AHC - Make FIFA noticably less corrupt.

Given the ongoing scandal of migrant workers being exploited to death in Qatar, what would it have taken for FIFA to be an honest enough organisation for the World Cup to have never been given out on the basis of brown envelopes?

PoD is anytime from it's foundation in 1904 onwards.
Whilst I am not naive enough to believe that there never any scandals in FIFA, it does seem to have got exponentially worse in recent years. Starting, ironically enough in England 66 when the Portugal-England semi final was moved from Goodison to Wembley! Stopping the bidding process and just putting the names of those countries who wish to host the games in a "hat" and pulling one out would be one way. (Mind you that is effectively what they do for the group draw and they still take 10 times longer than they should for television razzamatazz)
For starters, 2 World Cups need to be moved:

  • 2018 (Russia) = Spain/Portugal
  • 2022 (Qatar) = USA
Second, remove Sepp Blatter as leader (and then punish him for his wrongdoing), replace him with Michael Plantini (UEFA will need a new leader, my suggestion (based on experience) is Alex Ferguson)

Third, set out a series of regulations to stop referees making terrible decisions.

Fourth, persuade those countries who don't have it to have a winter break. It should be made a rule that players have a winter break within the season, especially during World Cup year.

Fifth, Set a limit on the number of foreign players per team. The maximum, in my opinion, should be 8/9.

Finally, allow more minor nations the opportunity to become FIFA nations. Some may not do well, but international experience is important.
Throw Sepp Blatter under a bus. While FIFA like most all international organisations has always had a certain of backscratching under Blatter its worse and more blatant.