Alternate Mythologies

Or basically any religion or pseudo-relgion that can seem similer to Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Native American, (etc) stories and tales. I had a really wierd dream about one last night that I just have to share with you all, though this is just a small part of the story. Feel free to post your own.


(words in italics are clearly metaphorical, words in (parentheses) are OOC comments)

The Story of Creation​

Sometime after the start of time, two Gods who were the best of friends decided they wanted to create something as a testiment to their power and friendship. They decided to build a house together, which they would name Eer (Earth). The first God, named Ferticus, would build the floor on the ground and populate it with various creatures that He would rule over. The second God, Aia would build the ceiling in the sky and populate it with His own creatures to rule over. These two types of creatures would not interact, except for the official ambassadors (birds).

However, this mighty task exausted both of Them, and their friendship grew strained. They brought in a third God, Aki, to mediate between them. Aki created the substance known as water, which is in between the ground and the sky, and populate it with yet another type of creature.

Unfortunately, with Aki came two devils. The first was a stalker known as Pton. She corrupted Aki's work wherever she went, and is responsible for all natural disasters involving weather, such as mudslides and tornados. Pton's brother, Pastel, came with her to Eer, and is responsible for all other natural disasters. To combat these two, Ferticus created humans to watch over his realm, while Aia created his own guardians, though they remain unseen. Both of these new creatures are responsible for taking care of Aki's realm. This new sense of cooperation holds the balance on Eer better then any negotiator, though the two major Gods still fight from time to time.
Here's one from my TL. It is an ATL merger of Zurvanism, a Zoroastrian cult, with the Ancient Greek pantheon.
Prince Aristokles was a different matter entirely. He was a firm adherent of the old faith, but, in the aftermath of the Seleucid War, he travelled the new Empire, visiting the largest cities over which he would rule, and was able to reconcile both of these beliefs by declaring that Zurvan was Eros, the primordial entity, who was responsible for the creation of the world, but had since retired and given control of the world to Oromasdes and Arimanius, merely, he claimed, different names for Nyx, Goddess of the Night, and Hemera, Goddess of the Day, and that they were the ruling forces of the Universe, and the Olympians, though powerful Gods, were merely the vassals of Hemera, while the Titans and other children of Ouranos and Kronos, were vassals of Arimanius, and that their battle held the Universe in balance. He also believed that Zurvan was omnipotent and omnipresent, but aloof, and would only halt the battle of the Primordial Forces once Humanity was cleansed of all its evil. However, Aristokles declared that evil acts would have to be committed so that future generations may be saved, and that Zurvan would review the world at the end of each Zodiacal Age in order to decide whether to save it.
All names are fantasy placeholders.


In the beginning, the world was a dark void, inhabited only by the Bright Ones.

Their existence was an idle one, and they yearned for a meaning for themselves.

They decided to create living creatures, so they might find meaning in observing and guiding them.

The Bright Ones were very numerous, and it was therefore agreed that each Bright One would only be allowed one creation, to avoid crowding out the world.

But everything they created withered and died in the cold void.

The Bright Ones asked the most powerful and brightest among them, Arin the Golden One, to create something onto which they could place their own creations.

Arin poured all his powers into his one creation, and made a great flat plain in the midst of the void. He called it Ground.

The other Bright Ones were delighted, and started placing their creations on the ground.

Katus created spiny fat plants, Cuka created small white flowers which blossomed on the plants, Kerpne created tiny insects which fed on the nectar of the flowers, Lisuko created colorful reptiles which ate the insects.

But Arin, who kept a close eye on his one creation, the ground, was too hot and too bright for most of the creations to bear.

The Bright Ones asked the second most powerful and brightest among them, Kwtar the Silver One, to create something that would protect the ground and the creations on it from Arin's blaze.

Kwtar poured all her powers into her one creation, and made great blankets of mist above the ground. She called them Clouds.

The clouds covered the ground and protected it from Arin's heat. From the clouds poured forth water, which the creations drank.

The other Bright Ones were delighted, and continued placing their creations on the ground.

Koipu created great standing trees, Hedilm created sweet fruit which hung from the trees, Niskas created small animals which ate the fruit, Peto greated great beasts which hunted the small animals.

The water continued to pour down from Kwtar's clouds. The water eventually became so abundant that it covered the ground under it at places, forming great pools. Kwtar called them Oceans.

But Arin was offended. Not only had Kwtar used her clouds to block Arin's sight so that he could not see his own creation anymore, she had created two things, when each Bright One had only been permitted one creation.

Most insultingly, she had used her lawless second creation to cover his only creation underneath it!

Arin complained to the other Bright Ones, and demanded that Kwtar remove her second creation.

But the Bright Ones were delighted, and they started placing their creations into the ocean.

Leva created flowing sea weed, Katkar created small shrimp that fed on the sea weed, Cill created silvery fish that ate the shrimp, Fiin created graceful dolphins that chased the fish.

The Bright Ones agreed that the oceans were too wondrous to waste, and allowed Kwtar to keep her second creation. Only Aamunt, the third most powerful and brightest among them, sided with Arin.

Furious and betrayed, Arin struck the ground. The force of the hit was so great, it made the ground warp, bunching up into mountains and sinking down into valleys.

Then Arin left from the company of the Bright Ones, never to be seen among them ever again.

And so, to this day, Arin refuses to grace the company of the Bright Ones. Arin leaves when the Bright Ones arrive, and returns when the Bright Ones leave. Only Aamunt, his only friend and ally, spends a moment with him every morning and evening.


Just in case it wasn't stupidly obvious...
Arin = Sun
Kwtar = Moon
Aamunt = Venus
Bright Ones = stars

Also, Aamunt created humans specifically so they'd worship his buddy Arin, but I couldn't find a gap in the narrative to mention that.