Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III

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I do like that he was born on the Isle of Man.

And that the LibDems are the first Party to have racial minority as their Leader, which is a rather interesting turn for the Party, given their reputation.

Yeah he's rather an unusual fit for the party (I can bet they wish they had more candidates like him OTL) but then again he is the direct descendant of a party leader.

Edit: Glad someone caught that.
The Red The Grey and The Blue

American History proceeds as normal until 1837: Revolution, Confederation, Proxy War, War of 1812, Trail of Tears, etc. In 1837, Chartists in Ireland rose up against British Rule, declaring the independence of Ireland and their intended overthrow of the Monarchy. In a panic, the British recalled any military forces they had in North America to fight the revolutionaries. It was at this time that the Patriotes struck; declaring the independence of the Province of Lower Canada. With only local militias (Many previously infiltrated by Canadien sympathizers) the Patriotes quickly seized control of Quebec and Montreal and fomented a Rebellion in Upper Canada as well. With the British already pressed hard with Chartists now in Britain as well, they quickly acquiesced to Canadian demands after the United States recognized the newly-formed Republics. During this time American settlers began migrating en masse to the Oregon Country, and the de facto situation on the ground was whole American control of the region despite it legally being a joint occupation.

The successes of 1837-1838 only succeeded in making the United States even more expansionist, with Texas being annexed in 1845. This triggered a Mexican-American War as OTL, however unlike OTL Santa Ana is not brought back into the country making the invasion of Mexico even smoother. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo roughly parallels the OTL treaty with the added provision that the Republic of the Rio Grande be granted independence under American Protection. The Gadsden Purchase also purchased the lands of Northwestern Mexico, as the Mexican Government was seriously in debt at the time, and the French were threatening to “collect”. The Rio Grande Republic continued its “independence” until such a time as they wanted to join the nation proper.

The issue of Slavery had been a staple problem in America since the writing of the Constitution necessitated the creation of the so-called “Three-Fifths Compromise.” The balance of power between slave and free states was maintained for the first half of the 19th Century however tensions bubbled up in 1854. The Pawnee and Platte Territories were pursuing statehood however it could not be decided whether they would be slave or free. Some in the Democratic Party suggested a “Pawnee-Platte Act” which would settle the issue via Popular Sovereignty, however this idea was shot down, and Congress decided Pawnee would be slave and Platte would be free. This act would see a rift form in the Whig Party between the Northern and Southern halves, with the Northern joining the new “Liberty Party” alongside the Free Soilers, and the Southern joining the Democrats.

In 1864, following the election of Liberty Candidate William H. Seward, Representatives of seven states met in Montgomery to discuss the possibility of secession. That April the states each individually seceded and declared they would reenter the Union when their rights to Slavery were reinforced. Abolitionist Seward flat-out refused the demands, saying he would not negotiate with traitors; and stated that they must return to the Union peacefully or be returned to it by force. In response, those same representatives met in Montgomery again, but were joined by the representatives of five more states [as well as splinter delegations of three more and declared the formation of the Southron Republic. The United States would ultimately prevail over the secessionists six years and over 1 million lives later, but would emerge a changed nation. The almost-occupation of Reconstruction would cause anti-northern feelings to fester in the south, but for now the nation was at peace.

The Liberty Party would be rocked by scandal after scandal during the presidency of US War hero Benjamin Butler, would lose the 1876 Election and never be a major political player ever again. 1876 would mark the triumphant return to national politics of the [Northern] Democratic Party, who would retain the Presidency until 1908 with no major opposition party forming until then.

The 1908 Election is considered a watershed moment of American politics, when the upward swing of the 19th Century became the downward spiral of the 20th. The People's Party [officially the Populist-Progressive-Syndicalist Party] was formed as a union of the three largest left-wing parties to finally take the White House away from the Democratic Party. The People's nominated popular New York Governor Frederic Delano, The Democrats renominated William Randolph Hearst, and the Southron Party nominated Senator Furnifold Simmons. In the end Delano took the Presidency by a single faithless elector in Maryland and prepared to take the office. However some in the US Military did not like the idea of taking orders from a “dirty leftist,” in particular one General Pershing.


The Red The Grey and The Blue
First American Republic (This Post)
Voting Papers, Please

"Arstotzka should be proud! These elections prove wrong those in the west who doubted Arstotzka's dedication to freedom and democracy!"
-M. Vonel, Arstotzka Peoples Party

"The fact that so many opposing partys have now put aside their differences to work together as a whole is an indication of the Arstotszka's peoples dedication to stability and peace."
-V. Monel, Peoples Party of Arstotzka

"And as for those allegations that most of the parties in the election are all the same party, and that i am just M. Vonel wearing a different colored mustache?"
-N. Wonel, Party of the Arstotzka Peoples

"Its the same guy! come on, i can't be the only one who sees it!"
-Messof Anegovych, Arstotzka Workers and Engineers Party

"They are preposterous! Mere proof that the west cannot accept that Arstotzka has found democracy its own way!"
-Q. Lonel, Arstotzka Peoples Party of Arstotzka

"Vote Jorji! Jorji number one!"
-Jorji Costava, Jorji

Through a Mirror, Darkly

The world of Ixion orbiting the star Pallas (Neptune B) is a cold, dry planet that is home to few large bodies of water, but is the native home of centaurs. Scientists believe that the Architect's terraforming had issues on Ixion, which caused it to be mountainous and dry--an incomplete masterpiece, so to speak. The world has few significant United Nations settlements, but that has changed in the first third of the 29th century. Most noteably on the large continent of Xanadu where UN settlers had penetrated deep into the high plains and plateaus. The native states--home to centaurs, orcs and humans alike--have come under the suzerainty of the UN, and the Kingdom of Barasses is no exception. Barasses's current monarch is the human-educated Queen Hyale II, who came to power a year and a half ago following an aborted coup against her father, King Drusas V. Many believe that Hyale was behind the coup, and her critics frequently call her "Hyale Buckshot" after the weapons used to kill her father.


Hyale II was educated on Nemesis in the Jupiter system at an early age, and became fascinated with ancient human history and political thought, but she became disillusioned once she returned home to Barasses. Hyale became involved in politics, and managed to come out on top after her father's death. She lead a contingent of palace guards in a counter coup, and she executed more than 50 members of her immediate family, placing the blame on a cabal of her half-brothers. Hyale quickly clamped down on the opposition, primarily targeted at male centaurs. Rape has been criminalized for the first time in the country's history, and thousands of men have been forcibly sterilized or executed following speedy trials. She has established a new welfare system, including sperm banks and fertilization clinics for women (funded and run by the Rockefeller Foundation).

The violence drew the attention of UN authorities, primarily the newly-installed Tribune of Xanadu, General Jacoby Augustus Hoyt. Hoyt formed the Army of the Thubbes--comprised of UN regulars and militia units--and marched into Barasses. His forces quickly overran the mountainous strongholds of the rebel Philodom the Black and marched into Parlasus largely unopposed. Hoyt chose to retain Hyale as Queen of Barasses, but installed himself as the Royal Clerk, granting himself broad powers over the internal affairs of Barasses (as the Tribune of Xanadu, he already had exclusive power over the kingdom's external affairs). He came into conflict with Hyale, with the Queen viewing him as a foreign imperialist and the General viewing her as a backwards barbarian. Hoyt is something of a specialist on centaur affairs; he was born and raised in the Mars system, but took an interest in centaurs early on. He's spent the majority of his career on Ixion, and has built up a reputation as someone who can work well with centaurs. He's also a known frontierist and Pioneer--that is, viewing the roll of Terran humans as a teacher to the backward races of the Universe, bringing the light of civilization to them.

Through a Mirror, Darkly

The world of Ixion orbiting the star Pallas (Neptune B) is a cold, dry planet that is home to few large bodies of water, but is the native home of centaurs. Scientists believe that the Architect's terraforming had issues on Ixion, which caused it to be mountainous and dry--an incomplete masterpiece, so to speak. The world has few significant United Nations settlements, but that has changed in the first third of the 29th century. Most noteably on the large continent of Xanadu where UN settlers had penetrated deep into the high plains and plateaus. The native states--home to centaurs, orcs and humans alike--have come under the suzerainty of the UN, and the Kingdom of Barasses is no exception. Barasses's current monarch is the human-educated Queen Hyale II, who came to power a year and a half ago following an aborted coup against her father, King Drusas V. Many believe that Hyale was behind the coup, and her critics frequently call her "Hyale Buckshot" after the weapons used to kill her father.

Hyale II was educated on Nemesis in the Jupiter system at an early age, and became fascinated with ancient human history and political thought, but she became disillusioned once she returned home to Barasses. Hyale became involved in politics, and managed to come out on top after her father's death. She lead a contingent of palace guards in a counter coup, and she executed more than 50 members of her immediate family, placing the blame on a cabal of her half-brothers. Hyale quickly clamped down on the opposition, primarily targeted at male centaurs. Rape has been criminalized for the first time in the country's history, and thousands of men have been forcibly sterilized or executed following speedy trials. She has established a new welfare system, including sperm banks and fertilization clinics for women (funded and run by the Rockefeller Foundation).

