AHC: Russian Invasion of America

With a POD after 1783, can anyone conceive of any circumstance wherein a Russian state (doesn't have to be the Empire, USSR, or anything like that, just a state that is Russian) can actually invade the USA and successfully make some headway, even if they get turned back?

Sounds weirdly specific, right? In all honesty it's just a random question that occurred to me while mulling over Red Dawn and other such materials, and also while reading about the Russian Empire's ambitions in America between Fort Ross and Alaska.
Would a Russian token contribution to the British war effort in North America in 1813 or 1814 qualify? Or does your challenge require a standalone Russian force?
Announcing of discovery of gold in Alaska and California, declaring those as "American Cossack Host lands" with anyone allowed to travel, settle and run business. Serfs volunteers declared free if traveled to American coast and spent there 5 years. Has to be soon after Napoleonic wars: the war and spike of Little Ice Age caused a lot of distress in public, such vent would be very welcome. Orders for missionary work of Russian Orthodox Church among American Natives, including them as free citizens of Russia, if they pledge to Tzar.

Some extra conditions, like gold tax and demand to declare occupied lands as belonging to Russian crown. The later would eventually fall off, but would work for a while.
Might face huge opposition from Britain.

At the very least would create a huge wave of migration through Siberia, with many settlement along the route to Pacific Coast.

However, this is not invasion of the USA directly, those territories didn't belong to anyone (California was claimed to belong to Spain, afaik, but it was just a paper declaration). However, the wave of immigration might collide with the USA, starting a war.

Can't wait to see Native American Cossacks launching a Reconquista of the continent :) Trained with newest post-Napoleonic shock cavalry tactics.
Russia retains its outposts in Hawaii, and gains more influence on certain islands there, but the American & part-American planters on the other islands still declare a republic and claim all of the former Kingdom to be part of this: Russia challenges them, whoever's then president of the USA (not necessarily an OTL holder of that office ) sends a few troops to support them and then -- in the hope of deterring any actual Russian intervention -- accepts the planters' request for annexation of [all] the Hawaiian islands as a territory within the USA. Russian forces (probably also only small ones) are already en route to oppose the Hawaiian Republic when this happens, and don't learn about the annexation until after they've landed.
Ach, I was going to make a slightly dark joke about Russia having already invaded America - just ask the Aleuts & Athabaskans! - but the Original Posters careful specifications have defeated me.


That's probably all for the good; nobody likes a smart@$$! :cool: