Alternate Communist Symbols

So, while the "vanilla" hammer and sickle is nice, I was wondering if any of you had any other ideas for other types of tools that could be used in such a symbol?

For example, I was thinking of a Communist California, and thought maybe a soldering iron could be used instead of a hammer for the electronics industry, while the sickle could stay because, as I like to say, the Golden State is the "Fruit Basket of the World".

Any other ideas?
Something like cogs and farming rakes could to the trick, or at least regional variants of various industrial and agricultural tools like the flag of that Proletarian Japan flag I designed for that Red Sun Rising TL (that's not mine btw) a while back.
Something like cogs and farming rakes could to the trick, or at least regional variants of various industrial and agricultural tools like the flag of that Proletarian Japan flag I designed for that Red Sun Rising TL (that's not mine btw) a while back.
Right, cogs and such.

I forgot about rakes, might be nice in completely unindustrial regions, as would, perhaps, a hatchet.
A more Orthodox Marxism might entirely forgo agricultural symbols entirely. Industrial, national and military symbols only. Purely Proletarian.
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Cog and wheat, like the Canadian communist party ?


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The Workers' Party of Korea uses a hammer, sickle, and calligraphy pen as its symbol to show the unique role that the working intellectual class have in Korean socialist society.
A couple examples for Synthesis Marxist logos that I've made for Our Fathers' Stars. Not 100% applicable, but I think that it may spark some ideas.


The tipping mountain has multiple symbolisms. It symbolizes the revolutionary upturning of Capitalist society. It represents the workers, the foundation of society, being elevated to its head. It also represents the Synthesis Marxist inversion of the base-superstructure theory. The reverberations represent the impact of the revolution, and how such a revolt will change the world forever. In addition, the circle is often used as a symbol of equality by Synthesis Marxists, and the circular reverberations also represent society becoming more equal because of these efforts.


The plume is a call back to the revolutionary Jacobins. It represents dignity in the face of adversity and dedication to the revolutionary cause.
Here's a symbol I made some time ago representing Islamic Communism. It incorporates the star and crescent with the DDR's hammer and compass for industry and science, grain for agriculture and book (possibly the Quran or one of Marx's) representing the intelligentsia. Beneath is written "Workers of the World, Unite!" in Arabic.

arab 5.png

I was also going for a bird spreading its wings motif with the crescent and the hammer.
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