Alternate FIFA World Cup - Argentina '78 (24 teams not 16)

Yes Ramones but it costed 3 times lesser than OTL and its called Televisión Nacional Argentina,...i did some description above at the beggining. This name was first suggested by Carlos Montero, one of main managers in charge of broadcasting
Oh, I forgot: I skimmed your scenario.
So, color television arrived in Argentina earlier than OTL, right?


A classic of the isles, but in Madrid...

NOTE: is not so believable that England would be able to defeat West Germany on penalties , but this is fictional…so let’s give a chance to that...:) in this ATL it was the last time germans lost on penalties. In OTL it was against czechs in 1976

Argentina, as was explained in this ATL, is not ruled by dictators, and in ATL ’82 is not living Falklands war. As Maradona and others explained in OTL, for them, once they travelled from Argentina to Spain, they fell in shock because of news…in Argentina “we were winning”, and in Spain they knew the truth, and it hit the players badly and so playing WC became a less relevant or irrelevant matter- , and it was worse to Ardiles, who was playing in England, and lost a cousin who was shot down (he was Mirage pilot), so the motivation and or concentration, or both, was in great degree lost.

Besides, Maradona in this ATL had experience in WC, so here he didn’t became tense, nervous and out of focus as said above, and so the rest of the team. So, National Argentina Team in 1982 ATL was better suited and accurate
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Maybe three of the best four matches were seen here....the ruling champions, Argentina, acquired their ticket to a new final (a fact that would be an usual thing , Argentina into four best -or being World Champions again once or twice more times- for the next 4 World Cups, until and including FIFA WORLD CUP ITALIA '98)...

England will have its revenge, in result and penalties, against Argentina, at semifinals in Kiev, in USSR '90...

But for then, it was all against Argentina vs Italy


NOTE: for results against England, I based myself in 1980 friendy (England 3 – Argentina 1), where goal situations for Argentina were plenty, and clear, but no luck and didn’t play with 4 titular players at last minute (Ardiles, Kempes, Bertoni, Trossero or Villaverde, I cannot remember by now). Now both teams were hardened, experienced, and Argentina compensate their traditional defensive problems (which in this ATL are lesser due better concentration but still have them) with a sheer offensive power, so tie is logic for me…but there was no logic in England winning not only but two penalties shootings in a row

NOTE 2: In 1984 Italy was chosen to host 1990 FIFA World Cup, against USSR and it is said that soviets lost votes because two days before. Moscow decided to boycott L.A. '84 , the fears that this could happen to a WC led Italy to win. .. that s why I put that arguably butterflies in USSR 1990
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Well...México' 86 is coming...first of all, no matter OTL or ATL, this World Cup won't be in Colombia at all, but there will be a few changes, starting for headliners, who in OTL '86 were the first four in 1982, plus México and Brasil...but here in ATL , the first four were different, Argentina, Italy, England, Brazil, México and West Germany would be and not Poland and France...then other few changes, Sweden instead Portugal, Netherlands instead of Belgium, Colombia instead of Paraguay and East Germany instead of Bulgaria ...the other changes will see....
@Ruperto Pesto

Who are the presidents of Argentina from 1976 and beyond and how's the economic and political status compared to OTL?

In this ATL, due Argentina is a more stable country, the GDP in 1982 is almost the same than Spain at that time.

In OTL , due al internal turmoil, Argentina lost ground, compared to Spain, from 1971 onwards but this is not the case, despite is the third economy in Latin America, behind Brazil and Mexico (The same case in OTL and ATL) . In OTL 1982-84, brazilian GDP triplicate argentinian one but in ATL, brazil "only" duplicate argentinian one. Inflationary rates are far lesser compared to OTL. Due government were much stable and economic plans had more times and less difficult obstacles, like Krieger Vasena as explained in page one, Inflationary rates were from 18% to 25% annual. It could be higher compared to Europe or USA, but in late 70s and 80s, OTL, It reached almost 200% per year...and of course there was no rodrigazo, and as latin america inflation was higher and in the world we had oil crisis, etc, that import Inflationary rates were not so bad. Entering into the '80s, latin american dictatorship were in disarray due that new optic from State Departament that military rules were no longer a valid option, so in Argentina, although a "democracy" , the military stopped being a threat but they have 4% of budget untouchable and they had the key of industrial military complex, of a size like a italian one (both things like OTL 1982, and cut from 1983 onwards) .

And of course the were no falklands war and Beagle crisis in this ATL was minimal in comparison. In 1982, the new president became from an alliance of non peronist , called "neo conservatives " and UCR, called "ALIANZA" , so the president from 1982-1988 term, is 45 years old (when assumed in ATL) Fernando De La Rúa, who imposed in internal elections in 1981, into UCR affairs helped by the death of his mentor, Ricardo Balbin, when votes were needed. VP is conservative Alberto Natale (in OTL partner in 1989 formula with Alvaro Alsogaray) . Here, De la Rua didnt received the country he did in 1999 OTL, he didnt have the "sushi group " surrounded him, he is far younger and did not have health problems
he had in OTL presidency, so his administration could be compared to the one he had in OTL when he was Buenos Aires major. As I said earlier, due Argentina is more stable, in mid '80s there was an economic aperture compared to '90s but more polite than in OTL 90s, but it caused resistance into the UCR party mainly from Raul Alfonsin and his "dolphins" juan Manuel Casella and Eduardo Angeloz....

Later i will explain how UCR came to power again
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Argentina's political life 1958-1982
Making an extention of what I had put yesterday, here is more info of this Argentina ATL, entering the '80s

President Dr. Arturo Frondizi (UCRI) , 1958-1964

President Gral Pedro E. Aramburu (Gran Cruzada Nacional - Conservatives, UCRI, provincial parties, minor parties, etc) , 1964-1970

President Jorge Paladino (Fre.Ci.Re.Na - Frente Cívico de Reconciliación Nacional....Partido Justicialista, several Conservatives parties and provincial minor parties) 1970-1976

President Dr Angel F. Robledo (Partido Justicialista - Fre.Ju.Po. Frente Justicialista Popular.... among minor parties) 1976-1982

President Dr Fernando De La Rúa, ALIANZA UCR/UDELPA (1982-1988)

President Robledo , after 6 years of demanding government, where internal fights between peronists themselves and non peronists , who lost power in this term; was tired and appreciated that National Constitution didn’t have reelection. But that was his weakness as well…because after four years, it was clear that two years he would suffer the “lame duck” effect. As said before, non peronists or “neo conservatives”, lost power…first in mid term Congress elections in 1979 and in some provinces, and then when Union Traders advanced into Peronism. Although not a radicalised as before, and not so “populist” in their manners and measure, the Partido Justicialista, or simply “peronism” showed, despite all, that “old habits die hard”…and corruption, as well as some abusive attitude towards peronist politicians made turn on some alarms to many voters. UDELPA, or neo conservatives has lost terrain, but UCR, or radicals, has gained some, and in some districts to expense of peronism. The most famous, was Dr Fernando De La Rua, beating to peronists and neoconservatives, if we sum all their parts (1)

For that Peronist vicious matter and the economy, who had some setbacks from late 1980, the UCR reoriented their presidential campaign in show their love and respect for institutions and the vigorous and honesty of their candidates. On the contrary, Neoconservatives were lost in their internal labyrinth…In September 1981, Ricardo Balbin, UCR’s historical leader died, and his funeral provided to be a platform to capitalize votes for the pre candidate Fernando De la Rua, an acolyte of the deceased leader, who beat Dr. Raul Alfonsin (2), in December 1981.

Prestigious former General, and ex President, Eugenio Pedro Aramburu, has been searching some agreements with UCR, which now were plausible with De La Rua’s candidacy, and helped as well, his death in January 1982 ( 3), so the Alliance between UCR and UDELPA became Aramburu’s last wish…and with a critical mass of 20% of voters, but disperse at that time, was not something to dismiss.

