AHC: Make Tae Bo a Serious Martial Art

Tae Bo was one of those weird fads that lasted longer than it should have. How does Tae Bo become more popular that in the USA, by 2021, the average town is just likely to have a Tae Bo place as a karate studio? Bonus points for Billy Blanks still being identified with the movement and it not growing bigger than him.
Tae Bo was one of those weird fads that lasted longer than it should have. How does Tae Bo become more popular that in the USA, by 2021, the average town is just likely to have a Tae Bo place as a karate studio? Bonus points for Billy Blanks still being identified with the movement and it not growing bigger than him.
Made the 80's Fitness boom never ends, or maybe Tae Bo is invented during that era and never stops, curiously, we've this on latin America, is called bodycombat and become a hit in Argentina and was imported elsewhere, especially brazil https://www.falkirkcommunitytrust.org/whats-on/virtual-bodycombat/ https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/BodyCombat
Run it as a martial art. It wasn't.

It's a fancy form of boxercise not a martial art.

Yes I'm a martial arts snob.

Compare its 2020 success to boxercise or zumba dance not karate.