Anthrax Instead of A-Bomb in 1945

In addition to the atomic bomb, the US (and the UK) during WW2 developed a tremendous amount of anthrax as a potential biological weapon (The source for this is a book called "A Higher Form of Killing" that I read a couple of years ago.)

What if, instead of the atomic bomb, The US had dropped anthrax on The Japanese? Say the bomb doesn't work, or we don't want to show that we have it, or we are afraid that it will ignite all of the oxygen in the atmosphere and kill everything.

I assume that this will be done to 1. avoid an invasion, 2. demonstrate our ability and willingness to use such weapons, and 3. end the threat from Japan permanently.

One drawback, in addition to the obvious horror of possibly wiping out a much, much larger percentage of the population, will be that the islands will most likely be uninhabitable for a long, long time.
Well, the effect would take some time to be noticed, since the incubation period of anthrax can be as long as 60 days, but is usally 1 to 7 days. Since Anthrax symptoms are just like every other respiratory disease, the Japanese may not even know what hit them. It might not have the same shock value as the atomic bobms did, and, given that the Japanese can be relatively sure the US doesn't have a cure, may cause them to be mroe suicidal in the end. Also, there is the distinct chance of them using the anthrax back against us, since we just supplied them with a large scale, pure form of it.

By that point, I don't think they can reach us, but that is a good issue to bring up:

Anybody that uses bio-weapons risks having them returned....
Weapon M said:
By that point, I don't think they can reach us, but that is a good issue to bring up:

Anybody that uses bio-weapons risks having them returned....

A low flying plane spraying the ships as is flies by or landing zones. Artillery shells filled with anthrax fired from a distance. All of those could hit our troops on the grond. that is what I meant. Heck, even the baloons they used, loaded with weapons grade anthrax might do more than the incendiary devices, but I am not sure when the last of them were launched.

We want to end the war quickly, anthrax isn't going to do. I don't know how much weight can be given to the idea that the Japanese finally came around to surrendering when the Russians entered the war.
Also, it is important to remember that the Japanese government could have tried to cover up the attack. This claim would then be hard to disprove, as long as nothing as shocking as the atomic bomb’s detonation occurred.
Another problem...

Considering the work of Unit 731, the Japanese would have simply released their revenge weapons on the major cities of the Pacific Rim, either by balloon cannisters, aerial bombardment, or by submarine delivery. Either way, up to 30 million Allied civilians would be killed in the process...

For more information on Unit 731:

For an Japanese planned attack, check out Operation Cherry Blossom: