Best History Books on Project Gutenberg

I often download books from Project Gutenberg on my Kindle, and I'm curious about which history books are worth reading there. All suggestions must be available in English or Spanish. Biographies, memoirs, and autobiographies are welcome too.
I often download books from Project Gutenberg on my Kindle, and I'm curious about which history books are worth reading there. All suggestions must be available in English or Spanish. Biographies, memoirs, and autobiographies are welcome too.

"The Campaign of Sedan" by George Hooper

Written shortly after the Franco-Prussian War by an English author. The book has a pro-Prussian slant which you can't find any more.

Any of several books by Erskine Childers (who write "Riddle of the Sands"). Not exactly history but screeds for British military preparedness. All written before WW I with Germany seen as becoming the likely enemy.
Written shortly after the Franco-Prussian War by an English author. The book has a pro-Prussian slant which you can't find any more.

Well, the war wasn't lead very well by the French. Egon Friedell writes in his "Cultural History of the Modern Age" how the French: didn't even have maps of their own territory because they expected they'd have to fight only on German ground; Thiers shouted "but that's madness!" when war was declared; and how one man afterwards said that the horrible unpreparedness of the army was the proof that France didn't want a war.

Hell, read Emile Zola's "Le Debacle". If even a French patriot says that the war was badly lead, it has to be true.