So, the ALIANZA, as was called, brought Fernando De La Rúa for President, Alberto Natale for VP. Conservative leader Alvaro Alsogaray refused to join to the formula, so Natale did it (4)

Economy was in stagnation point by 1982, and went on that way until 1983, when GDP grew again, in that scenario, formula De La Rua-Di Natale beated peronism fórmula Luder – Bittel…helped by the fact, that Union Traders virtually hijacked most important charges in Peronism. Nevertheless, there were some men from peronist origin, like Guido Di Tella, who was foregin minister from 1982 to 1986.

For the first time, there were no military personnel into official cabinet, not even General in retirement, despite Budget for Argentinian Army was of 4% untouchable and the militar-industrial complex of a size of Italy one, was controlled by the forces (5) Argentina started with Brazil’s Embraer, construction of a AWACs plane in 1987, and AM missile Martin Pescador became a much modern one, AS-25K from 1993. Nevertheless compulsory military service was replaced by a voluntary one in 1997 (6).

At that time was when Armed forces stopped being a “threat” to democracy, in great part due US State Department saw as a no longer possibility to overthrown democratic governments in order to purchase their objectives, and that was seen in Brazil , Peru, Chile, and Uruguay, where military rule finally were over for good.

(1) De La Rua had that distinction, of beating all Peronist candidate in front of him, even in 1973, when Peron candidates had the leader’s back

( 2) it was on the contrary in OTL, helped by the fact of a dictatorship in disarray, human rights and economy disorders, etc, which didn’t happen here

( 3) actually died in 1970, murdered by extreme leftist Peronist, Montoneros

( 4 ) Natale was Alsogaray’s VP candidate in 1989 in OTL

(5) which was that way in 1982 and cut from 1984 onwards in OTL

(6) in OTL , 1995 and martin pescador missile existed in the 80s
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The currency in (ATL) Argentina by 1985 is Peso Moneda Nacional, o m$n ( 1)



Note of 500 Pesos Moneda Nacional (m$n) . By 1977, the Peso currency hardly have changed in almost 40 years although that year was introduced a new size redux, comparable to the dollar note and security measures to avoid counterfeit, despite in essence were almost the same note. (Source: B.C.R.A.)( 2)


Note of 1000 Pesos Moneda Nacional (m$n) . This design replaced the old m$n 1000 "frigate" in 1977. Two years later, in 1979, a new m$n 10.000.- design, different from the usual, was released and all Peso Moneda Nacional was gradually changed for new design notes in three years time. ( 3)


New design for m$n, introduced in early 1980s (4)

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( 1The peso moneda nacional (m$n) was the currency of Argentina from November 5, 1881 to January 1, 1970, the date in which the Argentine peso ley was issued to the Argentine public. 100 m$n = 1 Peso ley 18.188. In 1983 , el peso ley was replaced by the "peso argentino" ($a), 10.000 pesos ley = 1 $a. And in 1985, the "peso argentino " was reeplaced by "Austral", 1000 $a was 1 Austral.

( 2) This 1 peso note never was released. The peso size from 500 up to 10.000 was bigger than notes nowadays.

( 3) See Google or wiki for original m$n 1000 note, never replaced by anothet m$n design, this is a m$n 10.000 modified by me, because in this ATL, 10.000 m$n note was different.

(4) Actaully a peso ley 10.000 note , released in mid '70s in OTL,but with "moneda nacional " legend
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Prelude to Mexico: Copa América '83 & Euro '84

In Argentina, being vice champion, was seen in many different ways, some influential media attempt to show this as a failure, because this team for ’82 was “the best national team ever assembled”, or “being runner up is being the first of losers”, etc. So, all was aimed by this vultures to force Menotti’s quit. Nevertheless, despite the traditional argentinian (and sometimes not justified) triumphalism, and after hard negotiations with Julio Grondona, AFA president where Menotti had to let behind some pride, and do a new folder for the next 4 years, accept not to call players close to retirement (except for Passarella and Fillol), and a mid-term project for youth national teams as well. (1) Another minor manners were treated, but AFA accede and a new contract was signed. Despite all, he still had a lot of prestige.

