AHC: Divided India, United Europe

In OTL, India's diverse cultures, languages, and peoples are (largely) united under one flag, while Europe's diverse cultures, languages, and peoples are divided into many nations.
Your challenge is to, with a point of divergence after 1453, create a world where those situations are reversed - where one nation, by modern times, controls the vast majority of Europe, but India is divided between, at the very least, 20 independent nations.
Napoleon is waaay more successful, and his successors establish a Federalized European Nation, perhaps built around a sort of Imperial Roman Nationalist Ideal. But with this military attention paid to Europe through most of the 19th century, colonization efforts in Asia stagnate, and India under the Mughals disintegrates into a number of sub-kingdoms.

This is my best idea for it.
Arvernian Empire instead Roman would make single rule over much of Europe a lot more tenable. Western Europe will develop similar to China this way.
Arvernian Empire instead Roman would make single rule over much of Europe a lot more tenable. Western Europe will develop similar to China this way.

POD after 1453

The best option for India is have the British Raj never exist to help make an Indian identity.

The ways to unify Europe are probably through the Hapsburgs slowly becoming more federal and somehow gaining France whilst pushing the Turks outta the Balkans.

Then of course there is have Napoleon be way more successful

Or maybe erase Napoleon and erase nationalism leading way for someone else to unify Europe.

And finally spread communism like crazy and make a huge Communist state stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok.
Oh sorry, I didn't see the required PoD.

But really a Celtic Empire would've been the best way to pull this.

Celts weren't anything unified nation. They were just bunch of tribes with multiple different languages. I don't see that Celts could realistically unite.