AHC: Burgundy-Naples

OTL The Dukes of Burgundy inherited Flanders and aimed at kingship through a new Lotharingia.
But what if they had no claim to Flanders but one to Provence and Naples instead?
Would the aim now be a resurrection of Royal Burgundy?
What interesting butterflies could we get?
The Dampierre heiress Margaret of Male, heiress of Flanders, Artois, Franche Comté, Nevers and Rethel was a real catch. However the succession of Burgundy was disputed between King John II the Good of France and king Charles II the Bad of Navarre. The former had a stronger claim by proximity of the blood, whereas the latter strictly speaking had a stronger claim by primogeniture. Anyway if Charles II would have inherited the duchy of Burgundy, then it would not have been unthinkable, that the French king does manage an agreement of a marriage between a French prince (probably still Philip the Bold, who remains duke of Touraine) and Margaret. This might ensure a non Flanders Burgundy, though Charles II and maybe even the duchy of Burgundy might still be interested in a match between Charles III the Noble of Navarre with Margaret.

Anyway it would give the ruler of Burgundy the throne of Navarre, how they end up in Naples is another matter. Regardless whether Flanders is an issue, marrying into and inheriting Valois-Anjou would be step into that direction.
The Dampierre heiress Margaret of Male, heiress of Flanders, Artois, Franche Comté, Nevers and Rethel was a real catch. However the succession of Burgundy was disputed between King John II the Good of France and king Charles II the Bad of Navarre. The former had a stronger claim by proximity of the blood, whereas the latter strictly speaking had a stronger claim by primogeniture. Anyway if Charles II would have inherited the duchy of Burgundy, then it would not have been unthinkable, that the French king does manage an agreement of a marriage between a French prince (probably still Philip the Bold, who remains duke of Touraine) and Margaret. This might ensure a non Flanders Burgundy, though Charles II and maybe even the duchy of Burgundy might still be interested in a match between Charles III the Noble of Navarre with Margaret.

Anyway it would give the ruler of Burgundy the throne of Navarre, how they end up in Naples is another matter. Regardless whether Flanders is an issue, marrying into and inheriting Valois-Anjou would be step into that direction.
So perhaps would be best to give Philip of Rouvres a younger brother so the King can bar him Margaret?
And somehow hook him or his heirs up with a Naples match