ATL: Who are you voting for in the Russian Republic's Elections

Who are you voting for?

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OOC: Assume we are all Russian for this, okay :p Inspired by the other threads and my current AAR

IC: Here are your choices, as well as some background for our uneducated voters.

Social Revolutionaries (SR) -

Beliefs: While named Social Revolutionary, they are actualy just left of center by 21st century standards. Strong supporter of socialism.

History: One of two split parties from the original Social Revolutionaries. Made it big out of the crisis of the 30s. In the 1940s they absorbed the Menshiviks. In the 1970s the party saw a major decline in memebership, but as of late, has been gaining ground, gaining majority status back in 2001.

Liberal Party (LP) -

Beliefs: Left of Center. Main goals include equal rights, and upholding the constituion to the letter. Substantial portion favor a constitutional monarchy.

History: Formed in the late 1940s from a merger between the Constitutional Democracy Party (Kadets) and Octoberists, along with support from some aristocracy. Became the first party to really challenge the Social Revolutionaries, taking the government from them in the late 50s, and has maintains itself in the top two parties ever sense.

United Russia (UR) -

Beliefs: Nationalist Party. Wants Russia to Expand to cover traditional territories. Capitalist in opposition to socialists.

History: Formed by political wings of various military and militia groups from the civil war who were still active in the 30s and 40s, later joined by some aristocrats. Has changed names several times sense founding.

Collectivist Party (CP) -

Beliefs: Supports near total collectivization. Believes Russia is socialy adequate as is.

History: The remainder of the Bolsheviks. Renamed in the 40s. Has been a fringe party ever sense, though is very popular in local elections.

Green Party of Russia (GPR) -

Beliefs: Ecologist party. Supports enviromentalism, sometimes to the neglect of other areas.

History: Founded in 1980 as part of the worldwide green movement.
I'll be voting for the SR's, though I do wish we still had a Socialist party that was'nt batshit crazy like the collectivists are.

It's to bad the SR has'nt stayed true to its past ideology, but they're closer to me ideologically then any of the major parties, so I'll vote for them this time, since the last minor party I voted for dissolved last summer.
Guys, you know who I forgot to put on here?

Faith and Nation, a party based on the Orthodox Church :eek: