1 - The Decision
So this is a story I've had on my mind for a while now. I figured it was better to post something so it wasn't sitting around on my hard drive, cause at least this way it might inspire someone to write a better thing than me. Credit to Lincoln, by David Herbert Donald for giving me the idea in the first place. I recognize that it may not be the most plausible (seeing as there was a reason this never happened in real life), but I hope to make it an interesting story regardless.

The Decision


"If General McClellan does not want to use the army, I would like to borrow it for a time."

When one considers the American Civil War, no decision is more momentous than the one made by President Lincoln in early 1862 to assume direct command of the Army of the Potomac. Leaving aside his pen, the lawyer would choose to become a general in a move that would drastically alter the course of American history.

Such a move was without precedent. Several Presidents had served in the military, such as Harrison, Taylor, even Washington himself. But none of those men had been active members of the military while they were President, and none had taken to the field during their tenure in office. That made the sequence of events in early 1862 all the more remarkable.

Yet it was not a decision President Lincoln made lightly. In order to understand this, we must examine the position he found himself in at the beginning of the year, and what drove a man who’d openly joked about his only military service during the Blackfoot War to such a step….

The beginning of the war had seen little in the way of Union successes. After an initial defeat at the First Battle of Manassas, the first major Union victory would only come in February of 1862, with the seizure of Forts Henry and Donelson by then Brigadier General Ulysses S Grant. But besides that, there was precious little to show that this was a fight the Union could win.

Time had been bought with the appointment of General McClellan to the Army of the Potomac. Everyone understood that time was needed to create a professional force that could defeat the South. This gave the General something of a grace period to work with and to prepare. Indeed, the Army of the Potomac had high morale, and was better prepared than it ever had been.

But while the army might be prepared, tension had soon developed between President Lincoln and General McClellan. The President was supportive of his General, but the one sided nature of their relationship made him increasingly frustrated with the man. This grew particularly troublesome as political issues deepened, and the people clamored for victory.

On the other side, General McClellan was resentful of civilian interference in the war effort. He was certain that they had bungled everything, and could not be trusted. He refused to reveal his plans to anyone in the Administration as he was confident that doing so would ensure they were leaked to the Confederacy.

McClellan was not the only one to drive the President to despair. Further west, Union commanders did not seem disposed towards the swift war Lincoln wanted. Major General Don Carlos Buell, commander of the Army of the Ohio, resisted any prodding by Washington for him to move into Eastern Tennessee in support of the Unionist elements there. He preferred to move on Nashville, despite there being little strategic value to the city. Lastly there was Major General Henry Halleck, head of the Department of the Missouri. A respected man, he was loath to bring criticism directly upon himself, perhaps jealous of Grant’s success, and resisted moving in conjunction with Buell due to the disposition of his troops. Given such a myriad of personalities resisted going on the offensive, it is not unreasonable that Lincoln chose to take up the baton of commanding an army.

The breaking point came in January. With McClellan laid up in sick bed with typhoid, Lincoln was left at wits end with how to proceed based on the military and political issues he was faced with. At the advise of Quartermaster General Montgomery Meigs, the senior division commanders of the Army of the Potomac were summoned to the White House to offer advice.

In this he found conflicting messages. General McDowell suggested another move against Manassas, similar to his own attempt. Meanwhile General Franklin suggested shifting the Army down the York River, to advance against Richmond from the east. This was more in line with what McClellan sought to do, but these plans would not come to fruition.

The council assembled the next day, with McDowell and Franklin now in favor of the advance on Manassas while new arrivals Meigs and Montgomery Blair opposed the move due to the possibility of it leading to another debacle like the previous battle that took place there. Without a consensus, the meeting was adjourned a second time.

On January 13th, the last of these meetings assembled. They were joined at last by General McClellan, who regarded the meetings as a clandestine conspiracy against him. This left him sullen and uncommunicative, no doubt aggravated by his recovering state. He resisted any effort to inform the President and participating Cabinet members of what he actually intended to do, merely providing scornful and sarcastic remarks about how obvious the course of action needed to be.

