AHC: Poland comes out on top 1919-1945 C.E.


As the tin says, find the right combination of luck, political maneuvering, military victories, and just plain old backroom deals that has Poland holding its old Empire from the 17th Century having bitchslapped the USSR and the Germans to get it.

Good luck and lets get a Polish wank for once.
If Poland got more men and kept its eastern lands, while having the UK, Spain, France and the USA on its side. Then seems probable. But you ill have to stop the Lithuanian national awakening.


Not alienating everyone left and right, including their own minorities AND all neighbouring countries, would be a good start.
Had Poland any neighbour to whose territory they didn't have any claims?
Not alienating everyone left and right, including their own minorities AND all neighbouring countries, would be a good start.
Had Poland any neighbour to whose territory they didn't have any claims?

I was about to say Czechoslovakia, but then I remembered Teschen.
Originally posted by altamiro
Had Poland any neighbour to whose territory they didn't have any claims?

Romania, Latvia and, in 1939, Hungary.

And UberPoland with a POD after 1918? ASB.


I was actually thinking of making a map, or even a short timeline where Poland in 1939 is ISOT'ed back to the Polish-Russian war. Short of any major help there, I dont think Poland could really make it through unscathed :(
Here is my theory. There is a Czech war with Czechoslovakia getting some suport from the little entent

Poland agreed to joing the war having got intelligence about the Nazis main plans for them, They aquire roughly what they gained from Western Germany in OTL.

They of course keep the land that in OTL they lost to Stalin who stayed neutral
1. Have post-WWI Russia descent into warlordism for at least a decade. Ensure Ukraine stays separate.
2. Have Greater Poland Uprising escate so that Germany attacks Poland. Have the Entente intervene immediately and slap an Omega-Versailles on Germany.
3. Have the Czechs not attempt to take Cieszyn and conduct the plebiscite as planned.
4. Have the pro-Polish coup in Lithuania succeed.
5. Have Poland wage war in Ukraine with outstanding luck.
6. Form a Polish-Ukrainian-Lithuanian Federation. Have Czechoslovakia, Baltic States and Romania as allies. Have East Prussia as a client state.
7. Turn the rump Germany communist and have the Reds win in rump Russia at approximately the same time.
8. [...]
9. Profit!