Alexander The Great doesn't die in 323 BC

well, orginally, I was gonna say, wait til tomorrow, which you can, but expect by Wednesday night to attempt another map, this one of the successor kingdoms
Your first concern? That's okay. The successor kingdoms that form are mostly in Europeanyway. But try to do a map as is in 230 BC, if you can do a Eurasia map. Sorry, I can't help any further.

To the rest of you: If this sounds boring, just wait until I have an epilogue segment((in novel form) up here in about a week or so. It should show some interesting things about what this more Hellenestic, and also somewhat chaotic world is by around this millenium
The Rise and Fall of the Alexandrian Empire
Demetrius Dionysus
c) 1998 Green Sea Publishing Neo Daminoplis used with permssion

Chapter 11: The Decline and fragmentation of the empire

After the death of Argaeus III, several centrifugal, decentralizing, and regionalization forces, long held in check by the tolerant reign of Argaeus, would come to the fore under his son Perdiccas. It is generally agreed that an incompetent would eventually come to the throne, but even without that, the Alexandrian Empire would have eventually started to wear at the seams due to the massive amount of territory that it controlled, more than any other empire in history.

When Perdiccas IV came to power, he would not be too happy with hsi father's policies, and instantly try to rule with a more heavy hand. He would attempt to send a large force to India to retake the Vanga area, and also reconquer the kingdom of Chola. But his persecution of Hindus would arouse great dissent in the South, and the invasion force, led by a descendent of the great general Ptolemy, named Koronos was attacked from behind, when they tried to take Chola, and were severely defeated at Amarhiti in Andhara. Perdiccas, after exiling Koronos to Prettanike, conceded Andhara's indpendence with disgust in in June 235, seeing the leaders of the rebellion as little more than scattered rebels. Though this assumption was partly correct, Jangara the king of restored Andhara would be assassinated in 12 years by the far more capable Vangara, who would go on to conquer all of South India.

At the same time, Perdiccas was also persecuting Buddhists, which led to the imprisonment of his brother-in-law Aridiccas, his younger brother Craterus and several people in Persia and India. In India, this would lead to a civil war, where some of the more favored Hindus backed Perdiccas, but they found themselves incresingly under siege by Buddhists and Hindus who felt they were being deprived of their rights. In Persia, there were a number of riots, and the Buddhists there ended up severely persecuted and forced to go underground. They would help cause the split of Persia twenty years later.

It seemed nothing could stop Perdiccas' tyranny. He however, had one weakness. He refused to marry, and instead, insisted on staying with his gay lover. Homosexuality was tolerated then in Hellenistic culture, as is now, but powerful Greeks, Latins, Egyptians, Persians and others were unhappy about his refusal to father a child. Knowing that Perdiccas would never abdicate, they would invite him to a dinner in Alexandria in February 234BC , to talk about the general state of things. Little did Perdiccas know that his wine was poisoned with hemlock, and he dropped dead soon after drinking it after a reign of just two years

Right after this, top officials such as Seti, Khosrau, Brutus, and others would invite Antigonus, the youngest brother of Perdiccas to take the crown. Antigonus would accept, and his reign would prove to be the last with any sense of normality, and even then, he had to deal with a number of civil wars and rebellious brothers.

In Kosala, in east-central India, the Hindu-Buddhists forces had ended up at the city of Kausambi, where the Alexandrian loyalists were giving stubborn resistance. Antigonus was no great general, and did not go, for fear of one of his other brothers overthrowing him. So he sat back, as Kausambi defended itself surprisingly well against superior forces, but finally an officer named Chanaga distingushed himself through good strategy, and broke the siege in October 234 BC, while fighting off reinforcements from west India. It would take another year before the rest of Kosala was secure.

Then there was the trouble with Amyntas, his youngest brother. After learning of a plot against him in 232 BC, Antigonus would try to have him executed in Persia, but Amyntas would escape to Bactria, and start a seven-year rebellion that would initially end in defeat, but would later be succesful in 198 BC, not long before he died.