Despite every plea made by those present, McClellan stood firm. He insisted that it was better for as few people to know his plans as possible. All he was willing to commit to was a pledge that he did have a plan for when and where he intended to advance, though he revealed neither.

While President Lincoln was the sort to believe the best of men, this was a step too far for him. It was compounded by the fact that, when McClellan was sick and Lincoln had sought to prompt any action at all, he learned that neither Buell nor Halleck knew of any plans McClellan had for their combined armies. For someone whose role was to manage the Union war effort, this was unacceptable.

And so, after much thinking, pondering, and mulling over the possible steps he could take, the decision was made. If Lincoln could not trust his commanders to prosecute the war, then he would have to do so himself.
2 - Preparations


The decision Lincoln made to assume command was one he did not arrive at easily. He was well aware of his flaws, and knew that his lack of military experience was a severe hindrance to the role that he sought to cast for himself. He’d even previously joked about that very fact, something that could be used against him by his critics if they so chose.

But Lincoln was also a firm believer in education, and as the events of 1861 developed he was left with the firm belief that he could educate himself to at least match or surpass his generals. Though there was still some uncertainty on his part, now that the decision had been made he set to it with a will.

In order to become the general who could save the nation, Lincoln followed two approaches. First was the acquisition of books from sources such as the Library of Congress and other sellers in Washington D.C. Many of these were textbooks that would have been common to see at West Point and other Army institutions before the Civil War began. They also primarily focused on the Army, as the Navy seemed to be handling its affairs at least somewhat more competently than its land based counterpart.

The texts spanned a variety of sources. One such book was ‘Elements of Military Art and Science’, by then serving Major General Henry Halleck. A recasting of the work of French strategist Jomini, it nonetheless proved very educational for the serving President. His aide John Hay would write fondly in his memoirs of seeing Lincoln tucked away in some corner of the White House, feet propped up as he devoured the book between official business. Said copy ended up heavily annotated as the President’s mind worked on digesting the gist of the tract.

The fact that the author was serving in his army at the time meant that Lincoln felt free to write to Halleck amidst the various missives and directives, asking hypothetical questions and looking for clarifications as he sought to fully understand the ideas behind the work.

For Halleck himself, unaware of the decision that Lincoln had reached and busy managing the affairs of his Army, the missives were a duty he shouldered but did not enjoy. In a letter to a contemporary at the time, Halleck remarked that “I thought it were my job to prosecute the war against the southerners. Not to end up feeling as though I were back in the Academy.” Such comments would take on an interesting tone with the course of later events.

Other texts covered the span of modern European military history, as well as some American theorists. Infantry combat, cavalry maneuvers, one could not deny that Lincoln was dedicated to fully grasping the nature of the endeavor that he was about to embark upon. This stands out in the memoirs of then-personal secretary John Hay, who remarked that he saw the Commander-in-Chief morphing into a true commander by the day.

In addition to his habitual reading, which was not a dramatic shift in his usual routine, Lincoln was also wise enough to recognize that there were those with experience in warfare that he could not yet match. As such he reached out to former commanders who shared a similar mindset to him where prosecution of the war effort was concerned. In such a way he hoped to learn via osmosis, with trusted advisors to cover those areas that he himself lacked.

At the recommendation of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who knew the President wanted assistance but not the reason why, Lincoln reached out to retired Colonel Ethan Allen Hitchcock. Ethan Hitchcock had served in the Seminole War as well as the Mexican-American War, where he had served under Winfield Scott and received a brevet promotion to Brigadier General during the course of the campaign. He had left the service in 1855 due to poor health, but the Secretary felt that his wealth of information and families military history would be useful.

Reaching out via mail, Lincoln carefully broached the subject. Hitchcock had applied for a return to service, eager to serve his country. It had initially been rejected, but with Lincoln in increasingly desperate need of talented leadership that fit his view of the war effort, he was willing to make a direct appeal. In doing so he laid out what it was that he hoped to do, and his current discomfort with the nation’s military leadership.

