AHC: Have more Nuclear conflicts that aren't WW3


Your goal, if you choose to accept it, is to have as many nuclear conflicts as possible that aren't a nuclear conflict between the USSR, USA, or PRC. Bonus points if you have any of the mentioned countries intervene or participate in a nuclear conflict.
India and Pakistan finally having had enough with each other seems like a definite possibility, or maybe a South Africa-Zimbabwe war that spirals massively out of control.
India and Pakistan finally having had enough with each other seems like a definite possibility, or maybe a South Africa-Zimbabwe war that spirals massively out of control.

I could see the PRC getting involved or dragged into a India-Pakistani war
Israel-Iran or Arab States


South Africa-Zimbabwe

North Korea-(Won't hit the South but likely Japan)

Soviet-China (almost in OTL 1969)

All this in "Icarus Falls"
Argentina and the UK. Earlier POD gives Argentina nukes - I think they abandoned their program in 1983 but were close to being capable at that point. Speed up the process and perhaps a breakdown in the chain of command during the Falklands War.
If Israel had really though they were going to lose the 1967 war it's possible they would have used the handful of weapons they were suspected to have constructed by that point.