AHC: US still with 48 states

Find some way for Hawaii to stay as an unincorporated territory like Guam or Puerto Rico, with no second state to keep the Republican and Democratic parties balanced Alaska doesn't become a state and likely follows them down the same path.
2 Cents Worth

Folding Oklahoma into Texas ain't gonna happen, noway, nohow.
Ditto for blending Arizona and New Mexico (after the POD).

Best bet would be to make Alaska a National Reserve Territory (then they discover oil...) and turn Hawaii into a puppet state under the old royal family (if any are left). Then release Puerto Rico and recognize its independence (as another puppet state.)

OR (evil grin here)

Post 1900, the US incorporates all its Pacific holdings as the State of Isola, including the Philippines, retains Cuba, and incorporates all Caribbean holdings, including Puerto Rico as the State of Columbus. Alaska remains a Federal Trust, as does Oklahoma (for the Amerindians). Have some Constitutional whiz kid get a successful petition/referendum going to reincorporate West Virginia back into its Mama State (the Civil War split being un-Constitutional as all get out.)

Next, sometime in the 1950s, the Kanamits land and solve all mankind's problems.
I can't see the US incorporate the entire pacific into a state (considering how many thousands of miles it is) but i could see them instituting a policy that anything outside the lower 48 gets some designation between statehood and independence. Seems worth mentioning that in 1900 there are several independence movements in the recently acquired territories. There is alternatives, i'm sure, to the darkness of OTL
I don't know about Alaska, but is 1900 too late for the Queen of Hawaii to make another attempt at reclaiming her kingdom? No one is going to war over some central Pacific islands, but if Queen Victoria can be persuaded to demand her government uphold its confirmation of Hawaiian independence, diplomatic pressure could force the US to guarantee it too.
Admit Arizona and New Mexico as one state and get Hawaii to remain an unincorporated territory ala Puerto Rico.