Two things happened in that 1983, first, Argentina lost the final in world youth U-20 cup (2) and victory 2-1 in Buenos Aires (after 0-0 in Montevideo) against Uruguay, giving Argentina the Copa America ’83, their first in 24 years (3)

Brazil ended their “jogo bonito” story, and contracted Carlos Alberto Parreira, who stand still against all odds to México 1986, supported by CBF (4)

In Conmebol qualifying, both teams went ahead without any difficult but revelation was Colombia, which decided to stand their back with youth players like Rene Higuita, JJ Trellez, Carlos el pibe Valderrana, etc, among experienced like Arnoldo Iguaran or Prince (5)







In Europe, semifinalist of Euro ’84, England and Sweden(6) and champion France, qualified to Mexico, and after 8 years returned East Germany, which left behind Bulgaria and Netherlands, who dramatically defeat Belgium in the play-offs (7) .


In England, after being into 4 best in two consecutive World Cup, Ron Greenwood stayed in charged, but after being defeated 2-0 against France in Euro 84, the F.A. didn’t trust him anymore, so Bobby Robson was appointed as England’s new manager. France could retain to Michel Hidalgo (8) for México ’86

Players like Fillol, Barbas, Passarella, Ramon Diaz (9), and "el gringo" Giusti, Oscar Ruggeri, Sergio Batista, Hector Enrique, Olarticoechea, Borghi, Valdano, Burruchaga and, of course Maradona… were the base of Menotti' s plan to retake crown in '86 and as usual since 1978, Daniel Passarella was the captain under Menotti’s managerial days (10)

Headliners were the first four of 1982, plus West Germany and host Mexico (11)

Group A Italy - Group B México - Group C England - Group D West Germany - Group E Argentina - Group F Brazil

( 1) In OTL, renegotiation includes, a low in his salary, make some appointers to quit and a mid-term project for youth and major national team. Menotti only accepted the project thing, and not the rest…so he quit before being dismissed on December 10, 1982 and replaced by Carlos Bilardo, manager of last argentinian champion, Estudiantes de La Plata.

(2) Like in OTL, against Brazil, and most of youth argentinian players were selected by Menotti for November 1982 Joao Havelange’s cup, in Mexico

(3) Actually were 32 years, because their first Copa America won, since 1959, was in 1991.

(4)In OTL wasn’t that way, and in 1985, Tele Santana came back for a second chance

(5) That would happen but from 1986 onwards

(6) both countries did not even qualified for continental tournament, and Sweden didn’t qualified to WC 86, Portugal did it

(7) OTL on the contrary for DDR and Netherlands

(8) Robson was appointed in 1982 and Hidalgo left in style after being champ with France in 1984

(9) Fillol, titular until 1985, was not even called for Mexico as well as Barbas, and Passarella went to Mexico but was poisoned by water or food, and some blame Bilardo for that and Ramon Diaz, despite his great moment, wasn’t call, they say because he had an angry fight with Maradona in 1984

( 10) In OTL, Bilardo gave the captain tie to Maradona, which motivated the fight between Maradona and Passarella.

(11) Exactly the same in OTL, but at that time the first four of ’82 were Italy, West Germany, Poland, and France

… And God help ATL Argentina for choosing Menotti again, but with that results behind, there were no option…although I’m conscious that I’m risking Maradona’ s crowning in ’86…let see…
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The USSR were a really fine side in 1986 - I thought they played the best football in the tournament. Their defeat by Belgium, 4-3, due to a combination of a couple of individual errors, and some strange refereeing, was one of the best mayches I've ever seen.
The USSR were a really fine side in 1986 - I thought they played the best football in the tournament. Their defeat by Belgium, 4-3, due to a combination of a couple of individual errors, and some strange refereeing, was one of the best mayches I've ever seen.
Indeed, the soviet team was a great one, that under normal circumstances, e.g. not that linesman, not two infamous goals allowd, might have reach semifinals... this is one of the matches i recall the most as a kid i was in1986

As note apart, i must say for someone who asked inbox, that i made all draws following the same ways FIFA did it, and when in some groups, same teams share space, like in OTL, is just by chance...seems like teams are meant to be
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Brazil vs Spain, Round of 16


And Quarterfinals now is round the corner....some sights on what is coming...