In fairness, Hitchcock was uncomfortable with the idea that Lincoln presented. The move of the President to assume a direct command, especially in a conflict such as this, was an idea with a lot of risk. Correspondence moved quickly between the duo, as Lincoln sought to assure Hitchcock that he did not intend to disregard the advice of the trained military commanders who would serve as his advisors. He knew he was lacking in practical experience, and sought to surround himself with men who had it.

Through their repeated correspondence, Lincoln demonstrated the tactical understanding that he was already coming to develop. It was enough to sway Hitchcock, and he agreed to serve on the President’s field staff.

With that, the last practical obstacle was out of the way. The stage was set for events that would change the course of the American Civil War.
3 - Executive Order
Executive Order


While engaged in research and recruitment, Lincoln was carefully working on the Executive Order that would lay out his decision to the nation. Included in this would be a letter to the major newspapers to justify his actions. He was aware that this was a momentous step, and he hoped to avert some of the controversy in this manner.

It took him some time to prepare his statement and to write down his arguments. Contemporary sources praised Lincoln’s mind as being like a steamroller. It took time for him to formulate his position and the reasons he supported his views, but once he had reached that point he was firm and committed. It was this quality of his that was put to work as he grappled with the momentous task at hand, even as he continued to address the practical issues related to the task he had embarked on as well. He wanted to make sure that he could justify the argument in uncertain terms to himself as well a the general public.

Because of this, the process of readying everything took longer than it might have otherwise. He poured through books, publications, and spoke to legal scholars on various topics related to his intentions without ever directly broaching the topic. During the course of this most of his Cabinet was kept in the dark aside from close confidants like Stanton. Lincoln did not word leaking out to the press early, knowing the uproar that would result.

The surrender of Fort Donelson on February 16th provided the impetus Lincoln was looking for to make his move. There was proof that the Union could win, if it was only provided with proper leadership. It also gave the Union a shot in the arm for morale purposes which he hoped would compensate for the controversy of his actions.

And so the stage was set for one of the most controversial Executive Orders a President had ever issued.

The Executive Order itself was fairly simple in nature. Acknowledging the failures of Union command in the course of the war so far, it removed McClellan from leadership of the Army of the Potomac and placed it directly under Lincoln. McClellan himself was to remain General-in-Chief of all Union armies, meaning there would be much closer coordination between him and Lincoln in the carrying out of plans. But as the Commander-in-Chief, authority for the Army of the Potomac to act would ultimately rest with Lincoln.

At the same time as the publication of the Executive Order, Lincoln sent letters to the major newspapers in the Union to defend his decision. In a legal sense, he referred to Washington leading troops during Shay’s Rebellion as a basis for a President to command an army in the field in addition to his general powers as Commander in Chief. It was not the most solid of arguments, but it would never have been when he was doing something that was essentially without precedent.

The second part of his letter touched on more personal matters. Lincoln was not the sort to air dirty laundry in public, but he was willing to reveal some of the difficulties he had had with McClellan in order to justify his decision from a military perspective. The fact that this Order had been issued meant the damage was already done to their relationship after all. The depths of McClellan’s distrust of civilian authority certainly added an additional veneer of necessity to his actions.

The public reaction was turbulent. There was an understandable disbelief in the air. Lincoln had campaigned on his lack of direct military experience, and now he was taking command of the most visible Union army. The Democratic press lashed out at ‘Lincoln the Tyrant’ taking one more step on the road to pressing a jackboot to the neck of American freedom and liberty. Not that they needed much incentive to do that in the first place with the course of the war so far.

The Radical Republican press was also opposed, with the criticism spearheaded by editor Horace Greeley. They accused Lincoln of copying Radical generals like Fremont and Butler, without going far enough to abolish slavery as those commanders would have. They had no love for McClellan either, in what was a silver lining to the whole thing, but the criticisms stung nonetheless.