Then there was the problem in Italia, which led to his assassination. At the time, Italia was probably one of the worst places for the poor to be in the civilized world, due the sharecropper system described in a previous chapter. Antigonus would begin a series of policies in 230 BC, known as the Antigonus Codes. They would, essentially, give a poor farmer the right to start their own farm without having to 'earn' their freedom from a rich landowner. It also gave a useful papyrus scroll of agricultural information to help a poor farmer get started.

Neeless to say, the Latin landowners were not happy, and immidiately convinced the Etruscans to send militia to help fight the troops sent to enforce the code. Worst yet, the aristocratic Archelaus, another brother of Antigonus, would openly argue about that. His murder in 228 BC would not settle matters, as his son was taken to Gaul by his father's loyal servants, and there manage to proclaim independence in 207 BC. Then, a cousin, Demetrius, would start a long and protracted civil war in 227 BC that would devastate the land, in addition to ocassional acts of extreme britality from the True successors of Alexander.
Antigonus would stubbornly attempt to hang on to India, but Chanaga had managed to conquer eveywhere but the coast and the srongly Hellenistic Taxila by 222 BC. The ports on the Indus were able to keep it from totally falling, and eventually, Taxila, would procliam independence in their own right on 217 BC, when they could no longer depend on the Alexnadrians for protection, and after a revolt in Kalinga forced chanaga to withdraw.

Several attempts were made agaisnt Antigonus's life by Illyrian assassins, who had become known as highly succesful, following the murder of a Volscian leader who had supported the Antigonus Codes. But the landowners grew tired of the Illyrian' continued failure, who so far had stabbed Antigonus several times on at least three occassions, but he had either been rescued by his bodyguards or limped away to safety. Antigonus had in turn, paid several people to turn the asssaissins in. So, reluctantly, and afraid of the consequences, the landowners, led by Julius Claudius, selected an archer of the notorious TSA,(True Sons of Alexnader), who had recently done operations in Iberia*, and Italia to kill Antigonus, as he was leaving his palace in Tyre. The archer, a vicious Gaul known as Vercigtorix, was totally succesful, and killed the forty-nine year old Antigonus on September 4 220 BC.

His son Perseus, twenty-one
ould have normally succeeded him, but he fled west to Macedon.
eece, when his uncle Antipater, aged forty-three, and the second youngest child of Argaeus III ged to secure his ownsupport. A plot agaisnt him in Greece, where he was trying to overthrow his father failed, when the assasin ended up drinking too much while in Athens, and gave warning to Perseus to stay away from the palce.

Perseus would mobilize a 75,000 strong force, sail easward to Tyre, and take it after a three-month siege. It proved to be hard, but thanks to the brillant generalship of Peracles, an ally of Perseus, the walls would quickly be breached. But unfortunately,Perseusdiscover that his uncle
His uncle, unfortunately, had escaped again, this time to Africa, where he was eventually killed in 211. His son, Amyntas, would eventually fight a war against Egypt, when the self-proclaimed pharoah, Tutankhamen, claiming
o be desecended from Alexander, took over in 199 BC,

Perseus would continue the land-reform policies of his father and sent more troops to guranteed the farmer's rights. Needless to say, Perseus never left his palace, or ate food he had observed being made. He lasted surprisngly long, but after speaking out agaisnt polytheism, a small groups of Greeks in Tyre, led by a Polythemus, would walk into the palace, upon being invited by a friend of Perseus' and disembowled him where he died fiveours later on April 19 209 BC.


