Alternate warships of nations

The italian navy didn't have 4 modern BBs by 1945. They only built 4 post WWI, the Littorios (and the 4th was never completed), and one was sunk in 1943. The rest that fought in WWII were upgraded WWI ships. So at most you can try to convince the allies to give the Littorio/Italy (heavily damaged) and the Vittorio Veneto to the USSR, an dthat gives them 2 modern BBs. But considering the USSR's shortage of support infrastructure, not to mention lack of naval escorts, I'm not sure what good this would be.
If they were damaged, then yes, they probably would need to be repaired in United States or Britain before they are turned over to the Soviets Lagow Naval support vessels would not be much of an issue since most of their likely operations would be close to the coastline or in seas surrounding USSR within range of red airforce
If four ships is a must then I could see the Soviets getting the two surviving Littorio's and the hull of Impero, maybe the French are forced to hand over Jean Bart to complete the quartet for whatever reason. That would give you four ships, which would be in various states of disrepair/damage/completness which Soviet industry would have to figure out how to fix. This would pose serious issues, even if they can get the parts and money to afford them.

Assuming they did get into service though through whatever means you like, then I could see the ships being the most useful in the Pacific as that is the only coast the USSR has not dominated by aircraft and shore based defenses. A quartet of BBs in the pacific poses a serious challenge to US power, and especially likely causes worries about US operations in Asia moving forward.
If four ships is a must then I could see the Soviets getting the two surviving Littorio's and the hull of Impero, maybe the French are forced to hand over Jean Bart to complete the quartet for whatever reason. That would give you four ships, which would be in various states of disrepair/damage/completness which Soviet industry would have to figure out how to fix. This would pose serious issues, even if they can get the parts and money to afford them.

Assuming they did get into service though through whatever means you like, then I could see the ships being the most useful in the Pacific as that is the only coast the USSR has not dominated by aircraft and shore based defenses. A quartet of BBs in the pacific poses a serious challenge to US power, and especially likely causes worries about US operations in Asia moving forward.
Most likely use of these ships would be convoy escort in any future soviet flanking operation or most importantly shore bombardment.
If they are caught in the open by US Naval air power I think they will be just target practice.
Could the UK have built a pair of Oceans in place of the Albion's in the 90s?
Given Ocean was built at "commercial standards" I don't see why not, but would it have been the best choice for the RN's Sea Lift capabilities?
In a bit of a difference, the end of year Irish State Papers had details of an approach from the Netherlands in building submarines for Taiwan in the 90's after the issues China had with the delivery of Hai Lung subs. It was turned down so as not to piss off China but I wonder if the full 4 would have been ordered and delivered and if any other subs might have been ordered as follow ons?


Given Ocean was built at "commercial standards" I don't see why not, but would it have been the best choice for the RN's Sea Lift capabilities?
In a bit of a difference, the end of year Irish State Papers had details of an approach from the Netherlands in building submarines for Taiwan in the 90's after the issues China had with the delivery of Hai Lung subs. It was turned down so as not to piss off China but I wonder if the full 4 would have been ordered and delivered and if any other subs might have been ordered as follow ons?
Which submarine class would it have been?
Which submarine class would it have been?
Guessing it would have been the follow on order of the modified Zwaardvis class, the Hai Lung. In 1992 Taiwan made a repeat order for 4 of them but the Netherlands turned them down due to pressure from China. The timeframe would fit in relation to the State Papers, seemed the idea was they would be assembled in Cobh, guess someone figured that Ireland wouldn't mind pissing off China?


Guessing it would have been the follow on order of the modified Zwaardvis class, the Hai Lung. In 1992 Taiwan made a repeat order for 4 of them but the Netherlands turned them down due to pressure from China. The timeframe would fit in relation to the State Papers, seemed the idea was they would be assembled in Cobh, guess someone figured that Ireland wouldn't mind pissing off China?
Another "what if" ?
Could the UK have built a pair of Oceans in place of the Albion's in the 90s?
Ocean had a vehicle deck and 4x LCVPs. I'm not sure how many vehicles and what weight limits she had compared to the Albions though.

But no capacity to land heavy vehicles.

They could but it would have required a doctrinal shift for the RN to give up the idea of landing vehicles ashore. A different question is if in the late 1980's with the Fearless LPD's approaching end of life and post Falklands if the RN had gone for two LHD's i.e. flat deck, hanger and dock all in one ship instead of the OTL Ocean and Albion combo.