AHC: Mexican acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase

Could Mexico have acquired Louisiana? Jefferson reportedly instructed his two chief negotiators, James Monroe and Robert Livingston, to pay up to $9.375 million for New Orleans and Florida (the later of which remained under Spanish control). Of course the United States could've purchased or Tex'd the rest later, but would a Spanish Louisiana become Mexican after their revolution?

Livingston also floated a plan for the United States to take over the two-thirds of Louisiana located north of the Arkansas River, which he argued would serve as a crucial buffer between French Louisiana and British Canada. Granted New Orleans is a very important port in North America, the US would have likely tried to acquire it. Would the portion remaining French be incorporated into Mexico after Emperor Maximilian was installed? (provided the French managed to keep it for this long)
You'll still get American expansionism except you'll have hispanophone enclaves like the Missouri French communities that still persist
No. Spain separated Louisiane into the colony of Luisiana, it had no relation to Mexico. Luisiana was in fact closer in ties to Cuba by far than Mexico. I suppose it is possible however for Mexico to capture the area, but the likelihood of another Louisiane revolt that kicks out the Mexican governors is all to possible and likely Mexico will not get the allies that Spain received in the 1760s from fur traders in Illinois and Acadien settlers in Acadiana. Without the support of those groups, the Créole of the south east will dictate Louisiane's path and by 1800, their majority is steadily increasing with immigration from Saint-Domingue, France, Belgium, America, etc... In short, not good for Mexico.

Now, then there is the US....
Ummm.... Given that Mexico didn't gain independence until 1821, and would surely need some time to consolidate before expanding, how on earth are you going to keep a Louisiana colony part of Spain that long?

Between the US and the Brits, someone is likely to take New Orleans during the Napoleonic Wars (even if the Purchase is avoided).
Mexico has neither the funds to purchase Louisiana, and if they did, how will they have the resources to do anything with it besides neglect it, as they did with New Mexico and Tejas and most of the Mexican north? There might at as well be a revolt in Luisiana, where the government offers terms to the United States for annexation, since the trans-Appalachia United States demanded New Orleans beyond all else.

You'll still get American expansionism except you'll have hispanophone enclaves like the Missouri French communities that still persist

Or in Louisiana, like the Canarians who settled there and played a major role in some communities into the 20th centuries. More Hispanophone communities could be possible, assuming Mexico devotes some attention to that portion of their land, but knowing Mexico's settlement patterns, there would be maybe one or two waves of emigrants from Mexico and that would be it.