Argentina defeats Britain in the Falklands war.


Maybe you need a military government that was militarily competent.

Have it quietly buy more aircraft and exocets in advance.

Plan proper logistics for the occupying troops.

Have Belgrano in Port Stantley early on

Land figthers and put aa missiles around the airfield

Just have the Junta not lose their nerve. They were planning to do the invasion several months later, flipped out and jumped the gun when a protest happened. Had they even waited a month they could have done those things (including lengthening the airfield as others suggested). Winter would have set in before the U.K could have achieved it's objectives, the world would have been pressing hard for negotiations.
Just have the Junta not lose their nerve. They were planning to do the invasion several months later, flipped out and jumped the gun when a protest happened. Had they even waited a month they could have done those things (including lengthening the airfield as others suggested). Winter would have set in before the U.K could have achieved it's objectives, the world would have been pressing hard for negotiations.
Had the junta waited, one of the British carriers was planned to have been sold shortly, so that weakens the fleet.
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I know you did. It's just a pet peeve of mine. It would be like people around the world referring to the United States as 'Texas' and nobody seeming to mind. They made the same error with 'Russia' when they meant the USSR.

It's karma: all those years you "English" spent referring to the Netherlands as 'Holland' and the Soviet Union as 'Russia' are catching up to you :p
Perhaps have the war be widened than just a British - Argentinian conflict? In South America alone, Venezuela, Peru, and Brazil were all backing Argentina to various extents, although they would be counterbalanced somewhat by Chile, who favored the British. Instead of the Falklands war, you could have a general South American war, with special guest stars the Brits.
Operation Algeciras succesful

For those who didn't hear about it, Algeciras was an argentine attempt to seize and destroy the Royal Navy ships in Gibraltar. The spanish discovered the plot and blocked it.

I wonder what would happen if the operation went successful, destroying all the ships in Gibraltar (the HMS Ariaddne i think). Make the supply more difficult, for sure.
Some British politicians lose there jobs. Lots of Argentinian people lose there lives by disappearing. A nasty dictatorship carries on for a short time till it runs out of money, the Falklands are ethnicaly cleansed and the world carries on as if nothing happened.