AHC: Moscow not the Capital of Russia

Does it really matter? The term 'capital' is pretty meaningless in and of itself. There are countries with multiple capitals. There are countries without a capital. It isn't always the centre of government and it doesn't even have to the biggest city in the nation.So why should it matter if it isn't officially Moscow?

Of course it doesn't matter. It's not supposed to. It's an interesting look at what might have been, just like everything else on this board.
I don't see why the Soviets couldn't just construct for themselves a capital, some sort of shining example of the "will" and "beauty" of their dictatorship of the proleteriat. It's certainly in-line with their ideology, and it'd probably look good to carve out a whole new city of a million or more people somewhere at the foothills of the Urals. It'd also remove any association of the capital with the Czarist regime, as either Moscow or Sankt Petersburg may have had.
How about Omsk? Though moving a city too far means it or the country is no longer really Russia. Say, if the Nazis somehow managed to get to the Urals without much trouble they would hardly have helped Russians safely settle East of them. They would enslave and kill them by the millions while the remainder intermingled with Mongols, Siberians, and Turks. On that note, how about things being like in Britain where Westminster and London used to be two different cities? Perhaps the Kremlin holds the Soviet capital district while the Russians stay in Petrograd or modern-day Volgagrad.


There are countries with multiple capitals. There are countries without a capital. It isn't always the centre of government...
I think you will find that is always the centre of government and I would love to know what country is not meant to have a capital.
I think you will find that is always the centre of government and I would love to know what country is not meant to have a capital.

Officially, Switzerland has no capital. In practice, however, it does. I would agree that it is simply impractical not to keep most organs of government within the same area.


I know OP said "with a POD after 1919", but I think a cool option for a non-Moscow, non-Petrograd Russian capital can be explored in the event of an earlier Allied victory in WW1 where the Constantinople Agreement is fulfilled and the Russian Empire gains Constantinople, eventually making it the capital (Russia being the Third Rome and all) :cool: