AHC: Paint the whole world red

With a POD any time after the publishing of the communist manifesto, create worldwide communism. (less a few small holdouts to make things interesting.)
What do you mean by communism? SPD style soft Marxism? Strict Marxism? Marxist-Lenninism? Bolshevism? Menshevism? Stalinism? Does the militant nature of the USSR count even though it skipped several steps in Marxist doctrine?
With a POD any time after the publishing of the communist manifesto, create worldwide communism. (less a few small holdouts to make things interesting.)

PoD: 20 July 1944

The VALKYRIE coup succeeds; with Hitler dead, the Nazis fold like a cheap suit.

The post-coup regime tries to negotiate with the Allies, is stiffed.

All Axis allies defect or surrender within a month.

Germany surrenders in early September.

With Nazi Germany eliminated, a substantial bloc of Manhattan District scientists refuse to continue work on the atomic bomb.

Most of the initial impetus among scientists for the Bomb project was fear of a German bomb; with that eliminated, many return to their pacifist roots and appose further Bomb development. OTL, the Bomb the project was continued because it was almost complete.

They are supported by 'conventional' armed forces leaders, who want the budget redirected. Bomb development stops in October.

The USSR declares war on Japan in late January. Soviet forces overrun all North China and Korea. A Soviet-sponsored liberation government is formed in north China (analogous to the Lublin government in Poland). This government forms its own army, equipped with Soviet arms and led by Communists. The LIberation Army destroys most of the Japanese holdouts in south China, which Chiang's RoC regime is impotent against. Chiang is discredited and forced into a coalition government de facto controlled by Communists.

Japan massacres Allied PoWs and civilian internees.

US forces capture Tokyo at immense cost. The Emperor and leadership are killed. US forces bog down in slow, incredibly bloody subjugation of the rest of Japan, and extermination of die-hard Japanese forces overseas, lasting till 1950.

With the US still burdened by the Pacific War, there is no Marshall Plan. Afterwrds, the exhausted US turns isolationist.

Soviet-sponsored Communist forces gain control of most countries in Europe, including France with its colonies (which all become independent Communist states) and China, in addition to the countries occupied by the Soviet forces during the war.

The USSR starts its own Bomb project in early 1945. Information purloined or leaked from the Manhattan District includes key technology, but not the full recipe, as that was not completed. Soviet scientists replicate US work, then finish the job in 1952. The USSR builds up a large nuclear arsenal in secret.

The Manhattan District continues research into atomic fission for power - the possibllity of atomic bombs becomes a public question. The US finally resumes Bomb development in 1954.

In 1955, the USSR announces that it has the Bomb - lots of Bombs. However, the USSR proposes that the Bomb be handed to the UN exclusively, and that nations be prohibited from building or developing the Bomb. This proposal is backed by an implicit threat of war if the US tries to build its own Bomb.

The US agrees. By this time, though, the UN has a pro-Soviet majority - almost half explicitly Communist states, several more "finlandized", and some nominal neutrals leaning Soviet.

The UN "Peace Force" which takes control of the Bomb is effectively Communist controlled.

The "Peace Force" adds ground forces for "peace-keeping" duties in "trouble zones".

With the Peace Force as a "Trojan horse", Communists take control of the rest of Africa and most of the rest of Asia. The Peace Force assumes the occupation of still-restive Japan from the US.

The US has not even thought about re-arming. Conventional arms seem irrelevant in face of the Bomb. The US has no network of overseas allies and bases. Thus the remaining independent neutral nations in the Old World must submit to Communist subversion and intimidation.

By 1965, Communism controls everything from the English Channel to New Zealand, and much of Latin America.

The US has determined that without nuclear weapons, it is at the mercy of the Communists. The US starts a secret project to build its own Bombs and deter the Communists.

Unfortunately, the project is exposed before it is completed. This attempt is justification for Communist takeover of the US under UN colors in 1968.

(Arrest of all US leaders concerned, Peace Force garrisons to control the facilities involved.)

With the US fallen, the UN dictates similar terms to the remaining independent countries. The UN adds a World Police force, ostensibly to suppress crime and enforce nuclear prohibition - but in practice to entrench Communist control and maintain subjection to Moscow.

The next 150 years are not pretty at all. The global Soviet state is corrupt, hidebound, increasingly incompetent at everything but maintaining control. It has wiped out any possible external base for dissent or rebellion, any recorded memory of a real previous state of the world.

The population, stripped of its root cultures, terrorized by political police and informers, falls into demoralized passivity. Life becomes a negative-sum game, where the object is to gain extra comforts through black-marketing, crime, or entry into the Party elite. Everyone lies, steals, informs, toadies. There is nowhere to escape to. Alcoholism and drug usage are rampant. Birth rates are very low, and birth defects are common, also increasing levels of mental illness.

By 2050, whole neighborhoods, towns, and cities are being abandoned, and fall into ruin. Infrastructure of all sorts is breaking down, and severe pollution is omnipresent.

The core elite cling ruthlessly to the remaining functional goods as tools of power. But the systematic culling of anyone who doesn't place regime loyalty above all - who values, for instance, technical competence for itself, has degraded the workforce. The mediocrities at the top fear competence below. Ability is viewed as dangerous.

Despite the declining population, food has become seriously short. There are occasional spontaneous riots against the regime, or just to seize food - they are put down with increasingly extreme brutality.

No organized resistance is possible. The regime has destroyed every scrap of social organization outside itself: churches, tribes, clans, clubs - all gone.

By 2100, the manufacturing plants are all breaking down. "High" tech (vacuum-tube electronics and IC engines) are the privilege of the elite and the security forces.

At this point, central control slips. Regional centers begin to fight over the remaining goods, destroying much.

Finally, some natural disaster triggers a general collapse - a solar storm or viral epidemic. About 2/3 of the human race dies. The survivors live in the ruins.


Since any attempt at creating a communist society relies upon coercion and sows the seeds of eventual democratic revolution, there is no possible way for a worldwide communist system to be established.
It would be pretty ASB for you to try and make the entire world as communist,but you can have about 3/4 of the world as communist. I'd be happy for you to attempt a TL on the subject, though:cool:.
It would be pretty ASB for you to try and make the entire world as communist,but you can have about 3/4 of the world as communist. I'd be happy for you to attempt a TL on the subject, though:cool:.

That would be awesome.

What do you mean by communism? SPD style soft Marxism? Strict Marxism? Marxist-Lenninism? Bolshevism? Menshevism? Stalinism? Does the militant nature of the USSR count even though it skipped several steps in Marxist doctrine?

Your choice, I left it vague on purpose.

Rex Mundi

Since any attempt at creating a communist society relies upon coercion and sows the seeds of eventual democratic revolution, there is no possible way for a worldwide communist system to be established.

Any attempt to create any society, be it communistic, democratic or what have you, of necessity relies upon coercion. That is the basis of society.