P.s Not aure if there'll be a narrative tonight. I can tell you however, that the Greeks will start to grow more apart from the current rulers, and thus the base of support for Antigonus's children(most of the suceeding rulers until the end of the Alexnadrian empire) will be close to nonexistent
Looks like Inaki isn't on, so I want somefeedbacl! Meaningful things, and not just general comments, though those are okay.
Aaarrgh! 3 days without visiting the forum, ouch,:eek: it seems that my new job in public administration + other affairs in the real life are prevent to me to post daily as I wanted (this also means that is very possible that the timelines that I begin could suffer some delay in the appearition of new segments)

I see that you probably has used "Regnal Chronologies" web to know what number is Perdiccas and Argaeus corresponded, (the only Perdiccas that I remembered of memory was the greek general), it is a great web to use as information for timelines:)

Originally posted by JP_Morgan
after exiling Koronos to Prettanike,

What is the situation of Prettanike in TTL (OTL England) I see that first Philip and after Koronos are sent to exile in Prettanike, so there is some kind of pact of protectorate of the Alexandrian Empire over Prettanike that permit to exile these problematic elements in an independent country but in fact submitted to the Empire or Prettanike is totally independent? Is there some kind of unified government in Prettanike or is more a mess of little states?

Originally posted by JP_Morgan
It seemed nothing could stop Perdiccas' tyranny. He however, had one weakness. He refused to marry, and instead, insisted on staying with his gay lover. Homosexuality was tolerated then in Hellenistic culture, as is now, but powerful Greeks, Latins, Egyptians, Persians and others were unhappy about his refusal to father a child. Knowing that Perdiccas would never abdicate, they would invite him to a dinner in Alexandria in February 234BC , to talk about the general state of things. Little did Perdiccas know that his wine was poisoned with hemlock, and he dropped dead soon after drinking it after a reign of just two years

Hmm, could be also because Perdiccas wanted of make of his lover the succesor to the throne? (it is only an idea that cross my mind but I suppose that if Perdiccas not want to have a child but he should have thought in his succesion, so the only candidate for him could be his lover?), Perdiccas is no doubt an incompetent king, first with a politic of not tolerance that causes a lot of revolts, second this decission of not having a child and third for the love of god anyone would think that looking at what degree of sympathy have the people with you (in the case of Perdiccas very low) you would go with cautious steps in having dinner because the food could be poisoned but Perdicas seems that he thought that because he is the king impossible a treason of this kind, hmm, a silly king.

After the fall of Alexandrian Empire in India, with the independence of Taxila the India is no more forming part of Alexandrian Empire, all is falling apart slowly but in continous way, there is too many diversity and differences for as a giant empire as the Alexandrian Empire could resist too much when the problems begin to appear a lot of times.

So this begin to be a total mess, what regions are loyal to the Empire? I suppose Macedon, could be Asia Minor, but the rest of the regions are beginning to try to follow his own way.

Are the parthians presents?, in OTL they founded his kingdom if my memory is good in 240´s BC, I suppose with this mess, the parths could have a good day invading Persia profiting some rebellion against the Alexander´s succesors.

I recognise I am fascinated with the fall of the empires (one interesting period for me for example is the fall of the Roman Empire) and this fall of the Alexandrian Empire I am asking myself how much in time will resist the Alexandrian Empire before the definitive fall.

Waiting the next segment with great curiosity:cool:
Iñaki said:
I see that you probably has used "Regnal Chronologies" web to know what number is Perdiccas and Argaeus corresponded, (the only Perdiccas that I remembered of memory was the greek general), it is a great web to use as information for timelines:)

What is the situation of Prettanike in TTL (OTL England) I see that first Philip and after Koronos are sent to exile in Prettanike, so there is some kind of pact of protectorate of the Alexandrian Empire over Prettanike that permit to exile these problematic elements in an independent country but in fact submitted to the Empire or Prettanike is totally independent? Is there some kind of unified government in Prettanike or is more a mess of little states?

Well, no, but it's rather hard to keep track of Philip with a large force with a country you don't currently war with. I should have put Helgoland for Koronos, come to think of it. As for your other question, under the influence there has been some progress towards a more unified state in Duminonia(Cornwall) but there hasn't been a concerted effort to 'educate' the barbarians. I figure though, maybe in the next 200 years, most of south Pretannike could be under a united state of some sort.

