Axis of Time: Speculation on Home Front and Postwar Issues

I've seen a few threads about this in the search engine, but they were all pretty short, and from what I can tell, thread necromancy is frowned upon, so I'm starting up one of my own.

As fun as blowing up German and Japanese soldiers with "futuristic" weapons tech is, I was always the most intrigued by the Culture Clash between uptimers and downtimers (the racial, sexual, and sexual orientation egalitarianism we take for granted being met with scrutiny by downtimers, showing future films in our own movie theaters, etc.).

Are there any effects you almost wished (were it not for the pesky obstacle of narrative pacing) were futher expanded on? For a similar project that's been floating around in my head, I had thought that maybe the uptimers and downtimer government would reach an agreement that it would be considered poor taste to play uptime anti-war films in theaters (Saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and Black Hawk Down probably wouldn't see the light of day until all the Axis powers said uncle).

What about uptimer soldiers who used to be cops before they got ISOT'd into the 1940s? That could make an interesting buddy cop story, with an uptimer soldier deciding to "return" to civilian life back when police did things very differently and working with a downtimer "veteran." :p

And of course, there's also the fact that the little slice of Future America is going to have its autonomy stripped away a year after the Axis surrender. One wonders what that'll mean for the various minority personnel living there.

P.S. On a tangental note, is it considered a faux-pas to post a thread in the writers forum with just raw ideas, and not excerpts of actual written work? I'm a bit of a dreamer with hopes of coming up with a Deus Ex/Fallout 3 style FPRPG with a very similar premise to AoT, and want to discuss the various possibilities of how to write such a story. Unfortunately, with a B.A. in English, it's all rather unlikely unless I can get in touch with my computer nerd friend. Hopefully it would be fun enough to at least discuss hypotheticals.
Well, when they revert to native laws, that means the people from the future are just going to have to adapt. Considering how much high-tech industry was in California, I'm sure Sacramento will pass laws that would make the state the most liberal in the Union.

What will happen to the future women? I remember a line in the (audio)book that told how relationships between future men and past women worked out, but the reverse kind of exploded (remember what happened to Cmdr Black?).
An ahead-of-the-times Californ-i-a, eh? Sounds sensible, especially the sheer concentration of minorities living there even back then. I should certainly hope it would try to get ahead of the class (the state repealed laws against miscgenation as early as 1948, so they were already off to a good start OTL).

It's a shame to think that anime wouldn't be very popular for a good long while (though downtimers might find Hellsing fun, seeing Nazi vampires explode to gory bits and whatnot).
It's mentioned that the US has a plan to avoid many of its post-war mistakes - flooding Vietnam with consumer goods and keeping Uncle Ho on-side, etc, but it's not mentioned if Britain or France or indeed any of the other countries will. Very little is known of how past Britain views it's post-war calamities - will there be a more nuanced disengagement from Empire, or will they try to hold on? If so, it's very likely they'll end up at war with the Americans, which could easily be seen as 'stabbing Britain in the back' once they find out about Suez, Palestine, etc.

And that's not even touching on Russia now having half of Italy and France... oy vey. The phrase 'raises more questions than it answers' barely suffices.
Figure FDR would still die of congestive heart failure, exhaustion, etc. in 1945-6, Uncle Joe's still in charge there but Yalta and the other negotiations carving up Europe would go far differently. Cold War is still on but with the Soviet spy network revealed and dismantled or turned in the U.S., Britain, France, etc. would have all kinds of ripples in what seemed set in stone events and trends. I think the Soviet threat, now much better known and with it's own uptime accelerants, would protect and expand the California industrial park/zone possibly to the whole state. That desire to capture the business growth, new industries, high tech etc. would be a powerful draw to other states or cities just as it was in the 1950's but maybe not the Sunbelt population shift we saw OTL. Outmaneuvering the Soviets and Stalin as well as some sort of China solution, India/Pakistan/Bangladesh breakaway, French Indochina, Dutch East Indies...plenty of stuff there for another trilogy and I saw somewhere that Birmingham was working on another book in this series.
The uptimers in America are far outnumbered by the contemps, and theoretically wield little political power, so California can revert back to 1940s-style laws, such as segregation, if that's what its legislature and voters want. But as we all know, talent goes where it's well treated and well paid, and avoids places that fail to put out the welcome mat. If California doesn't do everything it can to keep the uptimers happy, they'll move to a state that'll treat them better.
In one of Birmingham's books, he mentioned that all the uptime officers, white and nonwhite, when visiting Washington, D.C., stayed only at the black-owned Whitlaw Hotel, refusing to go anywhere else because of their discriminatory practices. People who aren't used to discrimination aren't going to put up with it.
One thing that bugged me was the totally clueless portrayal of the British leadership (absent Churchill, natch), who were historically among the kings of Real Politik.....and spend the entire series repeatedly reminding Captain Halabi (a gold mine for the Empire) that she is both half-Wog (a quote, IIRC) and a woman and she should shutup and fetch some tea....

...when IRL, she'd be lavished with affection (even if it was mostly for show). The Olde Schoole lads were classist and prejudiced....but not stupid about it.

Instead, the British run her off to America by collectively acting like Prince Phillip after eight whiskey sours. Conveniently.
Yes, very strange. Churchill was one of her only supporters, where OTL, he was extremely dismissive of the Indian Army and its achievements.

Where was Slim in this series? Or India at all? :rolleyes: