Alternate Weapons of War thread...

Ohmygosh, proelite, can I like, totally use that picture for an SW game that I'm playing? That is damn cool.:cool: And good. Did you draw it yourself?

No problem. As long as you're not profiting from using my artwork you're welcome.

I began concept art when I first watched Japanese mecha on TV, so I would say I am quite experienced. Fortunately, I don't have to count on it to live, so I can draw mostly whatever I want.


Edited a bit of my Mk. 171 Mobile Field Base/Walker Artillery Platform. Also added a cutaway showing the compartments.
I'm still looking for suggestions for the thing's dry (i.e. unloaded) weight. It's about the size of a current US Navy Frigate, uses lightweight composites, and as you can tell by the green sections has significant cargo space that would be empty unless in combat.

CGU Cockroach Walker.png


Well, it's certainly that. Are you going to make a third Death-ball design as well?
I suggest Exploding Superballs.

:eek: You remember my other Death-ball! Can't believe it.

My next weapon hasn't been dreamed up yet, I was thinking of using something involving electrical fences and ambushes...
Edited a bit of my Mk. 171 Mobile Field Base/Walker Artillery Platform. Also added a cutaway showing the compartments.
I'm still looking for suggestions for the thing's dry (i.e. unloaded) weight. It's about the size of a current US Navy Frigate, uses lightweight composites, and as you can tell by the green sections has significant cargo space that would be empty unless in combat.

Dry? Depends. Is it going into a combat situation or not?

I would say about 6-8,000 tons if it is completely dry (i.e, just came out of the factory). In combat? With all the missiles and ammo and other provisions? I wouldn't be surprised to see the weight double. Fully loaded, I'd say it's fast approaching 20,000 tons.

But I'm far from an expert on the subject, just my thoughts. ;)


I would say about 6-8,000 tons if it is completely dry (i.e, just came out of the factory). In combat? With all the missiles and ammo and other provisions? I wouldn't be surprised to see the weight double. Fully loaded, I'd say it's fast approaching 20,000 tons.
And keep in mind, it's about a couple thousand years into the future. Materials science is a lot further ahead, and they probably have superstrong yet lightweight materials for structure and armour. It's roughly 2/3 as long as a British Type 21 frigate, though probably twice as bulky due to cargo space, SRBM bays, and the motor systems for the legs; though it would lack the crew space and other things necessary for a sea ship, since it's a land vehicle. And, as said, with better construction materials it can be much lighter while still being larger.
So, say, 3000 tons dry, 8000 tons combat ready, and 12000 tons fully loaded?


Hepsburg tell me the story about the one time some of your soldiers got drunk, like really drunk, and took that giant bug out on the town. It seems it would be mighty interesting, you know, purely as a hypothetical thing...*hic* Best thing to pick up women in, amirite?


I don't know about armor, though.
Well, for armour I was thinking of ceramic composites like boron carbide or boron nitride, both of which are very strong and can absorb heat like a pro, yet are also a helluva lot lighter in weight than steel or depleted uranium.

Anyway. To contribute something. A repost of something I did for the Photos From Alternate Worlds thread. SF-122C Mako aerospace interceptor, the backbone of the CGU AAF's air defence wing. Made by spot-editing a photo of the F-104 Starfighter.
The Mako is a nuclear-powered, single-engine interceptor, mounting a "chin" beam cannon as well as underwing, wingtip, and fuselage missile pylons. They are designed with performance and power in mind, not stealth; as such, they are robust fighters optimised for high speed, high altitude, and fast attack on enemy bombers and attack aircraft.

CGU Mako.png


The Modelo 88 ATDAM Surface to Air/Anti-Tank Missile System

Current Users:
Argentina, Biafra, Brazil, Catalonia, Chile, Cuba, Holstein, Mexico, Navarre, Spain, Portugal, Timor, Uruguay, Venezuela and Others.

Crew: 5
Length: 7.85m
Width: 3.1m
Height: 3m
Ground Clearance: .4m
Main Weapon: 1x 8 tube ATDAM system (8 ready missiles plus 24 in storage)
Secondary Weapons: 1x Pintle Mounted Gun
Armor: 15 to 20mm of RHA with Kevlar/Nomex anti-spalling liner.
Weight: ~14.5 Tonnes (32,000lbs)
Powerplant: 1xHispano-Suiza D1206T Diesel Engine, producing 570hp.
Top Speed (Theoretical): 120km/h (~75mph)
Top Speed (Safe): 80km/h (~50mph)

The Modelo 88 ATDAM was developed to plug a need in Mechanized units for a simple and effective Company level Short Range Air Defense System.
The ATDAM Missile has a top speed of Mach three, a Maximum range of 10km, and an maximum altitude of 7km. the missiles are alternatively equipped with Laser/Infrared, or Anti-radiation/Active Radar Homing guidance systems. As an after thought the ATDAM missiles were given a secondary Anti-Tank mission, which was accomplished by utilizing a Shaped Charge Warhead featuring a fragmentation band.

Unlike it's basic design, the Modelo 88 ATDAM has seen wide export sucess thanks to it's compatibility with western systems and Superior hit ratio, exceeding that of the Similar 9M311 Missile, as used by the 9K22 Tunguska, better known as the SA-19 Grison. A version is currently underdevelopment that will supplement the ATDAM's Missiles with a pair of 30mm Autocannons, as used by the regular Modelo 88 IFV.

And keep in mind, it's about a couple thousand years into the future. Materials science is a lot further ahead, and they probably have superstrong yet lightweight materials for structure and armour. It's roughly 2/3 as long as a British Type 21 frigate, though probably twice as bulky due to cargo space, SRBM bays, and the motor systems for the legs; though it would lack the crew space and other things necessary for a sea ship, since it's a land vehicle. And, as said, with better construction materials it can be much lighter while still being larger.
So, say, 3000 tons dry, 8000 tons combat ready, and 12000 tons fully loaded?

Are you sure you've got it scaled up right, though? It looks a lot larger than a frigate; like, a good 1/4-1/3 longer.
Edited a bit of my Mk. 171 Mobile Field Base/Walker Artillery Platform. Also added a cutaway showing the compartments.
I'm still looking for suggestions for the thing's dry (i.e. unloaded) weight. It's about the size of a current US Navy Frigate, uses lightweight composites, and as you can tell by the green sections has significant cargo space that would be empty unless in combat.

What fuel tanks?! Walking is more energy-intensive (or, at least, less efficient) than pushing through water or rolling. No practical amount of diesel or turbine engines will move that thing at reasonable speeds. Just stick a nuclear reactor in it and be done with it. Then you can make it move at (possibly) a brisk walk.

And I'd turn some of that empty cargo space into a sheltered field hospital, if I were you.


Are you sure you've got it scaled up right, though? It looks a lot larger than a frigate; like, a good 1/4-1/3 longer.
I measured before. It's about 170 meters long, 50 meters high.
So, yeah, you're right. Fuck. Shit, shit, shit.
It's closer in size to an Ticonderoga CG.

I mean, it still uses very light, strong materials. So it should still be a helluva lot lighter than a fully displaced guided-missile cruiser.

Hmm. Now I'm thinking of scrapping the legs and just making it a hovering land battleship (land cruiser?). Even though I spent some time making the legs look not-retarded.

What fuel tanks?!
Possibly fuel for the vehicles carried. Or fuel for the lift fans.
The engine's a nuclear reactor. I said that ages ago.


Here's a concept of it without the legs. Different paint job, slightly smaller.
It being a "Mobile Field Base", some internal section prolly would be a field hospital.

CGU Cockroach.png
Now I'm thinking of scrapping the legs and just making it a hovering land battleship (land cruiser?).

How would you do that? When I asked you earlier you said they didn't have antigravity technology on the same level of Star Wars's end-all-be-all stuff, and you can't seriously be suggesting to propel that thing on an air cushion?


How would you do that? When I asked you earlier you said they didn't have antigravity technology on the same level of Star Wars's end-all-be-all stuff, and you can't seriously be suggesting to propel that thing on an air cushion?
Probably a Combination of an Air cushion and Anti-gravity system. Still, it look pretty cool, although personally I'd go for a less top heavy look, with a boxier rear end or something more like what you'd see on an LPH or LPD.
EDIT: Just a bit more of a Utilitarian look really.
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