Believe in America

You do realise that the Liberal Democrats are in a coalition with the Conservatives, and so are part of the government of the UK? Or has the coalition collapsed, resulting in a Tory minority government - since you state that by 2015 the Lib dems are an opposition party.

I was unaware of that. So, I'm going to go with the coalition collapsed with the Tories in a minority government. If that makes sense.

November 4th, 2014


Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker won a shocking re-election victory over his Democratic opponent, State Representative Peter Barca, by a margin of 51-47. Walker had previously survived a recall election against Tom Barrett in 2012. Walker's victory has been hailed by conservatives as a victory for "real Americans" and some have even urged Walker to run for President against Mitt Romney in 2016. Walker denied Presidential ambitions, though offered no endorsement of Romney. Walker's political future remains to be seen.

November 4th, 2014


Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker won a shocking re-election victory over his Democratic opponent, State Representative Peter Barca, by a margin of 51-47. Walker had previously survived a recall election against Tom Barrett in 2012. Walker's victory has been hailed by conservatives as a victory for "real Americans" and some have even urged Walker to run for President against Mitt Romney in 2016. Walker denied Presidential ambitions, though offered no endorsement of Romney. Walker's political future remains to be seen.

Caesar isn't going to like this, kevvy2010.


IIRC the Supreme court striking down the individual mandate would likely make the entire law untenable, as it would continue to allow "free riders" in the healthcare system while increasing costs for insurance companies, so premiums would skyrocket. It also has some nasty knock down effects on medicare and companies that have spent the last few years preparing to implement the law, the last estimate I saw of the costs had it in the trillions. I doubt even a conservative SC would remove the individual mandate, the consequences are just too far reaching.
Depending on how good the economy is and if Cameron in a minority govt has used it to attack the EU which is unpopular in the UK then he should have a decent chance of securing a majority.

May 7th, 2015


May 7th, 2015


May 7th, 2015


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ASB. No way in hell would Nick Clegg ever be in Opposition with most of the LibDem predictions being one of doom and gloom.

Presuming the boundary changes pass then it could be Labour gain 60 with 30 from LibDems and 30 from Tories which would give a more real result.
ASB. No way in hell would Nick Clegg ever be in Opposition with most of the LibDem predictions being one of doom and gloom.

Presuming the boundary changes pass then it could be Labour gain 60 with 30 from LibDems and 30 from Tories which would give a more real result.

Agreed. The Tories will be the Opposition if Labour wins the majority (or forms a minority government).
I genuinely would be looking out my window for Alien space bats if the Lib Dems became the 2nd largest party after the 2015 election. Seriously, 2015 is probably the least likely election since the formation of the Liberal Democrats that they could pull off such a successful result.

The only possible (and this is very unlikely) way this could happen is if UKIP support surged between now and 2015, splitting the right-wing vote to an enormous extent, so you get a result like:

Labour - 37%
Lib Dems - 20%
Conservatives - 19%
UKIP - 18%
I genuinely would be looking out my window for Alien space bats if the Lib Dems became the 2nd largest party after the 2015 election. Seriously, 2015 is probably the least likely election since the formation of the Liberal Democrats that they could pull off such a successful result.

The only possible (and this is very unlikely) way this could happen is if UKIP support surged between now and 2015, splitting the right-wing vote to an enormous extent, so you get a result like:

Labour - 37%
Lib Dems - 20%
Conservatives - 19%
UKIP - 18%

Agreed. The Tories will be the Opposition if Labour wins the majority (or forms a minority government).

ASB. No way in hell would Nick Clegg ever be in Opposition with most of the LibDem predictions being one of doom and gloom.

Presuming the boundary changes pass then it could be Labour gain 60 with 30 from LibDems and 30 from Tories which would give a more real result.

This was sort of like how the NDP became the main opposition to Harper's Conservatives in Canada OTL; at least that's how I planned it.

I figured that with a really crappy economy and Cameron going into Iran, the public would not have a favorable opinion of the Tories.
This was sort of like how the NDP became the main opposition to Harper's Conservatives in Canada OTL; at least that's how I planned it.

I figured that with a really crappy economy and Cameron going into Iran, the public would not have a favorable opinion of the Tories.

Did the NDP form a coalition with the Tories and lose a large segment of their vote?

If Cameron thought that going into Iran was going to be third party status damaging then he wouldn't have done it, plus how is the US and European economy because if they are as crap or crappier then the UK's at this point then I don't think it will damage him that much.

You won't get a Canada effect, you could have the Greens and UKIP pick up a few seats which would get as much attention but LibDems being Opposition and Tories going into third party would be ASB as the NDP replaced Liberals as the opposite idealogical opponent while this would only make sense if the LibDems became de facto Tories in the actual sense which actually makes this scenario even more unlikely.
Did the NDP form a coalition with the Tories and lose a large segment of their vote?

If Cameron thought that going into Iran was going to be third party status damaging then he wouldn't have done it, plus how is the US and European economy because if they are as crap or crappier then the UK's at this point then I don't think it will damage him that much.

You won't get a Canada effect, you could have the Greens and UKIP pick up a few seats which would get as much attention but LibDems being Opposition and Tories going into third party would be ASB as the NDP replaced Liberals as the opposite idealogical opponent while this would only make sense if the LibDems became de facto Tories in the actual sense which actually makes this scenario even more unlikely.

Granted, I have no idea how UK politics works, so I'm going with the "perfect storm" theory. In the three years, from 2012-2015, significant events transpired which led up to this. I have no idea what those events were, but this is what they led to.

Though I will say that the Lib Dems have barely enough members to become the opposition. It's only about a 4-5 MP difference between them and the Tories.
Granted, I have no idea how UK politics works, so I'm going with the "perfect storm" theory. In the three years, from 2012-2015, significant events transpired which led up to this. I have no idea what those events were, but this is what they led to.

You gave set-up, and if anything really huge happened, it would be weird for you not to mention it. So either make something up and edit it in, or just retcon the thing to say that, though the Lib Dems gained, the Tories are still bigger, and UKIP made gains.

Since you just said you know nothing about British politics, why not just change it?
You gave set-up, and if anything really huge happened, it would be weird for you not to mention it. So either make something up and edit it in, or just retcon the thing to say that, though the Lib Dems gained, the Tories are still bigger, and UKIP made gains.

Since you just said you know nothing about British politics, why not just change it?

Because it's a pain in the ass. Besides, this is cooler.

EDIT: Though if it's going to lose viewers, then alright. I'll just put the Tories in as the opposition.