AHC: Prosperous Mexico

With a POD after 1940 what changes can occur in Mexico so that it is a politically stable & economically prosperous country, with a GDP per capita by 2021 either equal to or exceeding Chile (24k) or Malaysia (29k) from it's original base of 19k?

To my mind it would revolve around extending the Mexican miracle beyond 1970.
Tackle corruption and corrupt leaders. Doesn’t matter what social spending you do, when the leaders themselves take the money from the common man.
A good chunk of it would revolve around the United States not screwing their southern neighbor through their various policies
A good chunk of it would revolve around the United States not screwing their southern neighbor through their various policies
Like what? Remember, this is PoDs after 1940, so we're not counting things like the 19th century theft of northern Mexico. This is also long after the Tampico and Veracruz occupations of the Wilson Administrations. By 1940, the US has tolerated Mexico having quasi-Socialist revolution and conducting nationalizations, including of the oil sector. In modern times, anything the US has "done to" Mexico is just a side effect of what it's "done to" itself, in terms of drug prohibition and gun permissiveness.

Mexico is Mexico, a large country with its own powerful elite, let's not pretend it's a small "banana republic" like Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cuba, or a nutmeg island like Grenada.