Hmm, could be also because Perdiccas wanted of make of his lover the succesor to the throne? (it is only an idea that cross my mind but I suppose that if Perdiccas not want to have a child but he should have thought in his succesion, so the only candidate for him could be his lover?), Perdiccas is no doubt an incompetent king, first with a politic of not tolerance that causes a lot of revolts, second this decission of not having a child and third for the love of god anyone would think that looking at what degree of sympathy have the people with you (in the case of Perdiccas very low) you would go with cautious steps in having dinner because the food could be poisoned but Perdicas seems that he thought that because he is the king impossible a treason of this kind, hmm, a silly king.

Well, Perdicacs doesn't reeally look ath thinsg long term, he thinks of short-term gratifications.Yeah, Perdiccas was not one of the smartest people in the world, but the people at the dinner were people he trusted anyway, so..

Are the parthians presents?, in OTL they founded his kingdom if my memory is good in 240´s BC, I suppose with this mess, the parths could have a good day invading Persia profiting some rebellion against the Alexander´s succesors.

Yes, and fairly Hellenistic state like OTL, with a sizable minority worshipping Greek gods, in addition to other religions. Basically, a second cousin once removed of the current king seized power here, but currently not too much into expansion. If they ever will be, I won't really continue that far, but on the other hand, a stable Parthia in contrast to OTL is soemthing ot think about
taken from The Rise and Fall of the Alexandrian Empire
Demetrius Dionysus
c) 1998 Green Sea Publishing, Neo Daminoplis

Chapter 12: Fall of the Alexandrian Empire, and immidiate warfare that followed it

After the murder of Perseus, and his son Amyntas, his brother, also named Amyntas, who had hid behind a dresser. would take the throne as Amyntas V at thirty-two. The rather small Amyntas (he was believed to be around 5 8") would quickly prove to be an agressive ruler. He would order an invasion of Taxila in 208 from the port of Barbaricon, which still was under the hegemony of the Alexandrian Empire, after Surashtra, in alliance with Taxila, failed to break the Alexandrians' control of the Indus River. Surprisingly enough, Amyntas was succesful in taking control of Taxila for about three years. And the navy of his friend, Hasdrusbal, had scored a major victory agaisnt Surashta. Andhara took this opportunity to join the fray, and launched a sea invasion of Surashta. Surashta had its navy annhilated by this, and was forced to fight for its life on land. It would manage to score a narrow victory outside of Barygaza, and drove Andhara about fifty miles from the city, before the Andharan army got smart and formed a semi-circle in the general area. But no general could figure a out a way to break the siege.
As it would turn out, luck was on Taxila's side, as a large army from the east and north, forced the withdrwal of the forces there. This would end up with a pursuit all the way to Barbaricon, where Arab sailors would temporarily suceed in saving the city after a battle on April 12, 205 BC. But eevrything would quickly turn against them, when Nitomedes, the general Amyntas had left in charge while going to put down a revolt in Egypt, got impatient and led a charge in November that would end up disastrous and in a new push by the Indian army, took Barbaricon after about five months, thanks to reinforcements from Surahshta, which had been able to make a peace with Andhara.​

After this, some disgruntled Arabians would not be happy at this, and they would start planning a revolt that they launched in October 203 BC. Armed with weapons from India, they managed to launch a surprise attack on the local garrison and nearly wiped it out. Amyntas would arrive on October 31, and try to break the Arabs' fortified positions. His method of simple charging would prove to be a failure, and the garrison garrison was annhilated with Amyntas manging to escape on sjhips with his troops
After Amyntas debarked from southwest Arabia, a group of disgruntled Persians, enraged by the recent bungling of what have should been solid victories, stabbed Amyntas in the throat several times,unti; he was dead, and even severla times after that
After this, the Persians, who were normally behind the Greeks in most things, quickly started to turn away from them. After the ship arrived in Tazon Gebir, there was an immidiate dispute over who should be Amyntas' successor. Despite the fact that Amyntas' son was technically in line for the throne, the Greek and Phonecians insisted that Amyntas' younger brother, Demetrius be allowed to take the position of king of Kings. The arguments were very fierce and they eventually came to blows with each other. The Persians would end up being forced back to Mesopatamia, and the Greeks and Phonecians, lacking the forces to follow, organized a force of Jews and others, after imprisoning the son, once again name Amyntas. They would reach Mespotamia, where the Persian satraps had mobilized, and fought a fierce war against them. By 199 BC, the Persians, though de facto recognized as independent, with the king had been forced to give up their claims to suzranity in Mespotamia. This would trigger a revolt and invasion by Amyntas, who, after fighting off the garrison invaded Parthia, and defeated the satrap, Ariarathes in March 198 BC, as he had not been expecting a winter attack. Amyntas's son, known as Shapur , would take over, as his father was getting weak, and manage to defeat the Persian subjugation force on June 21.​

In the remaining Alexandrian Empire, the various realms that constituted it were splitting at the slightest provacation. Demetrius, who had been confirmed as king in 201 BC, had to concede the independence of Egypt in December 199 BC, after mismangement of an army that arrived from the west failed to capture Tutankhamen. By this time, the Italian landowners, knowing that Demetrius was lacking the power and desire to enforce the Antigonus Codes, attempted to reform the old sharecropper system. Surprisingly enough, this whole thing would end up in chaos, as for the next seven years, from 197 to 190 BC, civil war would rage, and the Alexandrians would be ejected from the peninsula. Eventually, a compromise between the Latin landowners and the subjagated people (poor latins, Volscians, Marsians) would emerge, partly brokered through the secret society that still continues to be a plague on the world today, the True Sons of Alexander*. Apparently, from accounts of the era they had terrorized the landowners into a peace.​

"He[the TSoA leader] had shook his finger in our direction, and told us, though they believed in law and order, that they would end up regretting not abiding by certain concerns of the poor for land if something wasn't done. I wanted to reach and choke him, but I knew that would end up in an instant, totally cruel, and humiliating execution, if I ever murdered a Son of Alexander.1]​

Needless to say, Italia was let go unofficially, and right after that Greece and Macedon itself would revolt in February 194 BC, upset by the failing wars, over-heavy taxation, and that Demetrius was taking to hanging around Jewish temples, and starting to believe in a monotheistic entiety.​

Demetrius would immidiately head for Pella, ,long the symbolic capital of the Alexandrian Empire, and engage in battle with his cousin Amyntas, who had been freed in a August 195 BC raid on the Tyre jail. There was a stalemate for about nine months or so, before Thessalian and Epirote troops were able to break the siege. Demetrius was killed during the course of the siege, and was replaced by a Phonecian half-brother with the name Hannibal. Hannibal would sail southward and attempt an invasion of Greece instead. Hannibal would turn out to be a great general, and utterly destroy the force guarding Athens. Unfortunately, he had it sacked, and he would be surrounded and murdered by a mob after returning from parlay. Then the youngest brother of Demetrius, known as Archelaus II, would become the king. But he was only seventeen, and virtually powerless to counter the power of the genrals trying to crush the revolt. After many years, it was clear that they were making no more headway, and they were forced to sign a peace with Amyntas, confirming him as the king of Greece, Macedon, and Epirus.​

In 185 BC, Archelaus would attempt to prove his worth by attempting another invasion of Greece. This one would once again fail, and this time, Amyntas would invade Asia Minor and seize thw western half. In 182 BC, Archelaus was forced to recognize him as indepedent, and would promptly be decapitated by a bitter descendant of the great Alexandrian genral Ptolemy, who was completely insane, and very angry about the depredation of the empire that his ancestor had helped to build. Then a group of Phonecians, encouraged by the weakness of the new Argaea ruler, Philip IV, would murder him and his entire family, and set up an oligarchy of sort. This would, in effect, mark the end of the alexandrian empire.​

The conclusion is that the Alexandrian empire would be successul in having Hellenistic culture having a strong influence in lands like Persia, and western and northern India to this day. It would also end up with mass cultural diffusion, which would help to creat so much of the friction that chracterizes our world today....​

[1]The Journal of Cornelius Scipio. written in 188 BC
*Does anybody know a Latin word for 'avengers' or some equivalent​
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There's a little song kind of woven in, which may make it seems implausible. But it's rather appririate here​

Epilogue:The Twilight of the Argaed Dynasty?

