AHC: How Togo would fare under the rule of Czechoslovakia.

After World War I, there was a discussion about giving the former German Empire colony of Togoland to the newly independent country Czechoslovakia. However, this plan never fell through, and instead Togo was put under French (most of the colony) and British(the small Western section that would later be annexed into Ghana in 1957) control.

So let's say that in an alternate timeline that Czechoslovakia was able to get the colony. How would Togo fare under their rule and what will happen in the later parts of history?

Would Togo become a government-in-exile for Czechoslovakia once the Nazis took it over during the later 1930s or would it fall into Nazi hands? Would a Communist government be set up once the Soviet Union puts Czechoslovakia under its rule? How long would it take for Togo to become independent?
I mean its not too weird. Alaska was almost owned by Liechtenstein after all. The real question is how would the colony change? Who would be the colonial governor? Probably changing depending on who rules czechoslovakia. Post ww2 i definitely see the soviets probably making it independent in order to try to push their ideology on other african nations. Keeping them colonized wouldve had the opposite effect
I can't see Togo being any usage for Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakian government just probably sells that to someone in1920's or 1930's, most probably to Britain or France.
I mean its not too weird. Alaska was almost owned by Liechtenstein after all. The real question is how would the colony change? Who would be the colonial governor? Probably changing depending on who rules czechoslovakia. Post ww2 i definitely see the soviets probably making it independent in order to try to push their ideology on other african nations. Keeping them colonized wouldve had the opposite effect
I don't think it would survive the Sudeten Crisis. It could be reclaimed by the German, or it could be given to France, Britain, or a third part in exchange for Hitler's OTL success there. If the Czechoslovaks still maintain it, then it likely is either sold before the Germans totally occupy the country or Germany themselves annexes it (and once again, Britain or France could step in and seize it themselves instead of letting Germany have it).

If Germany owns it during the war, then it meets the exact same fate it did OTL--seized by the Allies very early into the war. I could see it being permanently seized by France/Britain after the war in exchange for forgiveness of Czechoslovak debts, especially if it looks like it could be a communist foothold in Africa. That said, I'm not sure the Soviets would have the Czechoslovaks make Togo independent. They could just as easily sell it themselves to rid themselves of an "imperialist-gained possession", although I could see a crash plan for independence that makes Togo one of the first independent post-colonial countries in Africa, and probably a somewhat better off one like Ghana is OTL.


They could solve the Sudeten Crisis before it even begins, just move the Germans there. Although, they have to go through German ports with them so I imagine most of them stay in Germany.
They could solve the Sudeten Crisis before it even begins, just move the Germans there. Although, they have to go through German ports with them so I imagine most of them stay in Germany.
And if the German government complains about this... Was the 'Madagascar Plan' already being considered publicly?


And if the German government complains about this... Was the 'Madagascar Plan' already being considered publicly?

I mean 🤷

Also you could throw in the Hungarians, I think it might well end up a dumping ground of sorts for minorities within the country to keep it from being claimed by their neighbors.

Hitler, and we claim the... Wait we can't

Horthy, wait we can't either.

Stalin, well I'll take it back anyway and resettle it with Ukrainians.
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Regardless of who holds it after Sudeten i could see an allies supported Czechoslovak government in exile continuing to claim it during ww2, and maybe even in control of it once togo is taken. Post ww2 tho when the soviet backed government gains control Togo is gaining independence asap as a soviet backed authoritarian state, in order to convince africa this is the way.
For a moment, I almost thought this was similar to the recent ‘Paraguay conquers Switzerland’ thread. You really do learn so much on this site…
For a moment, I almost thought this was similar to the recent ‘Paraguay conquers Switzerland’ thread. You really do learn so much on this site…
I was initially wondering how the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs from WW2 ended up in Czechoslovakia.
And if the German government complains about this... Was the 'Madagascar Plan' already being considered publicly?
The Madagascar Plan was considered by Poland in the 1930s, but shelved when France did not agree to accept it as a settlement of Polish Jews (and in any event the surveys showed that only a tiny fraction could survive on Madagascar anyway due to the poor infrastructure). While forced population exchanges were something that international law at the time would be OK with (see Greece-Turkey), forced deportation to starvation in Africa is a different story.