AHC: Have China, not Russia, be the first country to go Communist


Gone Fishin'
It's hard to chart a specific sequence of events for this to happen, since the CCP was founded as a branch of the Comintern, so the POD eliminates the CCP entirely.
Very unlikely, since the failure of the Bolshies would just further validate the orthodox Marxist position that Communism must arise from and overthrow Bourgeois Capitalism in an industrial society with an urban proletariat. Some type of radical and militant land rural reform movement would arise in China but not in the form of the historical CCP.
Imperial Japan, recovering Imperial Russia from their civil war, the French in Indochina and Brits in Hong Kong and the Dutch of DEI will be ''' concern '''
With a CCP victory in Mainland China in 1917-1918.... Remnants of the Nationalists and Warlords will be at the peripherals from those Cities and main provinces of CCP occupied territories .. meh?
The Boxer Rebellion somehow succeeds (Russia stays out, Allied troops are hit with bird flu outbreak, whatever) and overthrows Cixi in place of a Communist leadership ?
There was no Chinese Marxist movement to have leadership at the time of the Boxers. Even the CCP only traces it roots back to 1919 and the May 4th movement.


Gone Fishin'
Imperial Japan, recovering Imperial Russia from their civil war, the French in Indochina and Brits in Hong Kong and the Dutch of DEI will be ''' concern '''
With a CCP victory in Mainland China in 1917-1918.... Remnants of the Nationalists and Warlords will be at the peripherals from those Cities and main provinces of CCP occupied territories .. meh?
The CCP didn't even exist in 1917/18.