Beyond the border the Confederates were derisive. They displayed it as the desperation of the Union government, a sign of their inevitable victory. Jefferson Davis did have military experience, but he saw no need to take to the field personally after all.

Even those who supported Lincoln were skeptical. The aforementioned lack of military experience was a strike against him, and McClellan had a lot of popularity among the general populace. His explanation had won over some goodwill, but practical results would be needed in the field to reassure those who were willing to accept his gamble.

As for McClellan himself, he was blindsided by the announcement. Furious at what he saw as a betrayal and undercutting of the Union’s military position by the Commander-in-Chief, he felt his position was no longer tenable. Despite Lincoln’s willingness to maintain him in some capacity, in recognition of his logistical talents, he would have none of it. Any trust that may have existed had been destroyed.

In this context, it is not surprising that McClellan submitted his resignation a few days after the Executive Order was issued. Despite the willingness to retain him on Lincoln’s part, he had no desire to serve under the administration further. His resignation was accepted, and McClellan departed from the public scene in the short term. But it was not to be the end of his story.

With the pieces in place and Lincoln assuming command of the Army of the Potomac, it was now time for the President to craft the offensive-minded force that he had desired it to be this whole time.
Just read all the current chapters, a very interesting TL (though a bit out there), McClellan so frustrated Lincoln that he decided to take command 🤣🤣🤣. While this is undoubtedly an out of the box idea for Lincoln, I pray he does well in his new role. The Confederates will be gunning to kill Lincoln in the battlefield, such a death would paralyze the Union into somewhat favorable terms for the Confederacy (not that I believe it). I hope Lincoln has protection the entire time, he needs to stay alive.

If Lincoln is successful in his role as a general and defeats the Confederacy, his political capital will go through the roof, everyone that doubted him will be running over themselves to stand by his side. It will make Reconstruction interesting with a much more military minded Lincoln taking control. I'd see him as a mix between a moderate/reformist using the threat of military force to get his point across. Keep up the good work 👍👍👍
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This is a phenomenal premise to a civil war timeline. Since contemporaries would compare to Julius Caesar, while historians will see him as the Anti-Caesar
This is a phenomenal premise to a civil war timeline. Since contemporaries would compare to Julius Caesar, while historians will see him as the Anti-Caesar
Confederates will make him look like a Sulla/Caesar like figure. There's gonna be lists of Union traitors that need to be killed 🤣🤣🤣
4 - Organization


Soldiers of the Army of the Potomac

As March 1862 began, the Eastern Theater had changed dramatically in a comparatively short time. The removal of McClellan and Lincoln assuming command of the Army of the Potomac introduced a degree of uncertainty into the Theater that had not been there before. No one knew for sure what he would do beyond his dissatisfaction with the direction that the army had previously been following.

To some degree even Lincoln himself did not know what path they would have taken, given McClellan’s penchant for secrecy. He knew that the General had intended to move against Richmond in some manner, but he was not privy to the details of that plan. As such, he was beginning anew from what was essentially a blank slate.

While he and Secretary of Defense Stanton debated the next moves that the Army of the Potomac should take, Ethan Hitchcock (having received a brevet promotion to Major General to suit his new role) raised the issue of organization. The current structure of the Army of the Potomac was simply too cumbersome to be of practical use in a battle. If it was to be effective in the field, it would need to be streamlined.

Lincoln could see the wisdom in this and quickly acted on this sensible advice. This was a sentiment that he was not alone in. In fact, later examination of his writings reveals to us that McClellan was also in favor of such a reorganization, though he had hoped to see which commanders distinguished themselves in battle before making such a move to know who he should appoint.

The fifteen divisions of the army would thus be reorganized into four corps. The first corp was headed by Irvin McDowell, former commander of the Army during the initial period of the Civil War. The second was under Edwin Sumner, a veteran of the Mexican-American War who had initially served in the Department of the Pacific before being recalled to join the Army of the Potomac. The third was under Samuel Heintzelman, another veteran of the Mexican-American War who had put down the Yuma Uprising. The fourth corp was under Silas Casey, yet another Mexican-American War veteran who had been heavily involved in topographical work.

