AHC: Independent Galicia

Your challenge is to have Galicia be either independent or a part of Portugal, with a POD in 1900.
For me, there are two windows of opportunities.
The first is the 1930s Spanish Civil War end in a stalemate or in a very fragile Spain (I don't know what's necessary to do this), with the balkanization resulting in an independent Galicia (to make it funnier, an independent fascist Galicia led by Galician Francisco Franco is an idea I've never seen be used).
The second is Spain joining the Axis in WW2, being invaded and as part of its surrender, being balkanized (Independent Aragon, with a Galicia that is either integrated into Portugal or is established as an independent republic).
Bonus points if you can make Galicia independent post-1970 or during Franco's regime post-WWII
When I read this, I honestly thought that the "Galicia" referred to was the region in Poland.

You have to do a total Spain screw, and then there is the issue of why the region just doesn't become part of Portugal in this situation.
1. Republicans win Spanish Civil War and purge the nationalists in 1939.

2. Communists take over the Republican government and purges remaining opposition in 1940.

3. Salazar freaks out over communist Spain, and gets Hitler to invade it in 1941.

4. Hitler cedes Galicia to neutral Portugal for economic concessions.

5. Wallies invade Spain in 1944, but decide to let Portugal keep the region.
When I read this, I honestly thought that the "Galicia" referred to was the region in Poland.

You have to do a total Spain screw, and then there is the issue of why the region just doesn't become part of Portugal in this situation.
That's why I linked the article to the Spanish region lol.
It makes you wonder how these two distinct regions got the same name.

Agreed, a Galician Republic is not very likely, it's more plausible for Portugal to gain the region.
1. Republicans win Spanish Civil War and purge the nationalists in 1939.

2. Communists take over the Republican government and purges remaining opposition in 1940.

3. Salazar freaks out over communist Spain, and gets Hitler to invade it in 1941.

4. Hitler cedes Galicia to neutral Portugal for economic concessions.

5. Wallies invade Spain in 1944, but decide to let Portugal keep the region.
Thanks, these are very plausible
I remember seeing a TL in Spanish some time ago called "Galiza Ceibe" (Free Galicia in galego) which essentially posed a Galician version of North Korea (Vicente Risco -a very conservative and very nationalist Galician writer at the same time- as "Regent-Dictator for Life", Galicia getting the Bomb, all that) which was grudgingly tolerated by the Allies because at least they were anti-communist and anti-Franco. Although the TL was very underdeveloped...