AHC: Ottoman Sea Sultans 1520-1899


As the tin says and starting with good ole Suleiman the Magnificent, find a way that the Ottomans develop a large cutting edge Navy that dominates the Mediterranean and allows them control of all Islands and trade in it, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean in such a way that the Industrializing Western Nations cannot defeat it.
Something like Pax Ottomania.. when they Conquer Egypt.. their new focus will be trade and make a proto Suez Channel to help their trade and fund their new big Navy
Something like Pax Ottomania.. when they Conquer Egypt.. their new focus will be trade and make a proto Suez Channel to help their trade and fund their new big Navy

The Ottomans were the most capable, most in need, and most likely to benefit from a Suez canal. Shame they didn't make it a priority to build. Hindsight is 20-20.
That is so true basilik(that is the only thing than i like for that TL, even if hate than Kcammy want to convert Muslim to Chistians without a major reason and try to make syncretis... that as muslim make my blood oil)