Allied Occupation of Japan

I’m looking at doing a timeline where thanks to some prior changes – the Ryukyu Kingdom being a British protected state, the war in Europe going a bit differently – the UK is more involved in the Pacific including the Battle of Okinawa which ends up with there being a British/Commonwealth occupation zone in Japan. One of the major hurdles for this though is money, Britain was fairly skint at the end of the war – see things like the Anglo-American loan agreement – so extra commitments could be a bit problematic.

In our timeline West Germany came to an agreement to help fund the deployment of US troops by purchasing American exports, does anyone know if anything like this or other payments were ever agreed with Japan? The other potential option is reparations. I might be looking in the wrong places or not using the right search terms but it doesn’t look as though the UK claimed any major reparations for themselves or their colonies, although it’s mentioned in several places that Japan relinquished their overseas assets which could cover any number of things.