AHC: Aleksandra Kollontai as Leader of the Soviet Union.

Thats the Challenge. Find a way for a Timeline to emerge that has Aleksandra Mikhailavich Kollontai as the Leader of the USSR. Pre Lenin's Death? (A Divergence that has her favoured as Lenin's Successor?) (A Greater Feminist/Womens Movement with more obvious support?) After Lenin's Death? (A Car Accident/Train Wreck/Building Collapse to thin the Competition?) After Stalin's Rule? (Illness or Premature Death/Assassination?) Any Ideas? What do you think her Rule would be like Vs OTL? WW2 Outcomes etc?
Kinda hard to imagine. Not impossible, but difficult considering how paternalist many Russians were and, even after all the achievements of Soviet feminism, still are. Back then it would be a lot worse. Even less likely than some guy from Georgia getting into power :p
Heh... The Georgian... ^_^ I cant disagree with the odds being stacked against Kollontai but all the same I really like the Idea of an Alt History with her at the USSR's Helm. :) Kind of why I came up with drastic Divergances like a Train Wreck or Building Collapse devastating the Upper Echelons of the Party Leadership. Maybe a lucky/unlucky Bomb Strike during WWII with Kollontai present that leaves Aleksandra the only Surviving Available Candidate able to assume the Vacant Leadership Role? Thoughts?
It would have to happen really early (where women revolutionaries were more prominent) and probably within a Bolshevik-Menshevik alliance context so that she could fill in an acceptable middle role.

As others said, really unlikely though I'd love someone to sketch it out.
One albeit vague scenario for Kollontai path to power I could see would be the following:
First and most importantly Lenin gets assassinated before he enacts the ban of factions. Than Stalin is taken out of the picture, either he dies or becomes disgraced for his failure of protecting Lenin
Kollontai meanwhile remains an important force in the Worker's Opposition and the Zhenotdel, the women's section of the Communist Part.

A major scandal compromises the mainstream establishment of the Worker's Opposition or whatever the the faction may be called in the thirties after some sort of stable internal party democracy has evolved. Drafting Kollontai as their candidate is seen as the only option for the Worker's Opposition to gain/remain in power. An outsider and yet simultaneously an elder statesman she wins the internal party elections an becomes the Soviet Union's leader.

As for Krupskay, the only way seeing her coming close to power would be utilizing her rivalry with Stalin. An interesting piece on their relationship can be found here.

The highlight of the article is probably this exchange:

After Lenin’s death Stalin started ignoring Krupskaya completely. It remains unclear how Stalin made Krupskaya move into the shadows. According to the British historian Robert Conquest, Stalin said to Krupskaya that if she didn’t stop criticizing him, the Party would announce that it was not her, but an old Bolshevik, Elena Stasova, who was Lenin’s real wife.
“You know that the Party can do that,” Stalin allegedly said.
"A chicken is not a bird and a woman is not a person", as the old Russian proverb goes. The first Soviet leaders were the products of society with such proverbs and general attitude, and aside from the facade of official feminism they were just as misogynic as their predecessors.