AHC: Expand and combine the American Revolutionary War and the War of Bavarian Succession into a major European/global conflict

Is there a way that the War of Bavarian Succession (a relatively minor dispute between Austria and Prussia) could have turned into a major war between the European great powers? A war that could then become entwined with the already ongoing American Revolutionary War? I'm talking about something on a similar scale to the Seven Years War / French and Indian War (though the alliances don't have to be the same).

IOTL, after France entered the war on the side of the Americans, Britain tried in vain to find allies on the continent to keep French attention focused on Europe. A major war between Austria and Prussia in 1778 might offer some possibilities in this regard, especially if it draws in other powers.
Is there a way that the War of Bavarian Succession (a relatively minor dispute between Austria and Prussia) could have turned into a major war between the European great powers? A war that could then become entwined with the already ongoing American Revolutionary War? I'm talking about something on a similar scale to the Seven Years War / French and Indian War (though the alliances don't have to be the same).

IOTL, after France entered the war on the side of the Americans, Britain tried in vain to find allies on the continent to keep French attention focused on Europe. A major war between Austria and Prussia in 1778 might offer some possibilities in this regard, especially if it draws in other powers.
Nah...might not count as neither side wanted france to fuck up...France Invading Austria Netherlands on the other hand...
Perhaps let OTL's Kettle War (between the Dutch - as a Prussian ally - and Austrians) that happened in 1784 happen around the same time?

IIRC there WAS a hope in Vienna that the French would get involved in the War of the Bavarian Succession (and considering the loss that ARW was for France, hard to think it would've done any worse had it got involved in Europe instead.

So, perhaps the Netherlands (as a Prussian ally) attack the south to distract Austria. Austria is sorta unconcerned, since if the Elector Palatine WANTS the place (Southern Netherlands) he should use his troops to secure it. The Pfalz Elector calls in a favour from his brother-in-law/nephew, who is captain of the Deux-Ponts regiment in France. Offers France some territorial incentives to get involved. England gets pissy about anyone but her attacking the Dutch. So she calls in favours from whoever (maybe the Hessians? Danes?) to help the Dutch while she's busy sorting shit out in the colonies.