December 31, 1999
Chorasmia, Turka
Argaed dynasty remnant

"Hello?" said the main technician, known as Ptolemy, in charge, pushing the button on the comm, and pressing his earphones to listen. "What? Shit!!. Okay I'll warn the boys." He let go of the button. "I just got a communique from the commanding Archon in Turka. He says China is going to use the nukes they got hold of a while back. Apparently, those now good Sons of Alexander co-opted the military of Gaul to get their hands on some, and got a whole lot of money from it. Their top leader, Julius Argaed, was jailed after hiding in America for two years, but the damage has been done. Boys, prepare for a preemptive strike!"

Orodes a minor technician, one of those people who got their position more to having an influential family than a good degree of intelligence, than said. "Okay, so that means that we make war on India also? I heard they had an alliance with China." Ptolemy clutched on the button of his energy knife impatiently thinking "Please God, cleanse this utter stupidity before I kill myself". "What are you, insane, you nitwit?! It's only an economic alliance, and you can't even conceive of the consequences India is much closer to us than China, and thereby also has longer-range missiles. We have much fewer bases to lose than the Indians. If we traded nukes with them, we would be annhilated, and the argaed dynasty would be gone, with no hope of returning.

Orodes, unfortunately, had managed to sink a swig of wine in before, and, encoraged by the drink flowing through his body, acted on impulse on said."We must destroy them all!!..." and in small giggles, jumped on the nuclear computer, moved the mouse to "Mauthura" and pressed the Big Red Button." Ptolemy managed to knock him out with a taser, but by that time it was too late. "Activate stratgeic defense systems!" "Sir, we can't access them. The computer says they're not responding." Ptolemy, once again, was about to run his energy knife through his throat. God, why did there have to be so many problems? But slowly he calmed down. "Theyve been destroyed! Evacuate!" . Ptolemy at this point turned on his portable music device to listen to a song called 'el finis' by Las Tranquils. It was based on the story of Oedipus he was pretty sure. He pressed down on it, and ran out. He started to think about hoe hard it was for the Argaed Dynasty to operate if their main base was destroyed. Though they were noimally allied with Neo Greece, Chinoka*, and Nippon, he knew that was irellevant as they were too weak to provide a good defense. About the onlt good thing they had was nukes, and he knew agaisnt a powerful country like India, that would do no good. "This is the end, my friend" the singer continued.
"Yeah, really?" ,muttered, Ptolemy, and he ran through gray corridors, and past weapons labs towards the exit. He, and all the other technicians were able to get outside, and look at the brown bulidings around them. He looked at the main building where Chosoroes XXIII made his home. If he had gotten the warning, he should be safely out of the city with his family. Ptolemy, knew however, that he would not be so lucky. What kind of hair-brained idiot made this base so close to the main Argaead city he had no clue, but he knew it would lead to their death."In a desperate world.." the song continued. Ptolemy continued to run into the desert, as he continued thinking, will the dynasty he pledged his life to survive? Just as he though he was going to make it, he saw a bomb come down about a half miles away, towards the city. "Mother... i want to fuck you!!!!!!" Next thing Ptlemy knew, was a shockwave and a blindinf flash of life, then the agony of his insides being ripped apart then... nothing


Is this truly the end of the Argaead Dynasty. What happened between 182 BC and 1999 to cause such a volatile situation? What's the status of Greece.

