Animal Farm - Snowball becomes leader

What if Napolean was shot and died by the farmer in his attack on Manor Farm, and snowball the pig became the leader, would the revolution of all the Animals in Britain be successful. and would the windmill be built before boxer died.

Knowing Snowball, he'd babble on and on about building up the farm's industry, leading to a series of committees and nasty political infighting resulting in projects that fail, starving animals, and a farm unprepared for Mr. Fredrick's hostile financial takeover of the property, or "Operation Boarboarossa".

I know, I'm bad, I'm bad.
Or would the farm be broken up to become lots of little farms, with the lazy ducks having the pond, the sheep having the fields etc all seperate and hostile to each other, and boxer still ending up in the glue factory? While Snowball trying to hold all the smaller farms together.
Once the other farmers see that Snowball tries to take over their farms too, they ally against him with guns and finally defeat the animals. Having one stupid farmer fail is one thing, world-wide revolution another.
Arch-Angel said:
We could just ask what would happen if Trotsky took over, that isnt as fun.
No, I think it's more fun. As much bescause We've done Trotsky taking over enough times as anything else.

Really though, Snowball can't hold elite together and someone else does what Nappy did.
What do you think happened to snowball after he left the farm, did Napoleon send out the dogs to kill him with a ice-pic?, or did he spead the the Animal revolt to other farms further away