Netherlands formation against Argentina for QF....


Two favourites enemies again facing each other on QF...
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1. Love alternate football almost as much are the real-life kind.
2. Good reading so far, kind of wish you hosted the inforbox images on imgur instead of photobucket, they resize better. Or else broken them up into smaller chunks.
3. My dad always seems surprised when after group stage, straight knockouts begin. He remembers the 1970s second group stage and seems fond of the format. He's a bit of a rarity that way. But I see you did away with that format in this TL as well :)
1. Love alternate football almost as much are the real-life kind.
2. Good reading so far, kind of wish you hosted the inforbox images on imgur instead of photobucket, they resize better. Or else broken them up into smaller chunks.
3. My dad always seems surprised when after group stage, straight knockouts begin. He remembers the 1970s second group stage and seems fond of the format. He's a bit of a rarity that way. But I see you did away with that format in this TL as well :)
Thank you RGB! yes, my father has the same problem with Ro16, he seems stuck in the '70s, must be a generational thing :)

I fixed it (i guess) so, now the round of 16 seems more visible
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In Round of 16, England showed itself as a solid team against the bad tempered, but lack of football, Uruguay and Gary Lineker was on his way to become top scorer of Mexico ’86, which meant two english players top scorer in 8 years, after Kevin Keegan in Argentina' 78. Now, in Quarterfinals, would face again, for third consecutive World Cup, West Germany, who defeat in a chess lookalike match to their East Germans brothers. The Cold War under the Red Hot Mexican summer.

In that Round of 16, Diego Maradona did a hardcore display of why he was the best of the world, or one of the best, with a hat trick against the unpredictable and unstable Danish team. But Argentina revealed a weak defensive face, despite manager Cesar Menotti minimize it, calling this attitude “ attacking defense”, which would bring some headaches in matches to come.

The blossoming, but unstable Netherlands, have left behind to the host, Mexico, by penalties while the exquisite and experimented France, led by his star Michel Platini, won with little effort to the amazing but still green Colombian team. The “Carlos Parreira’s boring Brazil”, as an european magazine called it, kicked Spain, although after 120 minutes of hardworking, being heavily criticized by their media and former stars, even from legends at home like Mario Zagallo.

In a new re edition of 1978 WC Final, this time, Netherlands scored early, thanks to a deep ball by Van Tiggelen to Van Basten, who beat goalkeeper Fillol in the area, in a virtual penalty due the position… all this because the insane Menotti’s obsession to defend using the offside technique. From this moment, the offensive game by Maradona, Ramón Diaz and Valdano was the name of the game, but left all inarticulate behind. That’s why, defender Juan Simon, saw red card due a hard foul to young Frank Rijkaard. Eventually, attacking Argentina paid-off, when Maradona left behind three dutch players before score and Ramón Díaz at almost the last minute with a shoot from the extreme left just outside the area, and so, the ’82 vice champion, was into best four again.

The solid and well-intended english team hit straight with the tenacious and lucky West German team. Gary Lineker and Lothar Mattheus tied with a penalty kick after a hand ball, which in normal circumstances could be even tolerate for a casual one. After 120 minutes all went equal, and in penalty definition, the West germans avenged from 1982...and Lineker failed in his turn….

England national team would have better luck in FIFA World Cup Soviet Union ’90 (although penalties would be a minor obstacle compared to the fact that Bobby Robson’s team would be send to Baku, RSS Azerbaiyan, in order to isolate the Hoolingans …), but as consolation, they were eliminated in ’86 by a lottery and Lineker would become top scorer

Brazil eliminated easily to a listless Italy, who will see Enzo Bearzot’s resign after the arrive to Fiumiccino airport.

France had to work hard to doblegate the soviet army, after 120 minutes, and when the soviets tied after being 2-0 behind, and a not convalidated (a referee’s mistake) goal by Belanov at 85 minutes that would have been an heroic 3-2, but no.
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