AHC: Russian Sweden

Title is pretty self-explanatory, but I can give some caveats: not all of the country has to be taken but enough for it to be a hefty part of it under Russian rule or at least like Poland was under Russia IOT, especially given the perennial Russian desire for a warm-water port.
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(Just shooting in the dark here, and uncertain of time-frame, but...)
Russia *somehow* establishes a dynastic claim to, and takes, Denmark... demands the return of the Scania region from Sweden. Sweden refuses, war ensues, Sweden is defeated, Denmark (under Russian rule in a personal union) is restored to its "historical borders". In the ensuing peace treaty, the Swedes are forced to accept terms which effectively vassalizes them to Russia.
Russia now not only has a few warm-water ports, but has complete control over the entrances to the Baltic, most likely has Norway (I presume in a personal union to the personal union :p), and has turned the Baltic into a Russian lake...
Again, no idea how this could actually happen... :)
Well, the brother of Gustav Adolf was one of the candidates for the Czar of Russia during the troubles(a Swedish army in Novgorod was quite helpful), but he was 14 at the time and his mother said no and sometime later the Russians gave up on the whole idea and got the Romanovs instead. So if we assume Karl Filip actually becomes Czar and he survives as Czar and his brother still dies and Kristina refuses to marry and still abdicates he or his descendants are the legitimate kings of Sweden by law.
Could Peter I have continued the conquest of Finland 1714/1715 with an invasion of western Sweden in the following years? He threatened to do so in 1720 but more as pressure to achieve a peace treaty than out of any real wish to do so. Given Sweden's meagre resources at the time, could a combined offensive by its enemies have ended the realm?

In 1743 the future Peter III was possible crown prince of both Sweden and Russia. If the powers behind the thrones had been more constructive, he could have inherited both crowns.

In 1809/1810 Sweden was at a low point again, and a Russian invasion combined with election of the Czar as King could have united the crowns yet another time, and the Czar was descended from Swedish Kings, if I understand it correctly.