American Doctor Who: Serling, Allen, Roddenberry

Background: There have been many speculations and threads regarding what if Doctor Who was made in America, or reboot or spin off. I have taken inspiration from these and have peered into the multiverse and have found one of the most wildest versions of if Doctor Who was made in America. Here is what I know so far:
1. Rod Serling comes up with the idea
2. The Time Tunnel doesn't exist in this timeline and instead the ideas and characters are used with Irwin Allen is the showrunner
3. Gene Roddenberry will have written episodes for the show but still create Star Trek but will briefly be the showrunner in the 1970s.
Nov. 30th, 1963 - The week after the JFK assassination and Thanksgiving the nation was mourning, however families gathered around the TV set to see a new program airing on CBS. Twilight Zone's creator, Rod Serling new show was debuting, and the show was an instant hit. Unlike the Twilight Zone this wasn't an anthology shows but each story would premier in 2 to 4 parts on average each episode being roughly 30 minutes. Doctor Who would grow to become one of the most popular science fiction series ever created.

The Cast:
The Doctor - Burgess Meredith
Sally "Foreman"(The Doctor's granddaughter) - Dawn Wells
Ian Smith(Susan's History Teacher) - Russell Johnson
Jack Wilson(Susan's classmate) - Bob Denver
As a whovian I would like to see where this is going
Thanks, I know for sure that Jim Buckus will be the second doctor at some point. I also am going to have a Young Abraham Lincoln become a companion of the Doctor. Also essentially the characters from the time tunnel tv show will be part of ths show as main and side characters