Beneath the Nile Silt

At the time of the last Glacial Maximum with sea levels 120 meters lower what would have been the level of the Nile River relative to sea level. This is in the vicinity of Cairo. Cairo to the Mediterranean now is around 230km. Bing cites as 222km but I am assuming that is to the city limits. If the Nile was at it's current level then the gradient from there to the sea would have been very steep. But if the level at the last glacial maximum reflected the drop in sea level then the Nile Valley has accumulated a significant depth of silt. If so what is underneath that silt. There was likely human habitation in the area. The reason I'm asking is when Robert Schock gave is geological weathering estimate for the age of the Sphinx the question was raised by Egyptologists were the evidence. I'm not taking a side in this but could the evidence for a culture be buried beneath 100+ meters of silt? There are sites that show significant build up of silt over the historical record. Troy/Illium/Willusa for one. Mycene for another. This is one point I have never heard raised in discussions concerning sea level rise at the end of the last Ice Age. This could also be asked of other sites with long evidence of habitation