Alternate History Hub (Youtube Althist)

Is it truly spam to repurpose a thread about a subject, if that thread has only a single reply?

I'm leery about starting a thread devoted to Cody's AH material, but I quite like his latest video. As a fan of examining althist as a whole, especially how it's progressed over time, and how far (or at least high-production) it's gone, I appreciate this retrospective into his work, and the genre as a whole:

Now, as far as his non-AH material, I would make a thread about PointlessHub because he is surprisingly really good at making pop culture media videos. His editing is sharp, his references relatable, and his observations trenchant. It's far better content than I would expect from an alternate historian. Cody if you're reading this please review Geostorm.
Now that I've actually watched the above video, I'm amused that he examines his AH corpus in the same way he does his pop culture criticism. He's pretty good at the latter. Also he must've gotten a professional mic and uses sound filters because his earliest voice videos made him sound like he grew from a college sophomore into a narrator for radio ads. Contrast that to someone like TheReportOfTheWeek, who has seemingly not aged at all.

AlternateHistoryHub alternate history: if he pivoted to do sci-fi/fantasy scenarios in "realistic" situations full-time after his Godzilla IRL video went viral. Or fandom material after his Fallout lore video.

Also we get a cameo
