Alternate Night of the Long Knives 1934

Just a pair of ideas that have been buzzing about in my head for a while.

1.Around June 17, 1934 Hitler was informed that Ernst Rohm's actions were becoming intolerable and if he failed to act Hindenburg would declare martial law and replace him with a Reichswehr controlled government. With the growing number of incidents of street violence caused by the SA, let's say Hindenburg reaches his breaking point and declares martial law. What are some possible results? Could this be a potential point for restoring the German Monarchy?

2. Himmler and Heydrich created false information that Rohm was working for the French and planned a coup to take over the government as part of preparation for the purge. This was then presented to the SS officers who were to head up the captures on June 24, 1934 with the purge taking place on June 30. What if one of those officers decided to throw his lot with Rohm and alert him of the impending purge?

Possible decapitation of the Nazi party? Possible German Civil War? Or perhaps a weakened Hitler?

Just a few points to ponder. BTW if these have been discussed before could you please link me the threads so I can check them out.


RKO General

Hindenburg is just six weeks from death at this point - terminal lung cancer and advancing dementia means that the decision won't be "his" - it will be of the little "camarilla" around him led by Otto Meissener and Oskar von Hindenburg
i keep meaning to write a TL about Hindenburg dying before Nacht der langen Messer. then having a civil war Rohm and von Papen. i'm never going to get around to it:p