Nominally there was a fifth corp as well. This was under Nathaniel Banks, a former governor of Massachusetts who had worked hard to prevent the rise of secessionist elements in Maryland. In practice he had an independent command, but technically his troops fell under the Army of the Potomac in terms of jurisdiction. He primarily operated in the Shenandoah Valley, safeguarding the area from potential Confederate activity.

The resignation of McClellan also allowed for a change in the general military administration as well. The Department of the Potomac remained the purview of Secretary of Defense Stanton, who coordinated the actions of the Union armies there. The Department of the Mississippi, comprising of the former Department of the Missouri as well as Ohio and Kansas, was given to Major General Henry Halleck to manage. Lastly the Department of the Mountains was formed, comprising west and southwest Virginia as well as eastern Kentucky. It was placed under John C Fremont, with the goal of liberating eastern Tennessee.

With military reorganization ongoing, Lincoln was free to turn to the matter of strategy. He continued reading books on military strategy, and conferred long into the night with Hitchcock, Stanton, and Meigs. He wanted to be sure that the strategic decision he was making was the right one, and that it had good odds of success.

Ultimately Lincoln was a man of action. He wanted a swift end to the Civil War, to minimize the deaths that would otherwise be suffered by the American people. He might misjudge the strength of his foes, but he was not content to sit on the defensive and wait until the odds were totally in his favor like certain other commanders.

His view was also different from that of McClellan in one fundamental way. Despite the value that holding Richmond would provide in terms of morale and the Confederacy’s position in the Eastern Theater, he did not see it as a priority target. Conquering territory alone would not compel a surrender, regardless of what city it was.

With Lincoln opposed to a move against Richmond, the consensus shifted towards the strategy McDowell had presented in January. The Army of the Potomac would advance upon Manassas once more. They would seek to meet the Army of Northern Virginia in pitched battle and shatter it. Removal of such a seasoned army would cripple the Confederate ability to resist, and they would be compelled to seek terms of surrender.

Having reached a decision as to how they would proceed, the Union began the preparations necessary to carry out this offensive. But Joseph Johnston was not about to go down without a fight….
Great chapter, time to see how Lincoln does in battle against Confederates in Manassas for the first time. I think it'll be a massive eye-opener for him. Lincoln clearly has shown himself to be a man of action, it needs to work out in his favor to legitimize everything he's doing so far. Keep up the great work 👍👍👍
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Lincoln assuming direct command is a recipe for disaster.

He's a politician and a lawyer with no actual military experiance, his generals wont repect him as a military figure and will likely resent him forcing himself into an Army Command above them - I'm surprised there was no negative reaction from the Officers of the Army of the Potomac when the executive order giving Lincoln command was made, I half expected there to be a mutiny!

If Lincoln doesn't achieve a decisive victory at the first time of asking then I dont see how he could effectively keep command unless he starts firing everyone.
5 - The Valley
The Valley


Scenic Shenandoah Valley

As Lincoln prepared for the grand advance upon Manassas, affairs in another part of the Eastern Front drew his gaze away. Though lesser in scope than the full might of the Army of the Potomac, they were no less relevant for the developing strategic situation.

The Shenandoah Valley was a defensive conundrum for both sides of the Eastern Front. It was a greater concern to the Union, as the northeast slant of the Valley provided an alternative route for the Confederacy to advance upon Washington DC. For the Confederacy it was less of a security risk as moving the other way up the Valley did not lead to any useful targets, but if it were to fall into Union hands it would potentially allow Federal troops to severe Richmond’s lines of communication, isolating it from the rest of the South.

Confederate forces were organized under the Army of the Valley, led by Thomas ‘Stonewall’ Jackson. Their objective there was to guard the flank of Johnston’s army encamped at Manassas, and to tie down Union forces therein. Meanwhile the Union force was led by V Corp of the Army of the Potomac under Nathaniel Banks. The Union force’s purpose was to safeguard Washington DC, while secondary objectives were aimed at ensuring the operation of the C&O Canal.

