Best losing Presidential candidate?

Agreed. Watergate being outed was a tragic event since there was no benefit to it's revealing and a whole of lot of bad effects.

Allowing a blatantly criminal President to stay in office would really make a mockery of everything the United States supposedly stands for.
Allowing a blatantly criminal President to stay in office would really make a mockery of everything the United States supposedly stands for.

So was Kennedy who was ten times for corrupt then Nixon having connections with the Mafia and guilty of blatant voter fraud in Illinois.
So was Kennedy who was ten times for corrupt then Nixon having connections with the Mafia and guilty of blatant voter fraud in Illinois.

First of all, the alleged Mafia connection is tenuous at best, and secondly there's no reliable evidence of voter fraud in Illinois- not that it actually mattered in the grand sceme of things, as JFK carried Texas.

More to the point, that's a shitty attitude to have. One President was corrupt, therefore it's acceptable?
First of all, the alleged Mafia connection is tenuous at best, and secondly there's no reliable evidence of voter fraud in Illinois- not that it actually mattered in the grand sceme of things, as JFK carried Texas.

More to the point, that's a shitty attitude to have. One President was corrupt, therefore it's acceptable?

There was voter fraud in Texas too-read A History of the American People by Mr. Paul Johnson. That's not my attitude either since Nixon was a pretty good President up till Watergate revealing it simply destroyed any trust in government and politicians which then caused wide cynicism and everyone was all the worse for it.
My usuall rebuttal to the Nixon-haters: "You break into one stupid hotel and your entire Presidency gets ruined" So, I have to say I'm with the General on that one. As to the topic at hand, I think I sympathize with Tom Dewey, I mean he ran like 2 or 3 times didnt he? Though I am unsure what his politics were I'm sure he couldnt be too bad.
Stevenson. Especially for totally owning the Soviet Ambassador to the UN in October or '62. Look it up on youtube if you've never seen it, it's beautiful.
Agreed. Watergate being outed was a tragic event since there was no benefit to it's revealing and a whole of lot of bad effects.

Nixon resigned because even most of his fellow Republicans such as Goldwater felt disgusted with Nixon's actions. The scandal also to major reforms such as the Freedom of Information Act, new laws demanding more financial discloture from politicians, and an investigation into abuses by the CIA and the FBI.
Nixon resigned because even most of his fellow Republicans such as Goldwater felt disgusted with Nixon's actions. The scandal also to major reforms such as the Freedom of Information Act, new laws demanding more financial discloture from politicians, and an investigation into abuses by the CIA and the FBI.

But it's bad effects outweigh the good and Nixon's plans such as a universal health care plan failed to come to fruitation. Certainly Nixon would have been a better President then the faceless, Ford.
I agree with GMB, though I doubt the Dems would let Nixon settle the healthcare debate so easily. Certainly he'd have prevented the demise of South Vietnam.
First of all, the alleged Mafia connection is tenuous at best, and secondly there's no reliable evidence of voter fraud in Illinois- not that it actually mattered in the grand sceme of things, as JFK carried Texas.

Not to keep banging on about this, but I've just realised how amusing it is that people who believe that Daley stole Illinois for Kennedy- which is essentially an urban legend- probably balk at the idea that there was anything seedy going on in Florida in 2000.
OK, pox on both your houses. In any case JFK still wins 276-246. In Florida, there were no dead voters voting or fake addresses. In the 1960's, such was the modus operandi. What I object to was Daley being puppetmaster at the Dem conventions. That is far worse than anything Rove ever did with the exception of the black baby thing in SC.
What's was wrong with his participation in the Winter Soldier hearings? His eloquent testimony was the best thing he ever did. Many other veterans testifiedat the hearings., they swiftboated Max Cleland in 2002 even though had had lost two legs in Vietnam.

I was under the impression he said he'd heard of bad things, but did not describe participating in them himself.


Here's his statement before Congress. That's a bit different from his testimony @WS.
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"WIN" with Ford.

I wonder what the Republican Party would look like today if Gerald Ford had managed to get elected in his own right in 1976?