To be continued.....(yeah, right) Serously, I just wanted to teaser you guys, no continuation i think.:rolleyes: Who knows?

That was kind of hatily done.Maybe I edit this weeked if I have time

*A powerful country centered in the OTLPacific Northwest

And here's the whole of the end by the doors

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
Ill never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...strangers hand
In a...desperate land

Lost in a roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

Theres danger on the edge of town
Ride the kings highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...hes old, and his skin is cold

The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and well do the rest

The blue bus is callin us
The blue bus is callin us
Driver, where you taken us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...i want to...fuck you

Cmon baby, take a chance with us
Cmon baby, take a chance with us
Cmon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin a blue rock
Cmon, yeah

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free
But youll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end
After 5 days, I could get some time to get into the board. (no doubt the real life last events: new job and other things are prevent me to get into the board daily as when I begin:( :eek: ,... I expect that soon I could return to the daily visits )

The War of Diadochi and the fall of the Cordoba Caliphate of OTL these two things come to my mind when I read chapter 12,(although in this ATL the Alexandrian Empire maintains some kind of core territory under his rule but losing a lot of territories in the west and the east)

as you say

The conclusion is that the Alexandrian empire would be successul in having Hellenistic culture having a strong influence in lands like Persia, and western and northern India to this day. It would also end up with mass cultural diffusion, which would help to creat so much of the friction that chracterizes our world today...."

In fact so giant empire was very difficult to remain, I think but the most important is not the fall of the territorial aspect of the Alexandrian Empire, is the fact that in TTL the greek-alexandrian ideas have arrived to be an important basis for the civilized world, the destiny of all the Earth of TTL was changed because Alexander not died, afther this all the world changed, not only the western and Persia, all, no doubt not only India that in TTL suffered a lot of military campaigns of Alexander and his sons, but China and I suppose in the future the cultures of America will be changed and influenced by this wonderful and massive expansion of the greek culture that combined with persian and egyptian ideas surely will bring to this Earth golden eras of science, literature and knowledge in general.

Write timelines is hard and costs a lot of time (because this I decided to begin the last timelines in format of 5 years) also get time to write and making a good timeline is also difficult, I think in my opinion you has get have an interesting timeline and with regular updates, well as you realize your timeline has been one of my favourite in the board.:)

The last segment, far in the future with respect to the Chapter 12 has shown what are the terrible situation of war in 1999, it let a lot of years in the middle for the explanation, I expect in the future we will see new segments of alexander doesn´t poisoned with the explanation of these years but I am thinking do you have any new timeline in perspective?:)
Yeah, well

I think that the initial post may be under 2000 words, so I don't see it being accepted into the Timelines and Scenarios forum.:( Which is a damn shame, since I don't think it's like some of the other crap in there.

Originally posted by Inaki
Write timelines is hard and costs a lot of time (because this I decided to begin the last timelines in format of 5 years) also get time to write and making a good timeline is also difficult, I think in my opinion you has get have an interesting timeline and with regular updates, well as you realize your timeline has been one of my favourite in the board.:)

Yes, but fairly uncomplicated stuff like this is in my league, not descrbing complicated economic changes. Which leads to your next question....

The last segment, far in the future with respect to the Chapter 12 has shown what are the terrible situation of war in 1999, it let a lot of years in the middle for the explanation, I expect in the future we will see new segments of alexander doesn´t poisoned with the explanation of these years but I am thinking do you have any new timeline in perspective?:)

If you read what I said before, I was purposely trying to leave people hanging. The truth is, I have oddly enough more things to do(or not?;) ) then try to think of new things for TLs.

As for new timelines, I thought of a more stable Parthian empire, an obligatory roman TL:rolleyes: , and Stilcho taking over the Western roman Empire,(idea from CoH) and (yawn) uber-America. But, more seriously, I started this thread about the future breakup of the US, but it looks like it'll come to nothing. I was thinking of doing a story on it, but that takes a lot of time and effort, and I can't gurantee anything.