AHC: Mughals Conquer all of India and dominate the Indian Ocean till 1900


As the tin says. The Mughals must have all of what is considered India under its control, and dominate the Indian ocean enough that European Powers cannot establish enclaves in India. An Indonesian or Indochina Protectorate is optional.

Aurangzeb's policies are a good start, but you can start anywhere. Good luck.
Actually, getting rid of Aurangzeb's policies would be a good start, if you want the resulting India to be stable.

yup. Aurangzeb was the downfall. Maybe move the conquest of the Deccan to Jahangir's reign, where their treasury was practically unlimited.
Didn't having tremendous hegemony make them lazy so they stagnated? Maybe if they conquer less or have a rival they would be more likely to industrialize?

Eh, maybe that's discredited.
Actually, getting rid of Aurangzeb's policies would be a good start, if you want the resulting India to be stable.

For all of Aurangzeb's faults he was an extremely good general. Getting rid of Aurangzeb shortly after his most productive conquests (Golconda in particular) would work wonders towards the TL's goal of unifying the Indian subcontinent. It would also leave the empire with a non geriatric heir, allowing for enough time (and hopefully consideration) to repeal the Jizya and other such oppressive policies.