AHC: Make Hoover win in 1932

1916: Hughes shows more sensitivity to California Progressives and wins the electoral vote.

1920: Cox easily defeats Hughes. German-Americans and other ethnic groups resent Hughes for taking America into the World War and for what they regard as an unfair peace treaty. And everyone is dissatisfied with "profiteers," inflation followed by depression, etc. In short the things people blame Wilson for in OTL are blamed on the GOP.

1921-32: Cox breaks the public association of the Democrats with bad times, presiding over a generally prosperous decade. His vice-president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, is easily elected president in 1928. But then come a stock market crash and a serious depression.

1932: Deadlocked GOP convention turns to progressive businessman-humanitarian Herbert Hoover. His campaign theme: "He fed the starving in Europe during the War. He can bring food and hope to those now suffering in our miserable Rooseveltvilles." Hoover wins in a landslide.
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1916: Hughes shows more sensitivity to California Progressives and wins the electoral vote.

1920: Cox easily defeats Hughes. German-Americans and other ethnic groups resent Hughes for taking America into the World War and for what they regard as an unfair peace treaty. And everyone is dissatisfied with "privateers," inflation followed by depression, etc. In short the things people blame Wilson for in OTL are blamed on the GOP.

1921-32: Cox breaks the public association of the Democrats with bad times, presiding over a generally prosperous decade. His vice-president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, is easily elected president in 1928. But then come a stock market crash and a serious depression.

1932: Deadlocked GOP convention turns to progressive businessman-humanitarian Herbert Hoover. His campaign theme: "He fed the starving in Europe during the War. He can bring food and hope to those now suffering in our miserable Rooseveltvilles." Hoover wins in a landslide.
The reverse is epic