty equal US-Canadian population, especially if you have some work- and politically motivated immigration from the US to Canada too.

Imagine all the Jewish scientists and intellectuals ending up in Canada after and during ww2 too - it will give Canada, not the US, that boost in technology and development.

Sure, it is very unrealistic, especially about the population, but with a post-1913 POD, that was the best I could do.