Austria's Meager Compromises

Franz Josef and his advisors would not budge on the issues of Italy, Germany and Hungary until they were beaten militarily. What if a smart advisor brought the emperor around to honesty rather than hubris or honor?

What face saving compromises could have garnered better outcomes for Austria than war? An earlier Ausgleich more favorable to Austria? A conciliatory approach at Olmutz leading to an enduring Austrian sphere of influence in South Germany? A partition treaty with France leading to something similar in Italy?

An interesting question? Still would any outcome, which would manage to save the face Austria more, be acceptable for Italy, Germany, France or the Hungarians?

In case of the Hungarians, maybe some of the other great nationalities, like the Czech and Croatians could also be involved.

Italy, especially after they had gained the last of the main Italian gains Austria made at the Congress of Vienna, desired traditional Habsburg lands, not to mention the vital importance of ports such as Trieste and Fiume.
I think in the end the Ausgleich was a bad thing for the Habsburgs, it opened a front for ethnic nationalism, especially since the disloyal Hungarians gained the right and not the very loyal bohemians
So maybe a federal solution (Austria-Bohemia-Galica-Hungary-Croatia) with a strong Imperial center?

Yes, Italy was untenable. Didn't anyone in Vienna realize that?

Germany? I think compromises were possible. Maybe a Prussian led Germany not including Bavaria and Austria along with advantageous commercial, diplomatic and military agreements with those two states.
@ Vanity 6: the majority of the Italian Irredentist claims on Austrian territories were unacceptable for Austria and were unable to not cause the loss of face. Fiume and Trieste were important for the Austria-Hungary (trade, economically, naval) and were a part of the traditional Habsburg Lands.
Not to mention that no country enthusiastically hands over territories, certainly not to a country, which opposed them in the recent years.

In general most of the compromises would have cost face at the moment they were made, maybe in hindsight that could be judged differently.