AHC: Benevolent Communism?

your challenge is, should you accept it, to make it so that with a POD of the first Russian revolution, the majority of the world's communist movements are both seen as legitimately benevolent governments as well as actually being benevolent in practice instead of the oppressive tyrannical image it carries by a majority of the world's population today.


your challenge is, should you accept it, to make it so that with a POD of the first Russian revolution, the majority of the world's communist movements are both seen as legitimately benevolent governments

Mensheviks fuck up Spring Offensive/Brusilov Offensive, a coalition of Bolsheviks, SRs, Narodik Agrarianists and radical Menseviks take over (Lenin eats a dick or bullet or something). Anarchists are coopted in the movement as much as possible. More unified leftist groups commit revolution in Russia, and put down the whites much easier (Whites being more dickish and imperialists; Reds not undertaking 'war communism' because of other party influences) and spread the revolution into Poland and assist the German revolutionaries and overtun Romania to help Hungary. The revolutions in Germany incite uprisings in France, and the British King accepts the last Tsar.....leading to Red Scylethide getting worse and popping off. End result: Communist Europe, or a lot more of Europe going 'red'

as well as actually being benevolent in practice instead of the oppressive tyrannical image it carries by a majority of the world's population today.

[citation needed]
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Create a communist government that hasn't been an oppressive tyrannical dictatorship.

[source needed]

If there was a poll asking the people of most of the world's countries as to whether they would like to live in a Communist dictatorship, what responses do you foresee being collected?


If there was a poll asking the people of most of the world's countries as to whether they would like to live in a Communist dictatorship, what responses do you foresee being collected?

South America -> pretty high.

[Black] Africa -> pretty high. (internationalism.third worldist legacies)

China -> HAHA pretty high

India -> pretty high (Naxalite insurgency)

seems like 'majority of the world' right there
dang I didn't want to set off a argument.

I meant benovolent as in less stalinism or maoism and all the mass murders and deaths and that sort of thing.
dang I didn't want to set off a argument.

I meant benovolent as in less stalinism or maoism and all the mass murders and deaths and that sort of thing.
I think his point is that it is less difficult than it would seem to most post-Cold War First Worlders, particularly Americans.

Even IOTL, the West had a tremendous credibility gap with the East Bloc throughout much of the world at the outset of the Cold War. Even those who acknowledged the brutalities of Stalinism found it no more threatening than capitalist imperialism, and it also promised the possibility of modernization within a single generation.
Create a communist government that hasn't been an oppressive tyrannical dictatorship.
stop the US from kicking the shit out of every country that votes left;
seriously though have one developed country try out socialism, instead of countries that need to industrialize and the like.
You can't. The main gripe about communism was its economic policy, i.e. nationalisation and state property (theft, in capitalist speak). And capitalist governments will never see that as a legitimate policy and as such will not see communism as legitimate, benevolent government.

And if you change that policy it's not communism anymore.
You can't. The main gripe about communism was its economic policy, i.e. nationalisation and state property (theft, in capitalist speak). And capitalist governments will never see that as a legitimate policy and as such will not see communism as legitimate, benevolent government.

And if you change that policy it's not communism anymore.

That depends on if the OP means the majority of the world's governments or people. The views of any given state are not always representative of the populations they rule and in many cases can be directly contradictory.
South America -> pretty high.

[Black] Africa -> pretty high. (internationalism.third worldist legacies)

China -> HAHA pretty high

India -> pretty high (Naxalite insurgency)

seems like 'majority of the world' right there

I think you're right, you obviously did a very scientific poll to come to these conclusions.

South America -> pretty high.

[Black] Africa -> pretty high. (internationalism.third worldist legacies)

China -> HAHA pretty high

India -> pretty high (Naxalite insurgency)

seems like 'majority of the world' right there

So you get this idea from where?


I think you're right, you obviously did a very scientific poll to come to these conclusions.



So you get this idea from where?

I explained in the parantheses. India has a Naxalite insurgency of some strength, Black Africans were involved in third worldism/internationalism, China hasn't been overthrown (Even if its betrayed the maoist origins), and South/Centrla America have had strong communist movements and land distribution movements.

Okay, the bolded a new one for me. What's it about?

Rosa Luxembourg's communist theories. She developed a lot of it in response to Lenin's ideas (She criticized Lenin's harshness).

She set up the 1919 communist revolutions/spartakists in I think Munich. Freikorps members shot her and her second-in-command.
Okay, the bolded a new one for me. What's it about?
Luxemburgism more properly, is the political philosophy following the legacy of German communist politician Rosa Luxemburg.

She was a revolutionary Marxist leader who criticized the Bolsheviks from the left, particularly with regards to what she regarded as the authoritarian "bureaucratization" that occurred under the Bolsheviks


South America -> pretty high.

[Black] Africa -> pretty high. (internationalism.third worldist legacies)

China -> HAHA pretty high

India -> pretty high (Naxalite insurgency)

seems like 'majority of the world' right there
Wanna bet the actual electoral results from any of those places has the Communists (as oppose to reform Socialists) consistently polling <5% in all cases?
I explained in the parantheses. India has a Naxalite insurgency of some strength, Black Africans were involved in third worldism/internationalism, China hasn't been overthrown (Even if its betrayed the maoist origins), and South/Centrla America have had strong communist movements and land distribution movements.

Why in the countries with democracies do hardly any of them choose to live under communist governments?

Sure, many of the governing parties have socialist and communist roots (PT in Brazil, the ANC in South Africa, Congress to a degree in India), but people generally choose parties which allow a large degree of economic and individual freedom.

You are lumping very disparate people together.

Poor analysis.