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your challenge is to create a greater germany after the fall of soviet union with POD during German reunification. It must have German-speaking Switzerland, territories lost in world wars, Austria, Sudetenland, Tyrol
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your challenge is to create a greater germany after the fall of soviet union with POD during German reunification. It must have German-speaking Switzerland, territories lost in world wars, Austria, Sudetenland, Tyrol
zombie apocalypse? Alien Invasion? WW3? Otherwise sorry not happening, already reunification was not that smooth sell but getting all that territories it's only possible if someone is crazy in Berlin and start a war of conquest
This challenge is total ASB. For some top poltiicans had already hard to stomach re-unification of OTL Germany. No one would accept that Germany would get its 1914 borders + Austria and Sudetelands. If Kohl or any other chancellor even suggest such things, Bundestag fires him immediately. There is not realistic way getting this to happen.

Perhaps with some WW2 era POD you can get Austria and Germany keeping bit mor land on East but nothing more.
Trying to get this with a PoD the dissolution of the Soviet Union is like trying to get a Nazi victory in April, 1945. It just isn’t going to happen.


Happened on similar lines in 1970s novel.The Chinese Ultimatum by Robin Moore. Plot rather farfetched with hindsight.
If Belgium breaks apart, the small German speaking part might rather be part of Germany than of Wallonia. Also, that railroad that became Belgian after WWI while running through Germany was build back a few years ago and there was some consideration of returning the land to Germany at that moment.
As I have stated in a similar thread before, if there was really a huge demand by Austrians and Germans to unify in a single country, so far that it becomes the main political goal, it might be possible within the European Union, since one country would have less power in the EU than both countries individually. But that is very farfetched.
Everything else? No way
Gaddafi will not invade Switzerland and divide it among the neighbours.
I remember some young Germans back in 1990 saying that Austria was needed to complete unification of Germany. It is not that far fetched to make a new Anschluss, and if there is momentum, we might include Luxemburg and Königsberg and Gumbinnen too, even though no Germans lived there at the time. Think big, they might reason, and get rid of these small anomalies on the map.
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Does it need to be called Germany? Or can it just be a federal state with Germans as the largest single group? .......
future united EU?
I remember some young Germans back in 1990 saying that Austria was needed to complete unification of Germany. It is not that far fetched to make a new Anschluss, and if there is momentum, we might include Luxemburg and Königsberg and Gumbinnen too, even though no Germans lived there at the time. Think big, they might reason, and get rid of these small anomalies on the map.

Anchluss 2.0. is very implausible without WW2 POD. Probably should be even before that. Luxembourg is not going join to Germany. They even aren't Germans in any level altough their language is quiet close. Kaliningrad is not going to happen with any way. There is not even Germans anymore and Russia is not going to accept that. And Poland hardly is very supportive either.

Does it need to be called Germany? Or can it just be a federal state with Germans as the largest single group? .......
future united EU?

On federated EU germany would be still its own state with current borders.
I don't agree with the others that this is ASB. It would require a sequence of very unlikely events, but such things have happened before. As long as it does not involve magic, it's still possible, however long the odds of it happening are.
Considering how much EU policy is set by the germans well....

What was the point of world wars one or two? Why go to so much effort to make europe's central bank be in brussels and not berlin?
This is a mighty difficult prospect but I'm not saying it is impossible but it will take a long series of unlikely events.

Basically you need to break the EU and NATO. Then you need a collective security organization to replace it that includes France, and probably Britain and Italy, but not Germany. That organization should also include some eastern European states. One of those states comes down with an "oppressed Russian minority problem", which in turn leads to a special military operation, and after one side miscalculates too badly a limited nuclear exchange. Germany avoids getting directly hurt, but between the fallout and the economic dislocation ends up quite angry and a far right government takes power. You then have a Germany where the government both could desire to have all that territory, and would have the military ability to take it
I can kinda see a Greater Germany become a thing in a scenario where the Soviet Union doesn't fall, but the parameters as given seem too close to OTL to change much
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