The violence drew the attention of UN authorities, primarily the newly-installed Tribune of Xanadu, General Jacoby Augustus Hoyt. Hoyt formed the Army of the Thubbes--comprised of UN regulars and militia units--and marched into Barasses. His forces quickly overran the mountainous strongholds of the rebel Philodom the Black and marched into Parlasus largely unopposed. Hoyt chose to retain Hyale as Queen of Barasses, but installed himself as the Royal Clerk, granting himself broad powers over the internal affairs of Barasses (as the Tribune of Xanadu, he already had exclusive power over the kingdom's external affairs). He came into conflict with Hyale, with the Queen viewing him as a foreign imperialist and the General viewing her as a backwards barbarian. Hoyt is something of a specialist on centaur affairs; he was born and raised in the Mars system, but took an interest in centaurs early on. He's spent the majority of his career on Ixion, and has built up a reputation as someone who can work well with centaurs. He's also a known frontierist and Pioneer--that is, viewing the roll of Terran humans as a teacher to the backward races of the Universe, bringing the light of civilization to them.
Jacoby has a lot of experience with Centaurs, all right.
No Dicks Allowed!

POD: July 2, 1955

Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson chomped on a cigar as he contemplated his future in the wake of the Democratic congressional takeover. His own political career was naturally tied to party performance in the next election, romp home another win and who knows? Maybe ol' Landslide Lyndon would find himself on the next presidential ticket, make it all the way to the W-... Johnson's face turned a flush white as he gripped his chest in agony, "is there a doctor in the hou-" the rest of the words refused to form in his mouth. "Dammit" Lyndon thought to himself "who put this floor here, and why is so dark at midday?"

Lyndon Baines Johnson has been pronounced dead from cause of a heart attack on this day in the City of Washington, the second day of July in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-five...
- Excerpt from the obituary of Lyndon Johnson [1]

Despite intense campaigning by Nixon, who reprised his strong attacks on the Democrats, the Republicans lost control of both houses of Congress in the 1954 elections. These losses caused Nixon to contemplate leaving politics once he had served out his term. In a December 1955 meeting, Eisenhower proposed that Nixon not run for reelection in order to give him administrative experience before a 1960 presidential run and instead become a Cabinet officer in a second Eisenhower administration. Nixon, although reluctant at first, agreed to the arrangement. Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury, became Eisenhower's running mate while Nixon was reshuffled as Secretary of War...
- Excerpt from Veeps: A Brief History of Second Bananas [2]

It was Kennedy then. He was young, Catholic, and a New Englander to boot, a welcome contrast to the crusty Stevenson. With Eisenhower's health problems and the running mate reshuffle to exploit, Democrats were certain that 56' would see the White House turn blue...
- Excerpt from Democratic Conventions: From Jackson to Gantt [3]

With the loss of their Senate Majority Leader, the helm of Democratic leadership passed to former Senate Majority Whip Earle C. Clements. Despite Johnson's untimely departure from politics, the Democrats defeated incumbents Herman Welker (R-ID), George H. Bender (R-OH). Meanwhile the Republicans defeated newly minted Majority Leader Clements (D-KY) as well as the Democratic candidates in Kentucky, New York, and West Virginia. Bill Knowland thus became the first Republican Senate Majority Leader since Wallace White was raised to that position in 1946.


Stevenson proposed an end to the military draft and a switch to an "all-volunteer" army. He also advocated a set of arms treaties with the Soviet Union that would decrease military spending. Eisenhower publicly opposed both these proposals, though the former would come to fruition in later years and the later would be accomplished soon after the election...

Eisenhower was buoyed by his handling of two foreign-policy crises in the leadup to the election. In Soviet-occupied Hungary, many citizens had risen in revolt in the Revolution of 1956 against Soviet domination. Ike and Khrushchev came to a diplomatic solution over the matter, which won the former accolades and the later ire from Kremlin hardliners. [4]

Additionally, a combined force of Israeli, British, and French troops invaded Egypt to topple Gamal Abdel Nasser and seize the recently nationalized Suez Canal. Eisenhower and Khrushchev jointly condemned the western forces and called for their withdraw from Egypt, making Nasser an Egyptian hero in the process. These two events led many Americans to rally in support of the president and swelled his expected margin of victory as the Nixon reshuffle and Ike's heart attack fell from the public consciousnesses. [5]


[1] Johnson suffered a heart attack on this day IOTL.
[2] All of this is OTL with the exception of Nixon being forced off on the ticket. Eisenhower contemplated replacing Nixon many times IOTL.
[3] John F. Kennedy nearly became Stevenson's running mate IOTL, he was only 15 votes shy of winning. ITTL he edges it out.
[4] Khrushchev vacillated between using military force or not. The former won out IOTL, the later ITTL.
[5] Egypt as OTL.
[6] Update sourced from Wikipedia
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