The state of the two armies during the winter of 1861 could not be more stark. The Union had a significant advantage in numbers as well as material. Their intelligence efforts meant that they had a good idea of the number of Confederate forces in the field. Yet, to the frustration of Banks and General Lander, McClellan refused to allow them to act on it. He wanted a quiet winter, and he was convinced that any offensive efforts would meet with a match in reinforcements by the CSA – the same pool of reinforcements he believed Johnston was drawing from.

McClellan had gotten his quiet winter, only to bear the fruit of the President’s discontent come spring. His plan to land at Urbana had been rejected by Lincoln’s assumption of leadership over the Army of the Potomac. This had a ripple effect upon the Union forces within the Shenandoah Valley as well due to their subordinate status to the Army.

Before his removal McClellan had planned a limited offensive within the Valley using Banks’ troops across the Potomac. His plan had been to secure the ground needed to reopen the rail bridge of the B&O railroad, occupying the opposite bank of the Potomac if needed. Once the bridge had been repaired he would consider an advance upon the Confederate base in Winchester if he felt it was favorable.

McClellan being removed had derailed those plans for self evident reasons. Yet Banks remained confident of his position, with his network of informants providing detailed projections of Jackson’s troop strength in the Valley. Not long after McClellan’s removal, he petitioned Secretary of War Stanton to authorize offensive action in the Valley against the Confederate Army.

In this he was supported by Brigadier General James Shields, who had been appointed to his position in the Valley following the death of Frederick Lander in March. Their plan was a simple one. They wanted to advance upon Winchester, which had been seized by Jackson earlier in the year, and retake the city. Depending on how that proceeded, they would then consider further moves along the Valley.

This plan was well received in Washington. Lincoln was looking for dynamism in his commanders, a willingness to take the fight to the enemy in contrast to the excessive caution of McClellan. It also saw approval from his advisor Hitchcock, as a drive up the Valley could potentially turn Johnston’s flank and unhinge his entire defensive line.

In spite of the disruptions caused by the command change, Banks’ troops stepped off in mid March. The crossing of the Potomac was accomplished with relatively little difficulty, and soon Federal forces were advancing in strength upon the Confederate army.

The advance of Federal forces prompted much discussion in Winchester. Jackson was tormented by the situation he now found himself in. He was loath to retire from the city without a fight. But he also knew that his army was heavily outnumbered by the Union army moving against him. He unburdened himself with a chaplain that he had befriended, leading to the amusing situation where a civilian knew more about the operation of an army than its subcommanders did at that moment.

Ultimately there was no decision at all. Jackson knew his orders, and those did not call for him risking his entire army in a hopeless last stand. They would retreat and live to fight another day. In spite of his wavering Jackson had already gotten his supply train moving, and now the army moved with it. This was accompanied by punctuated skirmishes with Union forces as eager commanders pressed the advance with the approval of Banks.

Though pressed by Union forces, Jackson’s precautions meant he was able to retire from Winchester relatively unmolested. The following occupation of the city was relatively cordial, with troops ordered to be on good behavior around the locals. While the higher class female population was thoroughly unwelcoming of the Union presence, soldiers found a warm welcome with shopkeepers eager for their money rather than depreciated Confederate currency.

Yet they did not linger long. Even as Banks shifted his headquarters to Winchester, urging from Lincoln and Stanton compelled him to continue his advance up the Valley. Skirmishes continued to occur as Confederate cavalry under the flamboyant Turner Ashby launched raids upon the advancing Union army, buying time for the Army of the Valley as they withdrew.

In spite of these raids there seemed to be little Jackson could do against such a force. His troops maintained their high morale as they recognized the military necessity of the withdrawal, but all the same they wondered how far Jackson intended to retreat. Would he concede the entire Valley?

They need not have worried. Jackson did not intend to let the Union have control of the Shenandoah Valley without a fight, and he was already looking for his opportunity to counterattack.